Sunday, 4 August 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 4/8/19; How did insanity take America by storm? The IPA, News Corp, and the LNP should attempt to provide Australians with the TRUTH for once; Trumland where everyone has the right to be shot or shoot;

Cape York leader Noel Pearson lashed opponents of the Indigenous voice at the Garma Festival in Arnhem Land.

 'Child soldiers': Noel Pearson blasts Institute of Public Affairs for a campaign against the voice.

Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson has blasted the "child soldiers" of the Institute of Public Affairs for campaigning against an Indigenous voice to Parliament and spreading "lies" about how it would operate.
The IPA – which has close links with the Liberal Party and counts many MPs as members – is opposed to an Indigenous voice to Parliament, whether it is in inserted into the constitution or only in legislation.
In a scathing address to the Garma Festival in north-east Arnhem Land, Mr Pearson accused the think tank and conservative commentators such as News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt of acting in bad faith. " "Bolt and the IPA remain steadfastly obscurant on this," he said.
The proposed voice would create an elected body which would give input to Parliament but would not be able to create, amend or veto legislation.
He applauded Barnaby Joyce's mea culpa last month in which the former deputy prime minister admitted he was wrong to describe the voice as a "third chamber" of Parliament.
Mr Pearson also pointed to a landmark speech by former High Court chief justice Murray Gleeson dispelling critiques of the proposed voice.
"Do these culture warriors [such as Bolt and the IPA] really believe they know better than the country's most senior elder of the law?" Mr Pearson asked.

"I say stay in your lane GG" (Andrew Bolt) says to our current but still Queen's  representative in Australia. If the Queen had emailed Hurley what would monarchist Bolt say? "Fuck off Queenie I'm now a Republican"?
 Section 51  for a start is part and parcel of our shameful Racist Constitution.  Is it a coincidence that Andrew Bolt rarely refers to the fact that the Australian Constitution is currently Racist, to begin with? That fact of course might weaken his argument that our white British forefather's Western Colonial Constitution was Racist from the getgo. So, if that can be changed, then we can change everything else. Constitutional recognition begins with the removal of the Racist Sections that already exist, and that is already a step toward acceptance. Bolt doesn't want that to appear too easy. The rest is all bullshit about 3rd  Chambers, or that representative voices are already in Parliament. All smokescreen to not recognise that people were here before the invasion. That, unlike immigrants, they deserve special recognition a voice not "in" parliament, but a voice equal to be heard because of their recognised position in this country's history. One which has been denied them for over 200 years. No other minority in this country has that same right and to date never has asked. However, the Nations have suffered racially as a result and consequence of the non-recognition of their difference. Personally, I believe their recognition would be better cemented with a Treaty as all other settler nations other than Australia have done.


NO TO RACISM Noel Pearson says I'm "obscurant" to call his plan for an Aboriginal  "Voice" to parliament racist: "Our claim is on the basis of our being indigenous to this country, not on the basis of race." Then tell us, Noel, that your Voice will also be for the white Australians you once admitted were "becoming indigenous", too. Or is it just for black ones?   

Yes, Bolt you are an "obscurant". A voice 'to' Parliament isn't a voice "in" Parliament something even Barnaby Joyce no longer believes. Your claim to indigeneity is a call to simply change the meaning of the term as understood globally in other English speaking settler nations. The effort to make Australia the legal singular exception to what's already understood and acknowledged to be the rule elsewhere is exceptional exclusive and without basis. Even Israel recognised Palestinian rights in 1948 which today they have turned their back on arbitrarily and for politics and not humanity or equal rights.
Yes, Noel Pearson's voice will be for greater universal rights than any real ones and privileges Bolt is fearful of losing. Bolt is now wriggling, isn't he? Pearson may have talked of the future being a nation of multicultural indigenous peoples. Of Course, he does as he's connected to 60k years of history moving to the future, progressing. However, Bolt believes he deserves the same equal recognition now because his father was buried last year. Yes, buried here but not born.
Bolt born here actually brags of his Dutch spirit and dreams of retiring to the Netherlands has a dual passport but wants the same historical recognition Pearson has. Pearson, in his generosity, has said a time would with history come. However, Andrew Bolt want's it all NOW, and nothing other will do.
Remember ex- conservative PM of NZ James Bolger's reaction when he heard Bolt claiming he was more indigenous than Noel Pearson, Adam Goodes and Stan Grant simply because he was older? Bolt was shown to be the racist fruit cake he is and was laughed at., Bolger like the majority of Australians simply saw Bolt as a self-interested lunk who wants a foot in every camp for personal self-interest only. Governor Generals and Conservative PM's get no respec from Bolt if they get in the way of his "Murdochian Noise"

 The Trump regime is insane

The Trump regime is insane
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The Trump regime is insane
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The Trump regime is insane
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Is it insane to push for war with Russia, a major nuclear power?
Is it insane to threaten Russia and bring false charges against her?
Is it insane to brag about killing "hundreds of Russians"?

A normal person would answer "yes" to the three questions. So what does this tell us about Trump's government as these insane actions are the principle practice of Trump's government?
Does anyone doubt that Nikki Haley is insane?
Does anyone doubt that John Bolton is insane?
Does anyone doubt that Mike Pompeo is insane?
Does this mean that Trump is insane for appointing to the top positions insane people who foment war with a nuclear power?
Does this mean that Congress is insane for approving these appointments?
These are honest questions.
Assuming we avoid the Trump-promised Syrian showdown, how long before the insane Trump regime orchestrates another crisis?
The entire world should understand that because of the existence of the insane Trump regime, the continued existence of life on earth is very much in quest
What do I think Trump will do a reversal and tell America how he saved them going to a war started by the Russians and Chinese. Trump has become a student of Kim Jong-Un who's also playing a game of cat and mouse. The threat Trump backs himself into a corner from which there is no turning back.

Welcome to Trumpland CPAC is bringing it to you Australia. You too can be in Arms way.

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