Tuesday 7 May 2019

Andrew Bolt's Blog,7/5/19; Keating has always been ahaed of opinionators like Andrew Bolt; So has Emma Thomson; Pompeo simply calls the illegal legal like all crooks do;


Excellent question: CNN published 200 students on the Covington Catholic students, who were falsely smeared as bigots, but it has published nothing of the Philadelphia Muslim students who were filmed vowing to behead Islam's enemies. Why?



Bolt does a Robert Di Natale on CNN and points out what they didn't write apparently it's what you don't say that's more important today than what you do. How does Andrew Bolt know he's an expert at it. Context history all is ignored as long as a single event at any time  can be used as fitting a Bolt generalisation. Anything will do as long as it supports his argument.Sounds as if when arguing with Bolt nobody can win even the dead. It explains you will ever catch him in a real debate without a get out of jail card which is usually his production team and his set. Bolt prefers preaching to a audience of believers only.


Sri Lanka protects itself: "Sri Lanka has expelled over 600 foreign nationals, including around 200 Islamic clerics, since the Easter suicide bombings blamed on a local terrorist group." 



What Andrew Bolt overlooks to say they were part of a crackdown on people who had overstayed their visas isn't that duplicitous of him? What he doesn't say is why the Sri Anka did that and how many Christians experinced the same?
Sky News isn't in Sri Lanka had Andrew Bolt been there he might well have been expelled. Had he been on air during the Christchurch shootings he would have been cut off, and it seems he has been from radio and podcasts and turned into a Paywall on his once opinionated blog. I'm happy to say if not expelled at least truncated. Bolt's greatest fear he'd have to share the consequences of right-wing terror against Muslims and he'd have no cover anymore trying to say he wasn't a recruiter of violence merely a commentator.



Let's do a Bolt and point to what McCrann doesn't write about.
1 The UK Parliament declared a Climate Emergency.
2 Scotland is soon to be the first country to run on 100% Renewables.
3The USA has just had higher power generated by Renewables than Coal, and  it has a Federal government against Renewables yet the collapse of the Economy Trump is bellowing about hasn't occurred. 
4 That Tony Abbott Australia's greatest denier has declared global warming a reality and that we need to stay with the Paris agreement.
5 There seems More not being said by McCrann, Bolt and News Corp than anywhere else in the world's media. Less reliable references less information and only propaganda which should fall under the false advertising laws.



 What we have here is Andrew Bolt's real job selling a product, a False one. Yeterday he was praising Dr Fisher another savant scientist employed by the fossil fuel industry noted for his lack of integrity in issuing a report that News Corp put on it's front page without acknowledging that Climate Science as whole deemed false and even Fisher admitting his report was meant to be "controversial" at best.

So CO2 out of chimneys can't be seen. That's a little like Bolt claiming he's an Indigenous Australian and that should be clear to everyone. Global warming is nonsense, and you've read it hear said by Andrew Bolt who like his mate Tony Abbott swings on a carousel of convenience that suits only them. It's paid for ride. Investment is a cost to them, and cost reductions in terms of health and other preventative measures never accounted for.


Germany's green energy push ends in disaster: the highest power prices in Europe, massive spending wasted, public fury at the vandalism: "Over the past five years alone, the Energiewende has cost Germany €32 billion (AU$51 billion) annually, and opposition to renewables is growing in the German countryside."


"The protesters would prefer small and decentralized stations using power produced near where it is used and have proposed an alternative plan to divide Germany up into 80 areas which would each produce electricity for the end user. " News
It seems what Bolt is not telling you the protests aren't against renewable energy at all, but it's centralization. They aren't about costs it seems either. These aren't demonstrations 'for' coal at all.
  The SuedLink is a key part of Germany's energy reorganization program, which includes the 6 remaining nuclear power stations coming off the grid by 2022. The objective is to have 80% of Germany's power supplies generated by renewable energy by 2050.

What seems to be happening is Bolt cherry picking his stats
Figure 2: Portion of a day's wages needed to buy the average day of electricity usage [i]

 What is being shown here is that Australian electricity prices aren't as high as Andrew Bolt likes to suggest. There are countries far more reliant on coal that are less industrialised yet more expensive than Germany and far more expensive than Australia that the LNP says is fact. The joke is that Bolt dreams of retirement in the Netherlands where the cost of electricity is higher.


Why must artists in the West submit to Islamic blasphemy laws?: "A top art gallery was forced to cover two paintings last week after complaints from Muslims that they were 'blasphemous'... Exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery by an artist known as SKU, the works overlaid Arabic script on nude images." This is not the first time the West has caved.


