What Andrew Bolt claims is ok about Chernobyl
A huge and ill-informed debate persists about how many people have died as a result of Chernobyl. Sadly, the World Health Organisation has supported the International Atomic Energy Agency, which promotes nuclear power, in the estimate of about 4000 deaths related to Chernobyl.
Much of the data is more than a decade old. There is an urgent need for further extensive epidemiological studies on the exposed populations in Russia, the Ukraine, Europe, England, Turkey and other countries, and for treatment and support to be instituted for the many thousands of victims now and in the future. Because the long-lived radiological contamination of the soil and subsequent bio-concentration of the radioactive isotopes in the food chain will continue to poison children and adults for hundreds if not thousands of years.
A large body of literature now records the medical impact. In Belarus and nearby regions, 90 per cent of children were once healthy, now only 20 per cent, says the Chernobyl study. A million children still live in highly radioactive areas.
The study reports ongoing abnormalities of the immune system led to increased cases of bacterial and fungal infections, chronic joint and bone pain, osteoporosis, periodontal disease and fractures. Strontium 90 and plutonium concentrate in bones and teeth.
Premature ageing with heart attacks, hypertension, strokes and type 2 diabetes and alopecia are recorded in children. Multiple endocrine abnormalities including diabetes, hypo and hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease, as well as menstrual disorders, have increased as cesium concentrates in endocrine organs and cardiac muscle.
Andrew Bolt tells us Australia is rotten and doesn't even holiday here
Yes, Andrew Bolt wants our schools to be Youth camps training facilities that inspire loyalty to the fatherland. The teachers selectively primed for training Australian kids and not teaching them any learning skills. More along the lines of Cubs and Scouts and less along the lines of improv. Particularly State Schools those that harbour the potentially dangerous youth among Indigenous Australians, Muslims, African Migrants, disgruntled women, anyone possibly angry and feeling hard done by. Yes, Bolt saw clear value in the Hitler youth system that inspired loyalty to the State.
He may have been born here but was socialised and raised by parents that seemed to have convinced him that he was always right on all accounts while everyone else was wrong. It shows in just how much Andrew Bolt hates Australia. Just about everything is wrong, particularly our way of thinking. For instance, the majority of Australia voted ALP and Green in the last election had they been a Coalition there wouldn't have been an LNP government. He hates the fact that the LNP aren't in the control of the extreme conservatives of the Party and so have to run a destabilising program within their own Party. In short, Andrew Bolt is the media voice of the fringe right in Australia and given that luxury privilege whatever you call it by Murdoch Media who doesn't offer the same to any other minority. Who among diverse, multicultural Australians are offered that same opportunity and where other than in a minimal way on our own ABC and multicultural Institutions? Our schools, tertiary Institutions all reflect what Bolt doesn't the multicultural diversity which Bolt hates and calls dangerous. So much so he doesn't participate in Australian life
His preference is a monoculture and if it were possible which it isn't to be White, Christian and Western something akin to "an elect" and superior group in the Pacific. He'll deny that of course, but Indigenous Australians need to forget their culture and be deradicalised and should Muslims and LGBTQIA then and only then might you see Andrew Bolt walking the streets of Melbourne and holidaying here and be proud of the uniformity he desperately demands. For Bolt, the process for this betterment is clean our schools out of those who would prefer to make them safe for everyone.
Let's face it Bolt is hardly one to talk having refused to mediate been taken to court backed by Murdoch's legal team and been tested and found guilty of racial vilification under the RDA Act. He could have appealed but didn't because Murdoch's team didn't want to pursue it. So in official Australian history, he has been declared a Racist. Bolt has been trying at every conceivable moment not to have his sentence changed, but the very laws and Tony Abbott promised to do that but true Abbott style he even lied to his mate Bolt. When one groups Bolt with people he regards as victims, we certainly notice he only goes into bat for a side and not any principle. He cried out for the sacking of Yassmin, Martin Hirst, Mike Carlton, Marcia Langton Waleed Aly etc. All people, when you look at what they were saying promoted equality unlike the people, Bolt supports who aim to maintain un-merited privilege. He practices nepotism publicly while claiming we are a classless free-market society in which individuals can thrive in merit alone. Well, he didn't.
4,752,160 ALP
3,989,404 LIBERALS
1,482,923 GREENS
488,817 PALMER’S MOB
What doesn't Andrew Bolt understand about Democracy? The LNP Coalition got fewer votes than the ALP and the Greens together that spells the minority won. If you take into account who Andrew Bolt supported he personally part of the ultra-right minority got trashed. Abbott was thrown out.
So Bob Brown is far more representative of Australians that anyone Bolt supports is. Bolt minority party has access, to the largest distributor of opinion in the nation, however and still couldn't save Tony Abbott. The had the largest fighting fund well over four times the money to run not a positive campaign but a negative campaign against their opposition one built on fear and lies rather than any truth and will continue to do so.
The first being that they lost the "climate election" Bolt's description of what the election was all about. This election was about the economy and jobs and when Murdoch media were selling Palmer Lies, about ALP economic Policies to the combined funding of close to $100 mill the blanket blitz in areas like Qld and across Australia didn't allow for any other message to be heard.
Bob Brown certainly understands what Democracy means, and Democracy is certainly not represented by Andrew Bolt
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