FFS, Albo. Show some mongrel! - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Your Labor strategy folk fucked up in the election campaign. Bigly. The electorate has the collective memory of a goldfish yet there was no attacking of the abysmal preceding six years of incompetence and failure, no mention of the infighting, no highlighting of the corruption and disregard for our institutions, no reminders of their sabotage of our most treasured icons such as the ABC and CSIRO and our values and democracy. You thought the best strategy was to be calm and measured and forgiving of the past. And you got played like a fiddle.Now you seem to have lost your bottle entirely. Put up a fight FFS! Whatever happened to principles and the ethos of the Labor Party? Are you selling us out Albo? Are you collaborating with the enemy?
We need a mongrel, not a pussy cat.
The human headline is back - and it's a mixed bag for Sky
Amid the shouty festival of carnival barkers, loitering bigots with nowhere else to go and party hacks masquerading as current affairs hosts on Sky After Dark - SAD, for those who like to keep it brief or turned off altogether - here was an actual journalist.
For whatever you may say about him, Hinch is an actual journalist. He’s been at it since the 1960s, and if you want to contest a CV that includes the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the moon landing, Watergate and much else since, go right ahead. You’ll lose.
Sky after dark has signed up an actual journalist
He ain’t that. Unlike Murray, he is a great broadcaster. And he has the potential to break up the Sky evening parade of shouty stupid if he sticks to his older rather than more recent instincts.
Andrew Bolt will be introducing a night with Hinch on Thursdays the comparison should make him quite nervous given Bolt's history of bagging Hinch out. Here he will no doubt have an opportunity for real debate avoidance which he does so well and Hinch loves.
Andrew Bolt will be introducing a night with Hinch on Thursdays the comparison should make him quite nervous given Bolt's history of bagging Hinch out. Here he will no doubt have an opportunity for real debate avoidance which he does so well and Hinch loves.
Trump’s event has faced criticism for its use of taxpayer dollars to fund his Lincoln Memorial event, which has evidently become politicized despite the city’s July Fourth celebrations being traditionally nonpartisan.
This is what Andrew Bolt advocates be done to children of the Indigenous, Muslims and newly arrived children of migrants of non-Western Christian descent. It's what he declares happened but possibly not effectively enough to Indigenous children in Australia. They weren't "stolen" they were taken for their betterment. Needless to say, the teachers all need to be strictly vetted for any such programs to succeed, and it's why he demands the teachers be deradicalised first. It's the equivalent of the burning of books program Hitler ran in Germany's Institutions and the destruction of Art. It's been an essential policy he's been advocating for years and the denial that it was ever tried in Australia before. Bolt harbours a lot of these ideas and has been privileged to have the most significant private interest distributer in the country disseminate them.
Imagine if Australian children could be exclusively taught science was just another religion so needs to be separated from giving advice to governments and financed privately to compete in our wonderful Free Market? A Market which protects monopolies restricts the free association of individuals into Unions, protects established businesses with patents, trademarks and copyright and restricts merit by property and inheritance laws. All of which explains why Indigenous Australians have been underfoot for the past 220 years and discredited for their lack of incentive by racists like Bolt even today.
Let's not forget Bolt was socialised in a closed family in tiny outback schools primarily influenced by a single parent his mother. Who came to Australia from the most notorious town in the Netherlands that supported Hitler Aalsmeer. The probability of the flow-on of those ideas to his parents and on to him is far higher than on to his siblings. In Bolt's terms "Who let them in?". Aalsmeer's support for Nazi Germany enabled the Dutch to kill 80% of its Jewish population and then hide the fact declaring themselves "sa.viours of Jews" until the 1980's when the truth really came out.
Bolt never talks about it or the origin of his ultra-right-wing thinking which his personal history just might explain. The Dutch of that Flower Town were and are the "salt of the earth" In Bolt's mind todaywhy? They haven't changed!!
Imagine Bolt in your child's classroom " give Donald Trump the Nobel Peace Prize! " (A.Bolt)
“It is part of an unmistakable trend: The hottest summers in Europe in the last 500 years have all come in the last 17 years.”
Across Europe in June, heat records shattered. In years to come,… French national weather agency, Gallargues-le-Montueux was 45.9 degrees Celsius, or 115 degrees, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the country.
Worldwide, 2019 is on track to be among the hottest years on record, and Europe is on the front line. Its wealth and social safety net have kept it from being ravaged. Hospitals work. Paramedics respond. Farmers have crop insurance.
This is what Andrew Bolt advocates be done to children of the Indigenous, Muslims and newly arrived children of migrants of non-Western Christian descent. It's what he declares happened but possibly not effectively enough to Indigenous children in Australia. They weren't "stolen" they were taken for their betterment. Needless to say, the teachers all need to be strictly vetted for any such programs to succeed, and it's why he demands the teachers be deradicalised first. It's the equivalent of the burning of books program Hitler ran in Germany's Institutions and the destruction of Art. It's been an essential policy he's been advocating for years and the denial that it was ever tried in Australia before. Bolt harbours a lot of these ideas and has been privileged to have the most significant private interest distributer in the country disseminate them.
Imagine if Australian children could be exclusively taught science was just another religion so needs to be separated from giving advice to governments and financed privately to compete in our wonderful Free Market? A Market which protects monopolies restricts the free association of individuals into Unions, protects established businesses with patents, trademarks and copyright and restricts merit by property and inheritance laws. All of which explains why Indigenous Australians have been underfoot for the past 220 years and discredited for their lack of incentive by racists like Bolt even today.
Let's not forget Bolt was socialised in a closed family in tiny outback schools primarily influenced by a single parent his mother. Who came to Australia from the most notorious town in the Netherlands that supported Hitler Aalsmeer. The probability of the flow-on of those ideas to his parents and on to him is far higher than on to his siblings. In Bolt's terms "Who let them in?". Aalsmeer's support for Nazi Germany enabled the Dutch to kill 80% of its Jewish population and then hide the fact declaring themselves "sa.viours of Jews" until the 1980's when the truth really came out.
Bolt never talks about it or the origin of his ultra-right-wing thinking which his personal history just might explain. The Dutch of that Flower Town were and are the "salt of the earth" In Bolt's mind todaywhy? They haven't changed!!
Imagine Bolt in your child's classroom " give Donald Trump the Nobel Peace Prize! " (A.Bolt)
“It is part of an unmistakable trend: The hottest summers in Europe in the last 500 years have all come in the last 17 years.”
Across Europe in June, heat records shattered. In years to come,… French national weather agency, Gallargues-le-Montueux was 45.9 degrees Celsius, or 115 degrees, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the country.
Worldwide, 2019 is on track to be among the hottest years on record, and Europe is on the front line. Its wealth and social safety net have kept it from being ravaged. Hospitals work. Paramedics respond. Farmers have crop insurance.
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