Thursday, 18 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real,18/7/19; Koalas not wanted; Israeli Lobby who supports them and is there a conflict of interest when only one opinion is ever reported?;

Slaughtering koalas — the Liberal Party way

Slaughtering koalas — the Liberal Party way

The South Australian Liberal Government is proposing to "cull" koalas and other threatened native species.
 Koalas on Kangaroo Island were targeted as the first cab off the killing rank.
Long-nosed fur seals were also targeted because 'as a group of animals living around a fishery, were causing aggravation’. 
Yet just a couple of weeks ago, a study was published demonstrating that Kangaroo Island’s koalas 'could be the last in the country that is entirely free of chlamydia'.
University of Adelaide PhD candidate Jessica Fabijan told the media:
 Koalas are cornered in islands of bushlands surrounded by urban development, struggling to cope, with the loss of habitat driving them onto roads and dog attacks.
So kill them and fuck their symbolic value to our country. Koalas can live on in holograms, on tea towels and sanctuaries. Gosh, as can Indigenous Australians who we said weren't actually ever here enabling them to be culled in secret for their land too. (ODT)

Who cares?

So who cares? Anyone?
What kind of religion does the PM Scott Morrison worship that allows the destruction of Creation?
I'm not the only person in Australia weeping at my desk as I witness the terrible deliberate extermination of defenceless animals.   
If the tears of concerned Australians were measured, there would be a very large ocean.

Andrew Bolt lives in fear that he just might be outed for racism again. He could make a public claim that he's the real 'victim' of black racism and that whites have always been the victims of whinging blacks. A claim that reverse racism exists and therefore, there is an equivalence.  If racism is equivalent between black and white, then the policing ought to be dropped because of it's then simply a matter of free speech. That alone makes Bolt an Australian Klansman, with a heart of hate. A convicted vilifier who can't look history in the eye and who bragged "I had a black mate once in school" but not any longer. You're not hiding Andrew Bolt yours is a total denial and like the Colonials that landed here and wanted the land wrote nobody lives here.

I have 4 cars and will as of today never buy Bridgestone tyres. 
The reply I wrote when Bolt advertised his show last night


On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm:  I'll show you the Hamas official who has told Palestinians around the world to kill Jews - as many as they can find. Why no mention today on the ABC? It's this silence that breeds the growing hatred of Israel. Plus the Australian boss of Adani on being taken to court - is Labor still trying to hurt his mine? 
Bolt's selective single stories are designed to produce the widest generalisations against a political minority in this case Hamas to boost the rapidly failing stocks of Israel, why? Because Israel is no longer a victim but the aggressor they would like not to be perceived as since the 6 Day War.  Bolt will always be able to find a Hamas official's anger, but he ignores the Rabbis and Israeli politician's reciprocal message calling on the extinction of all Palestinians especially their children they describe as rats. Do the body and arrest accounts and ask whose practising what they preach.
Bolt never discusses body counts injuries and only seems to deliver the information provided by Israel paid to lobby in Australia. Yet Bolt seems to feel entitled to restrict his supposedly non-biased and prejudicial information and attack the ABC when it doesn't merely accept the Israeli lobby's truth. Their silence is apparently is more biased than Bolt's Bull. Let's face it Jews, and Israelis, in general, don't believe their own government and Netanyahu is now scrambling to even stay their leader. 
Andrew Bolt is running a paid advertorial a PR show for Israel the same as the "Outsiders" did, just last month, and The Spectator edited by Rowan Dean published the same word for word in the same week as if two opinions. They seemed more paraphrased copy, rather than two views.
This is a regular and ongoing strategy paid for globally by Israel that Palestine can never afford. It's not strange that it's Murdoch media, which happens to be their biggest PR agency. Rupert Murdoch happens to be on the board of Genie Oil exploring in the illegally occupied territory of Syria, the Golan heights. How Quid pro Quo can this relationship be?

Read this and then watch the Bolt defence.


 Adani pirates hold Australia hostage.


