Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Fighting Fake News, 18/6/19; News Corp's two-faced News; Climate is a Class war; Trump's Fury and rage against the Truth; Bigotry that ignores others;
Before the election, The Australianeditorial claimed:
‘The Coalition offers
prudent fiscal consolidation and debt reduction, a mechanism to reduce
tax and control spending, a plan to ease cost-of-living pressures on
families ...’
After the election, a columnist in the same newspaper admitted:
Unemployment rose during the recent election campaign and
underemployment is a serious drag on the economy, which is expected to
get worse. This week’s gross domestic product numbers revealed anaemic
growth ...
Throw in the cut to interest rates on Tuesday, with signals that
further rate cuts are likely and let’s ask ourselves how the twice
re-elected Coalition Government has done since its “jobs and growth”
Climate Change will soon reveal itself for what it always has been a class war were facts, and science are denied for the sake of retaining political and material power. Truth is unlikely to be found in anything ultra-conservatives are saying and in Australia News Corp 2GB, and the IPA are their messengers. (ODT)
The head of the international trade union movement has unleashed on Australians who are putting coal jobs ahead of environmental concerns.
One thing is for certain is you can build Nuclear plants and Coal-Fired power plants, but by the time they are built, nobody will bother to turn them on. It's why Adani is trying to sell his billion dollar plant for a $1 and is now building India's biggest Solar plant (ODT)
The head of the international trade union movement has warned Australian unionists against putting coal jobs ahead of environmental concerns, as the CFMMEU pushes Adani for a commitment to long-term jobs at its controversial Queensland mine. "There are no jobs on a dead planet," the International Trade Union Confederation's general secretary, Sharan Burrow, told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
But asked whether respondents agreed or disagreed with the statement “I would be comfortable living close to a nuclear power plant”, only 28% agreed and 60% disagreed.
Andrew Bolt made out yesterday he would love one in his backyard, and he's previously been known to say he'd holiday in Chernobyl and Fukushima. The control of a nation's energy is the control of its people, and renewables are a direct threat to that. (ODT)
The US President claims polls showing him losing are "phony", but insiders say he is deeply worried about Biden.
TV advertising is the reality of the Trump Show in America. Meanwhile, political reality has been left to other Nations to broadcast as if on another planet (OTD)
Trump insists he's taking fearsome actions against enemies he isn't actually taking, blames the media for fabricating polls that accurately depict his deep unpopularity, and even pretends large protests greeting him abroad simply never happened.
Every story Trump is trying to swamp America with and has been being a story that is, in fact, bringing him down in the eyes of the public Collusion and Obstruction, The Mueller Report, The Economy, Mexico, Slow Joe Biden is spin trying to reverse the flagging ratings he's showing. The sacking anyone whose revealing the TRUTH.
Eva Cox gets the prize for the craziest thing said here while I was away. Perfect proof that the Left is now the enemy of free speech, and does not even feel shame in that. And the worst of it is that Cox is actually an academic openly calling for some debates to be banned.
"Eva Cox gets the prize for the craziest thing said here while I was away. Perfect proof that the Left is now the enemy of free speech, and does not even feel shame in that. (Bolt)
Firstly Eva Cox said this while Bolt was in the building and not while he was away. How often have we heard Andrew Bolt cry out for "mannered debate" none of which he practises? The Bolt Report isn't consistent with any" debate forum" known to man but like Cox Bolt calls for anger to be taken away from anything said. Remember his declaration, that everyone laughed at, that he's more Indigenous than Adam Goodes simply because of his age? Now that's a sign and level of his IQ, and it's why he's not an Academic but a University failure. Let's be fair Goodes pointed out the level of racism in this country when he pointed out a 13-year-old white girl for calling him an "ape". Bolt has been heard calling adolescent Sudanese kids as unwanted he's laughed and mocked teenage Sudanese girls for having a beauty contest and here he is back abusing Adam Goodes for calling out the real racism that exists in this country. While Bolt tries to convince his audience that he and whites are the victim of Goode's anger and his response justified and understandable. Bolt's indignation is just a smokescreen and racism in denial. The moral high horse he's on is, in fact, a miniature pony.
" “Maybe we need short-term bans on particular behaviours and things. If somebody wants to run a Nazi meeting and it starts getting really nasty, you just ban them.” Eva Cox
It may seem that Bolt and Cox are on the same page. However, equivalency is the Trumpism that has attempted to escape the reality of white supremacist violence. Bolt actually believes our Cultural Institutions are not Democratic but have been overtaken by the radical Left. It's why he says Cox's claim for manners would allow "letting “angry” people determine which topics can’t be discussed. Bolt actually practices the reverse claiming only Conservatives do that fairly. That his show does that and if you don't wear his clothes and his shoes your naturally "unfair".
He couldn't possibly agree to let our current Universities be like. The Bolt Report provides a platform for racists, anti- multiculturalists, Climate deniers etc. and no angry or polite opposition to Bolt is tolerated?
The substantive difference is that Eva Cox, unlike Andrew Bolt, does encourage real "debate" whereas The Bolt Report doesn't. Unless he has a protected platform, he's the antithesis of real debator. Bolt needs to remain behind his moderated media curtain.
In a world dominated by Conservative Media and associations like the IPA Bolt's "mannered debate" merely shackles and polices any opposition or anger, they give birth to with fake news and the propaganda of their minority supporters. It, however, dominates our landscape and masks that majority reality. How Trumpist is that?
However, this was not the first time offensive remarks had put an unwanted spotlight on the Victorian branch: last year, the Liberals suffered another blow when homophobic and racist text messages exchanged by then party heavyweights Marcus Bastiaan and Paul Mitchell, were published in The Age.
Guess the Liberal Party in Victoria think Bolt's fool too.
DoesBolt shun Greek civilisation on which his Western Civilisation was built they practised pedophilia too? Andrew Bolt's bigotry stems from his Culturally Imperialist mind set. Bolt doesn't seem to know the difference between art and the artist between science and the scientist.His attitudes seem driven by his personal moral bigotry and swings from his dislike of the individual to his work. Does he do it generally no. He admires and promotes Milo's work and doesn't judge his personal habits. He never says the same of Gaughan, Whiteley or Picasso and their habits which are very different to Andrew Bolt's. He's cherry picking for a purpose and that purpose is to make a universal statement about a class of people in general about the cultures of some and about the sexuality of others. He's not direct but his general principle is one he should apply to himself. However in his case he is a bigot and his work has been judged as such as well. But not in the case of Donald Friend.
He doesn't just admire saints, does he? What it says is Bolt is working his butt off not for any principle of Art, Journalism or even good commentary. No, he wants to impress an audience and those he wants to impress. He changes like the wind on any other day. It's what makes him a bigot and not by accident but his Imperialistic bent. He's an Assimilationist who demands differences be ruled out and morally policed.
What he is doing here is actually casting an enormous shadow on the Balinese people that actually accepted Friend, unlike Bolt and his friends, the ultra-bigots in Australia, who disapproved. The Indonesians were smart in one very essential way the got rid of the Dutch who were moralists like Bolt. It seems Bolt wants to impress the ultra bigots in this country by appearing noble and screw alternative sexuality, their art and even the Balinese. He's performing a team and not any principle. After all he certainly champions Milo Yiannopolous doesn't he?
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