Saturday, 8 June 2019

Fighting Fake News,8/6/19; Peter Dutton insists we need to be like Turkey, Rangoon for his safety and security; The Real State of the Economy not told;

 Protestors at the ABC in Sydney during the Australian Federal Police raid on Wednesday.

 Exposed: a second-rate country unwilling to defend press freedom

What an irony. As the free world celebrates D-day and the heroes who kept it free from the Gestapo’s “knock on the door”, the international news on the BBC leads with the spectacle of the police raid on the ABC offices.This could not happen in other advanced democracies, which all have constitutional protections for journalists and their sources of information, although of course it does go on in Istanbul and Rangoon – and now in Sydney. How did we become so out of sync on press freedom, invasions of which are the sign of a second-rate country?

 Lawmakers have yet to take concrete action against fake news and misinformation.

 Half of Americans see fake news as bigger threat than terrorism, study finds | US news | The Guardian

Australia doesn't care about Fake News it cares about Real News getting out (ODT) 


Almost 70% of Americans feel fake news has greatly affected their confidence in government institutions, a new study says

Data Dumped: it’s all bad news for the Australian economy

 Data Dumped: it's all bad news for the Australian economy - Michael West


If Prime Minister Scott Morrison went to the election in May to beat potentially bad economic news, it was an extremely well-judged decision. Alan Austin reports.
THE LATEST data dumps confirm the current administration is not only the worst economic manager in Australia’s post-war history, if not all its history, but one of the two or three worst in the developed world. If Prime Minister Scott Morrison went to the election in May to beat potentially bad economic news, it was an extremely well-judged decision.
Virtually all critical indicators of economic health have deteriorated substantially since the 2013 election. That decline appears to have accelerated since the 2016 election. Few, if any, of these outcomes, have been reported accurately by mainstream economics reporters.

Economic growth ranking plummets

Interest rates indictment

Housing at an all-time low

Gross debt second worst in the OECD

Unemployment lagging

Retail sales slide worsens

 Fact check: Employment in Australia is worse than you think 

 AFL and all 18 clubs apologise to Goodes for 'failing to call out racism'

AFL and all 18 clubs issue apology to Adam Goodes - Sen

years later, the AFL industry faces up to its role in Sydney champion's departure from the game
Andrew Bolt will never apologise to reverse racism that doesn't exist. His was Fake News Corp News. The AFL has apologised "unreservedly" because a documentary has shifted its blind and racist opinions. (ODT)

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