The last I heard there is a right of protest in the Australian Democracy and it can take whatever form we like even a technicality that provides space to appeal. Bolt could have appealed Mordecai Blomberg guilty decision if he'd wanted and  Bolt did want and would have. However, Murdoch's legal team said no because they must have felt he was guilty as charged and had no grounds.
Not the case here it seems. The question one wonders is why Adani is insisting on the names of the CSIRO scientists that ran a report suggesting the figures Adani presented were false? Is a self-defined "admin error" sufficient or should that error be defined by a third party? A technical error isn't an administrative error, is it?
Bolt, however, is pushing the point that if a surgeon reports that he cut the wrong leg off a patient, he really shouldn't be taken to court because he's declared the administrative error. How unfair to pursue the action. Dumb lawyer Bolt is thanked god he's not a judge. Lucas Dow is simply present and there like a stooge to Bolt's editorial the primary reason for the interview If he were a judge he'd be forced to recuse himself. 


What goes through the minds of some people?: "The head of a large mortgage brokering company is facing court for allegedly paying his Filipino nanny just $2 an hour for working more than 100 hours a week. The Fair Work Ombudsman  has accused Tony Lam, managing director of Award Mortage Solutions, of underpaying the worker $155,178." 
Andrew Bolt argued a few days ago that "businessmen" were wiser than their labour they sure are when it comes to lining their pockets at the expense of their workers. But why has it drawn Bolt's attention? Is it because Mr Lam is Chinese. If he'd been a senior executive of News Corp would Bolt have paid as much attention? Given he's just looking for subscriptions why did Bolt choose to out  Mr Lam?
 Anyway, it's why Unions are a must because the crimes committed by the business class are costing the nation billions of dollars and far outweigh those of the working class. These examples highlighted aren't exceptions to the rule they are crimes being committed en-mass and little, or nothing is being done about it. Screwing your workers is as big a sport as tax evasion. From the most prominent corporations to small business, we daily see these crimes being committed with impunity. Role models abound and show the incentives that can be gained in the future to the next generation of businessmen. So much so it has been part of our culture since the Rum Rebellion. Capitalism has failed, the free market is a success, yes, but for just a few, and the current LNP government aims to deregulate even more to make things easier. Any wonder Australia has fallen in the global corruption and tranparency scale.


The fine is dwarfed by the money taken: "George Calombaris has been slapped with a $200,000 fine after admitting to underpaying staff... nearly $8 million. The celebrity chef and MasterChef host has agreed to make the 'contrition payment' as part of a deal with the Fair Work Ombudsman after more than 500... employees were underpaid. 
Incentivising Corporate crime is the slap on the wrist punishment handed out to the men Bolt said were so smart. Aboriginal kid nicks a Mars  Bar and gets 3months his mother doesn't pay her parking fines and gets 6. Developers tear down a heritage building get a $1 million fine but allowed to continue with their development. They also clad previous buildings inflammable material and don't have to resolve the issue. Calombaris gets a 2.5% fine for ripping his workers off. But Bolt, the LNP and the IPA want to get rid of the Unions altogether. Capitalism is Broken; it only works for 1%. Socialism isn't Communism; it's the state ensuring the interests of everyone's universal rights for a start.


Another MeToo fail; another career ruined: "Prosecutors have dropped a sexual assault case against Kevin Spacey... The former House of Cards star had been charged with... allegedly groping an 18-year-old man... Spacey’s accuser ... invoked the Fifth Amendment when asked about deleting messages from his phone that might have indicated he consented."  
This wasn't a 'me too'fail at all. Spacey doesn't in any sense represent a class of wrongly accused victims. Given his history, which is a matter of public record, he managed to get away with it legally.
If one was looking for balance, we generally say our courts work. But then it's apparent Andrew Bolt is not looking anything like balance.
 He doesn't list the number of women that have been raped and had no recourse in the courts because their whole history is examined as if they were asking for it and like Spacey the accused his past was not. Not in court anyway. It doesn't seem that the whole of Spacey's life was tested publicly in the same way as his victims were in court. Other than by the likes of Murdoch media or some media that made money out of it. 
Will Spacey now take action against the press and will it be Murdoch's? Bolt doesn't seem to be apologising for the fact they made money while the sun shone down on Spacey, is he? They were sued by Rush and now a facing another action for defamation from Jarret for publishing 'fake news'. Their happy no doubt to take a slap on the wrist because their legal costs might just be insured.

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