Wednesday 14 November 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,14/11/18; The driving media voice behind Australia's own a Kristallnacht but against Muslims is Andrew Bolt; Two tales in the City; A dog Race;

You have to laugh don't you here's Bolt sitting behind a desk showing us a guy sitting behind a desk both saying basically what Bolt is saying "who the hell are they trying to fool." There is a difference Sheik Omar has an audience of around a hundred and Bolt in the palace of Sky News broadcasts to thousands and yet he's telling us Omran is the most dangerous. Aggressively cherrypicking to prove his case that we are victims of Islamic terrorism in Australia Bolt draws our attention to 5 people over 5 years between Melbourne and Sydney. Yes, 5 cases in a population of 10 million people. So he also throws in, lest we forget, some African gangs for good measure conflating the two for good measure to raise the numbers. However, in the case of the Sudanese gangs, his charlatan of shame intentionally overlooks the fact that the Sudanese are unlike Bolt practising Christians.
Sheik Omran has never been taken to court and never been judged a liar. Andrew Bolt has and more than once apologized under duress in a number of cases in order not to be sued. He's a professional Goebellian grub with 30 years of experience and a track record of commentary based on lies and loose facts. When someone shines the light of truth and reason on an event like the head of the AHRC or commands our respect like Gillian Triggs and says the opposite to Bolt he has to put them down. When people who knew Ali described his mental state as agitated psychotic and sick did Bolt turn to experts in the field of psychiatry no way too dangerous for his presentation he mumbled something about the police people who didn't know the man to say he was sane. Did Bolt actually ID his mystery experts on the mental health of Ali, no!
The fact is Bolt's not interested in understanding what happened nor is Matthew Guy or Scott Morrison here's an opportunity not to be missed to divide the nation on this in Pauline Hanson, Tony Abbott style Xenophobic and Nationalist. Divide us racially, ethnically culturally and religiously for political advantage to grab a few coins and votes. There is nothing new here Bolt's as much a firebrand preacher behind a desk in a uniform as much as Sheik Omran the difference, however, is patently clear the Sheik is defending his community Nationalist Xenophobic attack and Bolt is on the front foot trumpeting an attack and creating a ghost, a mythical monster who isn't there and the statistics, data and evidence collected by reasoned professionals is there to prove it. Not all commentators are Andrew Bolt and politicians.
 "Kristallnacht as a turning point. Kristallnacht changed the nature of the Nazi persecution of Jews from economic, political, and social to physical with beatings, incarceration, and murder; the event is often referred to as the beginning of the Holocaust."
According to Bolt Aussie Christians take drugs Aussie Muslims take religion but they have ICE in common and psychotic delusions that come with it. They have been sent on a mission and are going down in a ball of fire. The police knew both these young men and watched. Andrew Bolt ignores one completely the MSM prefer two very different tales in one city or is it a tale of two cities? One of a wild kid from Cooper Pedi and one more sinister a Muslim from Africa both with pregnant girlfriends both on drugs. It actually sounds like two Australian kids lives gone very wrong and psychotic. Go to the ICUs of any State Mental Health facilities and you will find more and on the edge.  (ODT)

  Bourke Street: How James "Jimmy" Gargasoulas became the monster who massacred

At his criminal trial, the prosecution and defence agreed that at the time of the Bourke Street massacre Gargasoulas was suffering from a drug-induced psychosis.
The diagnosis is meaningless at law, as Justice Mark Weinberg pointed out to the jury that heard the six charges of murder and 27 charges of reckless conduct endangering life.
‘You should know that delusions brought about by the use of drugs, self-induced drugs, such as ice, provide no defence to any criminal charge and do not affect criminal responsibility,’’ Justice Weinberg said.
Drugs aren't an issue for Andrew Bolt nor is the psychosis they cause.

 Australian man, Thai wife get death sentence for drug haul

Father of two charged with attempting to smuggle half a tonne of crystal meth.

 Image result for Image of a dog race

Bolt's calling for the LNP to "give up" push Bills through to fuck up the ALP before they get into power. Change the nature of all our institutions and stop the next government ruling this country effectively.  It's why we have had no government for the past 5 years.
How typical it's why Victoria's infrastructure program stalled because the Napthine Government signed contracts to build an unwanted freeway which too half a term for this government to unravel.  It allowed Abbott to withhold money promised until Turnbull succumbed to the fact that the people of this state were pissed off. Bolt's calling for the same tactics to be used here again. Do anything from here on in to give the next LNP Opposition leader an advantage to sink his teeth into isn't that Bolt hopes is his dog back Tony Abbott all tactics and no principles?  Fix the race
Image result for Image of Inspector clouseau in a uniform



Not for the first time do I wonder whether police are focussing more on tackling the meek rather than confronting the dangerous. An odd contrast on today's front page.

2m Link

 Bolt knows what's right ho ho. Attempting a bit of Bevis Blair humour here Butthead having a go at the Keystone Cops. The elite police should be on traffic control and traffic on Ice control and Jimmy G. Yes if you a cop you should be aware you will be called Keystones by Bolt. Police should be trained not in divisions but to simply do it all. Traffic, drugs, homicide intelligence no difference Bolt just dumb cops one and all. How our authorities must love Andrew Bolt. Why wasn't he charged for GBH in Carlton and why isn't there a law of GBH of the mouth now? Andrew Bolt really brushes Gargasoulas off as a bit of a joke that Jimmy should have been stopped by window washers even if he wasn't using his phone but not so that Muslim Ali guy he should have been shot at the traffic lights before he got to Bourke St. That's a Bolt thought bubble for you.

 All this coming from the guy who claims women as "fright bats",  that he was a "minder to a belly dancer" that mocked the concept of a Sudanese Beauty Contest and tried to heavy Miranda Devine on radio and was put in his box.  The man who talks of his family as luggage he has to take on holiday and resents being the only breadwinner in the family. Why is it the greatest media misogynists are so ready to project their own crimes onto others?


If only everyone was like me sings Nationalist Andrew Bolt.

 All it takes is single cases 5 in fact among a population of 10 million to accelerate the spending on National Security and surveillance. We have never in the history of this country been more watched and our private lives assailed than now. Billions have been spent all under the guise of protecting us from "terror plot's". The truth is not so considerate when seeing how these Security measures are actually used.Matthew Guy's $89m terror pledge includes ankle tags and CBD ban for suspects
Matthew Guy's $89m terror pledge includes ankle tags and CBD ban for suspects

 A 2018 U.N. report highlighted this trend of branding human rights defenders, activists, and experts as “terrorists,” in Algeria, Egypt, the Philippines, and elsewhere. The Center for Strategic and International Studies has also noted that several countries besides Nicaragua have used compliance with FATF counterterrorism measures to justify passing restrictive laws in recent years.
“From Brazil and Nicaragua to France and the U.K. to Kyrgyzstan and Australia, we’re seeing clampdowns that make it all too easy to label protesters, journalists, activists, political opponents, and others that the authorities want to neutralize as ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists,’” said Letta Tayler, a senior researcher on terrorism at Human Rights Watch. “We’ve seen a dangerous global spread of draconian counter-terrorism laws since the September 11, 2001 attacks. … Because the word terrorism is associated with atrocities, it’s now easy to get public buy-in to responses that break the law in the name of security.”


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