A recent report by Essential showe religion and nationality isn't an important factor in Australians decision who comes here. It makes Bolt the exception when he yells "who let them in" 

Andrew Bolt makes his banner seem a right-wing fascist order to me and exactly how he sounds when he uses the words "must not" against others.
 Bolt doesn't seem to understand when an event is an event but not a trend. His too  merely a cry of one person taking offence; it is not a trend or equivalent to the ransacking of Christian rights. Bolt loves making mountains out of molehills looking for events to fit his bigoted world view to justify his vilification a whole religious class and in this case Islam and Muslims. Christians are doing the same world over, and have set a trend and Bolt ignores them. Yes Bolt, individuals are offended, and you are one of the constant offenders and abusers of others, but you too are just an individual with the power of a Murdoch megaphone that makes the difference but your not a trend. That's not a privilege everyone has to be an influencer.
Oh, Bolt has forgotten the days of Piss Christ and the Movies about Christ when Christians demanded they were blasphemous right here in Bolt's own Melbourne. Don't forget Bill Henson who was called out as a child pornographer for his art. His show was closed until a court had made a decision. Maybe that's what Saatchi Gallery was required to do when they covered up that art. 
Bolt took his vigilante bigotry into his own hands when he defamed Yassmin Abdel Magied and drove her out of Australia for just about everything she did, and she's very much missed individual. 

These days exceptions aren't even made for what Bolt regards as blasphemy. Posters and videos of Tony Abbott in Warringah because they are true and the norm. Nor is the extra artwork added to posters of Josh Frydenberg in Kooyong. It seems good western God bothering Christians are the only ones who have the right of complaint to demonstrate but Muslims as far as Bolt is concerned aren't that right. They are the exception who have no rights as individuals to take offence in Bolt's world. Oh, nor do Indigenous Australians if and when they complaining about Christians walking or abusing their sacred sites. The left aren't allowed to complain only the right have that right.
 Yes, Andrew Bolt happily ran Yassmin out of town for her "blasphemous "Eastern ideas about the ANZACS. Bolt loved that hateful opportunity to call Yassmin out as a Muslim rather than an Australian with the right of opinion.  He made her fearful as he is and as his wife is. He's not an Australian comfortable in his own skin. What about Andrew Bolt who claims he was a totally misjudged individual and not a bigot or racis yet he was declared a vilifier by our courts of Indigenous Australians and many others. He once wanted his opinions tested and judged in our courts and was found guilty instead. Why must anyone be restricted by any laws Bolt cried out then when even his News Corp legal team no longer wanted to dfend him.
Today, if a Muslim takes offence to anything Bolt, he is there to condemn them as a Muslims first not just as individuals.  1.8 billion Muslims didn't attack Saatchi Galleries hundreds didn't attack Saatchi or demand what Christians can or can't see. Bolt isn't even the flip side equivalent of that protesting Muslim. He's a town crier calling Christians to arms when he declares he's not also a Christian just a hypocrite who hides behind his front gate because he might be glittered.

Vintage Paul Keating steals the best lines at Bill Shorten’s big show

Vintage Paul Keating steals the best lines at Bill Shorten’s big show

 “No, no, it's about the economy and society,” said Keating.

“The economy is there for society. The Liberals have nothing to offer. You know, I'm surprised how threadbare their program is. If you look, there is no panorama. There's no vista. There's no shape... And what's their plea? Trickle down economics and a tax cut five years away.”

As for the Coalition’s reliance upon coal for future power production...

“Look, coal was the fuel of the industrial revolution 250 years ago,” pronounced Keating.

“It's all over.

“There's the Prime Minister walking around with a lump of coal. Coal is a fossil. The Prime Minister is a fossil himself, a fossil with a baseball cap, but a fossil.



Emma Thompson, warmist crusader: "We should all fly less." Thompson, hypocrite: "Thompson ... took her personal booth in the luxury cabin of a British Airways flight from Heathrow to JFK." Thompson, finger waver: "The Meat Free Monday campaign... is also backed by... Thompson." Thompson in seat 2F: "Onlookers claim [she] dined on beef carpaccio."  



Andrew Bolt, who prefers that the poor be restricted from driving rather than he be forced to give up his petrol guzzler and coal burning stove has in his usual Liberal form found a woman to bash and play whack-a-mole with Emma Thompson. Thompson seems a little too modern and outspoken for Bolt like Yassmin Abdel-Magied once did. They were both educated women fully aware that the very early stages of the industrial revolution had passed after 250 years and we were entering a new cleaner era for everyone and that the days of death in coal mines and the hope of their full automation was over. They realised better use could be made of the land and water than is being done now.
Bolt prefers to leave his dog's shit on the ground wherever they feel free along with his opinions. Spread in as many places as possible for others to clean up. His views seemingly irrelevant and as wanted as his Dutch barge dogs droppings are found fewer places these days. His radio and podcast s gone, and his daily blog presence shrunk. What will he do after the ALP wins the election?

Jon Queally, staff writer

"Attacking [Venezuela] for any reason," warned one legal expert, "would violate the most fundamental of all international law."

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