Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the US President, says she was taken aback when she realised her high profile meeting in North Korea wasn’t with socialite and entertainer Kim Kardashian.“When dad said ‘can you sit in on a meeting with Kim for me?’ I jumped at the chance. And then some weird-looking Asian dude walks into the room,” she explained.
“I mean, sure, they told me the meeting was with the head of North Korea. But I just assumed North Korea must be some new fashion label that Kim had started. Turns out it’s a whole country”.
She said she it was a total waste of her time. “I was thinking that we could’ve got some great pics for our Instagrams, but instead I’m stuck with this weirdo guy for half an hour. He didn’t even speak American”.
The despotic leader – often described as childish and erratic – was unable to attend, and sent his daughter in his place.
The ANDY NGO STORY is well past its use-by date in the USA and the UK in all of Murdoch's English Speaking universe but yesterday's shrinking commentator Andrew Bolt in Melb won't let it go why? Because last week he likened himself to the victim Andy Ngo and was caught out with his tawdry attempt to tell us he was an Antifa victim too rather than an aggressor in his effort to commit GBH on two pranksters who had merely "glittered" him.
Yes someone did attack Ngo, and he also was "milked". However "the attacker" was never identified and there were more than just one left and right-wing groups there along with others present for nothing other than the pleasure of the rumble. Nobody has been or will be arrested, and even the police haven't named Antifa as the protagonists. Fox News did for a moment and removed their accusations. It seems Bolt is the only one trying to keep the fake news going.
Given that Ngo was crowdfunded to the tune of $60,000, it's reasonable to ask whether or not he set this up himself? Bolt omits these and other facts in his version of confrontation which looks as if Ngo had intentionally placed himself in a place to be punched and robbed by just a single attacker while the mob were throwing milkshake at him. $60k a reasonable motive, wouldn't you think?
VIDEO Had a great time on the Young IPA show with hosts James Bolt and Peter Gregory talking about how allegedly good people do such bad. For instance: the bashing of Andy Ngo and the monstering of Israel Folau. Watch here or download the podcast.
Liberal director Simon Frost resigns after only months in the job
He also served as Victorian director for about two years, after being appointed to the role when former director Damien Mantach was jailed for embezzling $1.5 million in party funds.
Does this seem to indicate improving the quality of the Liberal Party or a man moving out of the way of the firing line before the shit hits the fan? Frost is moving to hide in plain sight and not be caught as Director in the oncoming economic storm that's coming. He can't be fired nor be promoted, so move him to higher ground and hope nobody notices. Who's going to be handed the poison chalice?
Things must be bad when Murdoch media turns on the Lib Party who they supported during the election 5 weeks ago as the party with the economic chops. The Party they now claim is doing nothing to keep us safe. Talk about twisted hypocrites. It goes to show what little value they were as News providers. While Emma Alberici and the ABC were delivering the real economic facts, these turds joined the government in trying to silence and sack her are now singing from her songbook. A Treasurer who tells the country a 1% Cash Rate is great, and everything is alright is a Fake and a Farce and no longer has any support. So Morrison the advertising man is about to spend taxpayer money on blitzing the country on it's $158 mill tax plan and do nothing else. All in the hope of achieving a one-dollar surplus. (ODT)
Reserve Bank of Australia calls on government to do more to boost economy
Your savings no, Our savings are now going backwards along with our wages and pensions and cash and Josh the joker Frydenberg is saying that's great (ODT)
The RBA has made a rare public appeal to the Morrison government to do more to boost a sliding economy after it sliced official interest rates to one of the lowest levels in the world.
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