China has ONE military base outside its territory US has 880 just do the numbers. The pentagon has 59,000 unaccounted for military staff on its payroll. Where are they? (ODT)
China works cooperatively with other nations, favouring a carrot over a stick approach. US relations with other countries are the polar opposite — pressuring, bullying, intimidating, and threatening them to bend to its will. The US has been waging war on Iran by other means since its 1979 revolution, Trump regime hardliners more ruthlessly hostile toward its sovereign rights than their predecessors.
World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism USA - Stephen Lendman

So when will these foreign governments, which claim to care about human rights and make pious declarations of “never again,” take action to tackle the perpetrators of a modern-day genocide in Myanmar? There have been the mildest of travel bans imposed on a handful of Burmese generals but nothing whatsoever imposed against the state counsellor herself. Suu Kyi has been stripped of various awards and freedoms from the likes of Amnesty International and the cities of Oxford, Edinburgh, and Paris, but do such minor humiliations really amount to justice for the Rohingya victims of “murder, rape, torture, sexual slavery, persecution and enslavement”?
To be clear: The refusal to sanction Suu Kyi, or consider prosecuting Myanmar’s de facto leader for her role in the Rohingya genocide, two years later, is not just an insult to the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees waiting for some sort of accountability in Bangladesh and beyond. It endangers Myanmar’s other minorities, such as the Kachin Christians in the north, who have also been on the receiving end of Tatmadaw violence and terror in recent years.
As Ibrahim warns: “If you allow one genocide to go unpunished, you are opening the door to many others.”
Indict Aung San Suu Kyi for War Crimes Against the Rohingya

So, to date, I had completed Menzies, Whitlam and a list from the IPA. Rather than letting my list linger like a bad smell, this post contains a list of my findings of the Greatest Australian political policy stuff-ups.
My thought for the day.
“In the recipe of good leadership, there are many ingredients. Popularity is but one. It, however, ranks far below getting things done for the common good.”(John Lord)
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