Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,16/10/18; Dejavu, we have seenthis before; Fox and Sky the children of Rupert; Jews and Gays of Wentworth; Gang Rape, Kavanaugh, and a Somali; Bolt found a reason for murder;

Image result for Images  of Murdoch media goading the Liberal Party
The faces of our most untrusted media, embarrassment and shame
Bolt says Morrison needs this respect!!! For News Corp and the IP to fully endorse him. Currently, they are trying to attach the strings.

He'd drop like a lead zeppelin if he took on Abbott's policies of more cuts to the ABC, more cuts to education and health. These were all disguised as reverse promises in the lead up to Abbott's win. Bolt no doubt supports the tactic that Trump took to a win lie your heart out. As long as you know Murdoch media and the IPA support you, you can promise anything and that's why Bolt challenges Morrison the Pentecostalism to lie like a Catholic. Australia well is secondary in all of this except in paying for it all and Australia, in this case, is not the economic elite. Politics is reduced to a game within a game that Australians and the ALP have been forced to watch at their expense.
The reality Turnbull was not only the most preferred but also the most likely to win the next election for the Libs and guaranteed it wasn't Abbott given the vote against him in Warringah recently. 

 The ‘Foxification’ of Australian politics hasn't left us.

How the right-wing media have given a megaphone to reactionary ...

Andrew Bolt draws his opinions from Fox  HQ

" Good move, even if the Prime Minister is desperately pandering to Jewish voters in Wentworth: " Bolt
Never mind the 10-year blockade of Gaza and the world's largest open-air concentration camp. Forget the mass slaughter of Palestinians 208 dead thousands on thousands wounded by sniper bullets. The targeting by Israeli snipers of medics and press and the withholding of medical equipment and medicines from Gazan hospitals it's Australian votes that count not human rights but the political game that counts.
"And why does Morrison say he's only "consider" the move? Both desperate and tentative?" Bolt
Even Bolt doesn't trust politicians on the center-Right However he shows just how unimportant people are in what he calls the game of politics where Trump is his king by example and death just a little collateral damage a natural part of the exercise.
One needs to note all this talk of West Jerusalem avoids mentioning what Israel has done in the occupied East.
The problem Sharma faces is that not all the Jews in Wentworth support the State of Israel.
And shame on Labor: Bolt
For what saying what even Bolt admits it's a ploy simply to hold onto Wentworth where even Labor fails out of conscience to go. It certainly highlights the difference between the two parties.
You have to laugh Bolt is trying to grab the credit for this ploy.
Well, it shows these ultra-right media spruikers haven't a taste for Trump withholding weapons from the Saudis either intentionally avoiding the issue and doing a Trump calling murder an act of unknown rogues and not in anyway ordered by the good prince. Not a peep as that might discredit Trump and the daily bullshit he offers. No rather the opposite. Remember when Bolt called him an idiot 12/10/16
Bolt's worried that the Ruddock Report leaked and yet to be released has the Liberals concerned
 Liberals and they “have to be a bit worried” after the leaking of a religious freedom report which moves for schools to be upfront about their policy on gay students and staff.
A report which Andrew says “has made the government look like a pack of bigots”.
“Particularly when the seat of Wentworth… has, what I’m told, the highest proportion of gays in the country.” Mind you Bolt insists he's not a bigot despite being against safe schools and for the teaching of Christian values and the right family structures and role models in government schools. He has only overheard the Wentworth demographic and "he believes it".


British passengers on a plane revolt to stop the deportation of a Somali: "One traveller complained: ‘They’re separating him from his family’, while others chanted ‘take him off the plane’ … One person was heard declaring: ‘You’re free, man!’" None bother to learn why he's being deported: he's a gang rapist whose mate fought for the Islamic State.
Amazing how Tim Blair and Andrew Bolt scour the world for crimes committed by refugees anywhere. They quietly insist white Western Christian Culture collectively punish all Muslims, Africans and anyone else they decide to target and punish them here in Australia by singling them out for crimes that occurred on the other side of the globe while insisting they aren't bigots. Yet when crimes are actually examined in the places Bevis and Butthead amplify and magnify it turns out their kind White Christians are the greatest perpetrators of these sort of crimes and are the most likely to be accused and more often to get away with it. Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rapist who not only got away with it but was promoted for it. His gang and their culture are still active today in US high schools and university campuses across America.
Guess Blair and Bolt will focus their attention on crimes committed in South Sudan to smear the South Sudanese here next. It's not an accident that these media goons look for stories to stereotype people and join forces to spread the news.


