Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real,17/7/19; You can't get more primative than the frat brat Trump bellowing I'm the victim the victim here; The definition of an uneducated bully wanting to take over the schoolyard un supervised;

Donald Trump called the four congresswomen, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (right), socialists who hate Israel.

Trump has publicly grabbed Lady Liberty by the Pussy and Raped her in front of all Americans and heard some cheer. It could well have been a public lynching to set the divide for 2020 (ODT)

Facing censure, Trump insists there is 'not a racist bone in my body'.

US President Donald Trump has said that his tweets suggesting four Democratic congresswomen of colour return to their countries 'were NOT Racist'.

Trump’s America is a 'white man’s country.'

As a Chief Ratings, Chaser Trump gets what he wants, but ratings simply don't reveal any quality or truth. If ever there was a case to send people to be re-educated, Donald Trump sits at the top of the list.(ODT)

If Donald Trump has a theory of anything, it is a theory of US citizenship. It's simple. If you are white, then regardless of origin, you have a legitimate claim to US citizenship and everything that comes with it. If you are not, then you don't.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks at a news conference with, from left, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley. "This is the agenda of white nationalists ... this is his plan to pit us against one another," said Ms Omar.

 "he appealed to fellow Republicans to "not show weakness" and to resist a House resolution condemning his words. 

"I don't have a Racist bone in my body!" Trump exclaimed on Twitter, a day after declaring that "many people agree" with his assessment of the four freshman legislators. "Many" as is Trump's want to talk about only live in his imagination they are never specified. He simply has the ratings and the attention of the world in his version of The Hunger Games.
At the Capitol, there was near-unanimous condemnation from Democrats and a rumble of discontent from a subset of Republicans, but notably not from the party's congressional leaders.

Fundamentally Trump has turned his back on policy debate and turned America into a personal slugging match that he hopes will divide the Union, enable violence and declare a State of Emergency. Trump needs a war and America is to be his battleground. (ODT)

Responding to Uighur criticism, Chinese diplomat trolls the US over race

Since when has "troll" become English for truth? As far as detention is concerned Australia seems to have set the bar as low as it can go since WW2 (ODT)
In a series of tweets that began on Saturday, the deputy chief of mission at the Chinese embassy in Islamabad issued condemnations of the United States' legacy of racism, religious intolerance, gun violence, Internet surveillance, income inequality, the problem of sexual harassment and more.



Remember how Mitt Romney’s dumped his foreign policy spokesman, Richard Grenell?: "Conservatives also expressed alarm over... a campaign aide who is not just gay, but has also publicly endorsed same-sex marriage." So I gag at Romney's sanctimonious attack on Trump: "The President... has a unique and noble calling to unite the American people."Bolt

 Bolt ducks the issue and attacks a Republican simply because he hasn't a leg to stand on. If he claims Trump to be right and not Racist, just a plain speaker, he'll find himself between a rock and a hard place morally. So go for a Republican who hates what Trump represents. No principle offered here Bolt like Trump only ever plays for a side and finds it more comfortable to attack individuals. So much so he isn't really saying anything about what's been happening. The fact is Trump's kneejerk racist rant followed his watching Fox and Friends as he does every morning and they are a Klan of Fox Corp and Trump media. 
 The fact is Trump has little ability to address policy, so like Bolt, he strikes out at the individuals too. However, in doing so, quickly shows his  Racial American Dream, but not The American Dream. Bolt does the same and does it regularly but hasn't an audience or ratings Trump has. So now his blog is just a vehicle to sell subscriptions. ODT)


When will Australia's Left realise that the rulers of Gaza are evil? "We demand lasting justice for Gaza," cries the ACTU, attacking "Israeli military attacks" in self-defence. Kill "every Jew possible", says a senior member of the political bureau of Hamas, rulers of Gaza. 
When will realise all Palestinians aren't Hamas, but Israel treats them as if they were and simply kills maims and injures them at will for simply being Palestinians. The voice of the ACTU realises that, and they aren't advocating death in retaliation as the solution. Why is it though the alt-Right have been far more violent than the Left? Why is it Bolt's employers News Corp allow him to continue enabling defending that violence?
Why is Bolt working for News Corp? He's undoubtedly spent years trying to be Australia's, Moral Master. News Corp and Sky are actually in the business of just that. News Corp pushes Bolt's right to be racist, allowing and supporting his most idiotic racist tropes that he's more indigenous than a majority of Aboriginal Australians. That white Australia is the victim of historical lies. News Corp's directors apparently have the right to sell and promote this bigotry even after the courts have declared Andrew Bolt, a vilifier.
As for businessmen sitting on boards and CEO knowing more than their workers about business Bolt shows himself to even be a greater fool and ignorant. Countries with a far better history in general business and outcomes long ago adopted the German model which necessitates a 50/50 shareholder and worker representation and a 40/60 split, either way, one of men and women rather than the adversarial one we support. Our model seems to always encourage the worst of outcomes for workers. 
So yes, what does make businessmen our economic masters? That's definitely the lack of wanted optics on their part as we have recently been witness to. What's wrong with optics or transparency? News Corp is in the business of trying to change and influence optics but is also not in the business of welcoming any investigation. Whereas retailers know the power of the public opinion and realise if 80% of Australians support a change and don't believe in the LNP IPA and News Corp policies they too are entitled to let their clients know. They don't support the call that the Uluru statement is demanding the 3rd Chamber.


On June 11, the ABC slimed Pauline Hanson. Only on July 11 did the ABC correct it: "On 11 June the presenter of The Drum stated that Pauline Hanson had been convicted and jailed for electoral fraud. The program should have made clear that after an appeal to the Court of Appeal, the conviction was quashed." And see where that correction is buried 

No, they shouldn't she was jailed at the behest of Tony Abbott who worked diligently to ensure that she was. Hanson's whole history wasn't really of any consequence as Tony Abbott's at the time. Bolt doesn't off any context to his trivial pursuit.

What's not sad is that the UK and Boris Johnson have publicly stated they don't adopt the Trump position on Iran. I think that's far more important news than what Bolt's flogging here.


Once whites like me joined blacks in fighting racism. Now we're told to support racism, as it's changed from a tool of oppression to a weapon of advantage. That's the message I get from the ABC's Sami Shah and Labor's Linda Burney, now more influential than millions of poorer whites yet defending race-based welfare. Watch their responses on Q&A. 
When did Bolt join blacks in fighting racism? He's continuously claimed to be a victim of it. When has he been told to support racism? Racism has always been a weapon of disadvantage, and pointing that out with a reason to the fact, politely or with anger, is racist and to deny it is racist. Bolt's argument is fake, and if it's the "message he gets" he is racist and is blind to the nation's history. He's little more than a Klansman with a tin ear.
There has never been a white class in Australia no matter their origin or heritage worse off than and treated more poorly than the Indigenous. If Bolt has other statistics historical and current, he doesn't reveal them.


VIDEO  Yesterday: "People are being urged to dob in racists... Victoria’s discrimination watchdog fears racist behaviour — especially towards people of African background and Muslims — is going unreported." Also yesterday: "[Sudanese Australian] Adau Mornyang...   called another flight attendant 'dumb white trash'." And a VCE paper slimed Israel. 
Let's have  Andrew Bolt charged again and let's see if the businessmen at News Corp protect him with their legal teams. If he loses will they refuse to appeal the decision yet again like they did once before? It's time Bolt was tested for enabling others to hate and violence and being directly racist himself.

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