The Uluru Statement is hailed as the key Aboriginal definition of their special "spiritual" sovereignty: "the ancestral tie between the land, or ‘mother nature’, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither". But those words were taken from an African.
Bolt doesn't seem to be able to get what's clearly been already recognised in history elsewhere. He turns to any trivial argument available to dissuade us from the simple fact that the British illegally invaded a land that was inhabited by a diverse group of indigenous peoples. That what British did here had broken their own laws. They intentionally denied others were here first for pure profit and gain. On that basis, Australia is now the one and only settler nation that fails to have a treaty or recognition of that fact with the First Nations.
Further, that our current Consitution is a Racist document and for that alone changes need to be made. To give those First Peoples recognition and a voice solely for no other reason if only to bring us into alignment with the US, Canada, NZ or Israel. Bolt rarely or ever seems to refer to these facts that Australia stands out as unjustifiably different.
Further, that our current Consitution is a Racist document and for that alone changes need to be made. To give those First Peoples recognition and a voice solely for no other reason if only to bring us into alignment with the US, Canada, NZ or Israel. Bolt rarely or ever seems to refer to these facts that Australia stands out as unjustifiably different.
Any wriggle any distraction any squirm is his modus operandi to justify a "no" to recognition and a voice to the first peoples of this nation that were brushed aside in our inglorious past.
He's made efforts to change our commonly understood language by trying to alter the contextual meaning of "Indigenous". He claims he has more right to be called Indigenous than any Aboriginal younger than him. Even though he's a dual Dutch and Australian passport holder. He actually turned into a laughing stock on the ABC's "Recognition Yes or No" documentary when ex-Conservative NZ PM James Bolger brushed his idiocy aside. Again he was scoffed at by an expert in Constitutional Law. Noticeably Bolt has dropped that idea that simply changing the style of language escapes the problem.
Here its "plagiarism" everything but the precedence of the past attributed and documented in other settler colonies ought to be adhered to. The idea should be brushed aside because of style which Bolt says overrides meaning. In other words, according to Bolt Indigenous Australians first or last can't translate what their "special" relationship to this land is in "English" that Bolt understands simple as that. No suggestion that he's wrong clearly. What a knit picker Bolt is. Unless the First Peoples wore suits had a written language, presumably English their Uluru Statement is meaningless. What can't be specifically translated into original English without using a template of some other nation they have no right to what has already been a precedent in British Law accorded others.
Bolt has been laughed at by wiser people than him, and he's still at it all style but no meaning.

Trump Hides From The Public In Dayton Appearance
But delivers and Tweets a Fake Photoshoot
He's in Dayton to "bring people together." At a protest, maybe.
Aside from brief appearances on the airport tarmac as he arrived and departed, Trump did not speak publicly or allow himself to be photographed. Reporters traveling with him were secluded as he took part in what aides described as a series of meetings at Miami Valley Hospital with first responders, hospital staff and survivors of a shooting early Sunday morning that left nine dead.Cat got his tongue?
The visit to Dayton was a marked break with tradition, as presidents visiting grieving communities typically offer public condolences and use the opportunity to try to comfort the nation.Trump obviously knows he's not welcome there but even so, when the president refuses to offer condolences to a grieving community that's just cowardice.
Trump haters are insane. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders blame Trump for two shooting massacres, even though the second was by a socialist who supported them both. And didn't a Sanders volunteer shoot a Republican? Meanwhile a Democrat campaign doxxes Trump donors just as Hollywood promotes a film of Trump "deplorables" being hunted and killed.
Andrew Bolt plagiarises 1) A Trump Tweet and 2 ) OAAN a right-wing pro-Trump channel promoted by Trump himself.
You don't judge people by what they say but what they do. Bolt, however, doesn't. He has been known to suggest Hitler was left-wing because his Party appealed to workers by calling themselves Social Democrats. Trump says he's a pro -Labor Republican and yes Connor Betts claimed to be left-wing. Yet, all of them selected minority groups and inspired their supporters to aim their guns at. Hitler Jews and Gypsies, Trump Muslims and Hispanics and Betts Blacks. Trump had even suggested Antifa was the same as White Supremacists when it came to mass shooting. That there was an equivalence between left and right violence. Rubbish, 1n 2018 there were a total of 88 mass shootings the majority by White Supremacists. In 2019 there have been 251 a 277% increase and again in the main by White Supremacists.
Watch what they do and not what they say provides a clearer understanding of Connor Betts, who is totally unlike Warren and Sanders. White Supremacy is a virus, not every American has caught Trump spreads that virus-like Hitler did in his 1930's rallies White Supremacists are those that have contracted and spread it. Trump is a Racist to say otherwise is and an indication that Bolt, without doubt, is one too. He may not hold a gun, but he sure has encouraged others to.
Remember when Bolt said he admired the ISIS jihadis in Barcelona for their conviction and courage to fight? He called Cristian youth gutless and wished they shared that same conviction. If that's not challenging and inciting right-wing violence, what is? Bolt has the ratings and spread given him by News Corp, and he certainly can't say he didn't influence the young mindset of the NZ Christchurch shooter. Bolt spread the virus-like an ISIS recruiter and enabled extreme right-wingers to act justified by the spread of ideas like that.
Like Trump Bolt was known to say there were a lot of good people protesting in extreme right groups and he gave them media time on the Bolt Report promoted and cheered imports on leaving Australians to pay their bills. If that's not enabling recruiting and challenging people to act what is?
Like Trump Bolt was known to say there were a lot of good people protesting in extreme right groups and he gave them media time on the Bolt Report promoted and cheered imports on leaving Australians to pay their bills. If that's not enabling recruiting and challenging people to act what is?
FAKE NEWS MEDIA The one time the NYT was fair to Trump, it caved to the haters: "Zealous liberals and Democrats... attacked The New York Times for running a headline that was actually fair-minded toward President Trump, noting that he was urging “national unity” over racism... The Times altered the headline to something more caustic."
The NYT didn't "cave in" it admitted its headline was "poorly worded" and corrected it. Trump walked back on his rally rants of "invasion" and "infestation" his Orsen Welles war of the worlds. He realised he'd overstepped the mark. So much so even Trump realised he caused such resentment in Daytona and El Paso. He wasn't seen in public. Trump even isolated himself from his own media and press teams in case they dared print the truth.
For god sake Bolt is declaring the NYT was "caustic" that Trump is the victim of the media. Bolt certainly didn't even try to get a poll of local opinion, did he? Trump skulked in and out of the two cities because even he was aware he was not the unifying figure America needed.
The NYT didn't "cave in" it admitted its headline was "poorly worded" and corrected it. Trump walked back on his rally rants of "invasion" and "infestation" his Orsen Welles war of the worlds. He realised he'd overstepped the mark. So much so even Trump realised he caused such resentment in Daytona and El Paso. He wasn't seen in public. Trump even isolated himself from his own media and press teams in case they dared print the truth.
For god sake Bolt is declaring the NYT was "caustic" that Trump is the victim of the media. Bolt certainly didn't even try to get a poll of local opinion, did he? Trump skulked in and out of the two cities because even he was aware he was not the unifying figure America needed.
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