The latest Spectator Australia has a brilliant expose of Jamal Khashoggi,  murdered by the Saudis: "Khashoggi had dirt on Saudi links to al Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks. He had befriended Osama bin Laden  [and]  was employed by the Saudi intelligence services to try to persuade bin Laden to make peace with the Saudi royal family."


Bolt's become all excited to discover that the right wing has found justification for the Saudi murder of the journalist  Khashoggi and yes it can be found in that right-wing rag Bolt loves so much but I won't promote. There was Bolt the past few days telling us Trump was in trouble if an excuse for murder couldn't be found. Now we are told he was a terrorist sympathiser. But hello weren't Israel and the USA also terrorist sympathisers?
Trump found an excuse too " rogues did it". Whose the rogue Khashoggi or his killers the right seem confused? Bolt's quite the flag in a storm.
Fox Business keeps casting doubt on Saudi Arabia’s involvement in Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance


In 2014  Fairfax whined I'd resisted Rupert Murdoch's warmist belief: "Bolt, a climate change sceptic, seemed exasperated that anyone would think the announcement would change his mind." Now the ABC whines I'm a toady: "Much of News Corp treats... the threat to our planet with such contempt... Presumably, because Rupert Murdoch is a non-believer."  


This  Paywall to the Herald Sun doesn't really allow for Bolt to be entirely understood. Bolt seems to claim he was always a denier presumably of the sort he is today calling Warming Science no better than a cult and an alt-religion.

Lets look at what Bolt did say as far back as 2007

Whose the liar then? What shade of denial does Bolt advocate from one day to the next when he follows the "evidence". over  6000 peer-reviewed research papers have arrived at a consensus on the matter evidence Bolt rarely if at all he refers to. He turns to evidence of papers like that of Kench who admits his research was limited to the last century and that by the second half of this century coral reefs will indeed face a climatic threat. Bolt cherry picks his evidence and never really turns to more than a few papers. Remember his constant use of Spencer who he rarely quotes to let us know the planet is cooling. Bolt rarely turns to study like the IPCC the 6000 papers supporting warming. He simply does a Trump and says they have a vested interest in lying as if lying is what science and scientific method are all about.

Besides is warming science really isn't the object of our attention these days as much as the degree of CO2 emissions and the pollutants we are releasing into the atmosphere dirty energy vs clean and the future for our kids is what's at stake and Bolt seems favor the filth of coal when the majority of the planet have turned away from it.
Given that Bolt works for an oil man media research has shown that his employees are very influenced by his opinions so if proven Bolt doesn't refer to the vast evidence available and the editorial influence  Murdoch has globally for Bolt to say he's an outlier in News Corp and we look it's obvious Bolt is just another of Rupert's sock puppets. The ABC is right.


Bolt's hobby horse trying to convince Australia that reverse racism exists and that he's indigenous too. History and context dismantled in order to mask the truth. Guess Indigenous Australia were racists for not welcoming the colonization of Australia. But then that's of no consequence as far as Bolt is concerned. Bolt's statement make nonsense in any context other than to ensure the return of Abbott and the destruction of the party Menzie's founded.
It seems the best option for this divided party under siege by a minority within would be to cast them aside even if that means losing the next election. At least the reality of who they are would be clear and idiots like Bolt could continue to run around telling Australia they are the real indigenous Australians.
What Bolt failed to make clear in his post the Senate Vote and Hanson's proposition FAILED 

"The Coalition has blamed a rogue email from a minister's office for its "regrettable" decision to back One Nation leader Pauline Hanson's incendiary motion that declared, "It's OK to be white."
Senator Hanson's motion condemning so-called "anti-white racism" was defeated in the Senate on Monday, but was backed by 23 Coalition senators and strongly endorsed on Twitter afterwards by cabinet ministers."
If anybody has seen the proud photos of his home office one certainly can't believe he's going to furnish his home with IKEA furniture. He's such a pretender ready to say the first thing that pos into his head that he thinks will endear him to ordinary Australians. He certainly wouldn't say it in front of the likes of the Murdochs, Krogers and Credlins that's for su

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