Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Fighting Fack News with REAL,5/9/19; Compare Reality with Frydenbergs Great Fundamentals; The Market in Trumpland;
In September 2013, the jobless rate was 5.7 per cent. That ranked sixth in the OECD. Then came the global boom in investment, growth, jobs and corporate profits. But while most countries enjoyed a dramatic fall in their jobless rates, Australia’s limped down to 4.9 per cent painfully slowly. This now ranks a lowly 17th.
Australia still has 664,000 people unemployed and more than one million underemployed. Consider what the jobless numbers would have been had Australia participated in the recent global boom and still ranked sixth in the OECD. The jobless rate would be 3.3 per cent, and people unemployed would be down to 447,000. Another 217,000 workers would have a job and a much better life contributing to the community.
Economic growth
The quarterly growth in gross domestic product (GDP) for the 2018 December quarter was a dismal 0.18 per cent. This ranked 74th out of the 92 countries which record quarterly growth, and an appalling 30th out of the 36 OECD members.
Annual GDP growth – a more useful measure, as it removes short-term fluctuations –was 2.34 per cent for 2018. This ranked 112th out of 183 countries in the world, and 19th out of the 36 OECD members. These are Australia’s lowest rankings ever.
Through most of the Labor years, Australia was in the top six OECD countries by annual GDP growth and was a clear first back in 2009.
Hence both elements of the Coalition incessant mantra of “jobs and growth” demonstrate comprehensively the failure of the Coalition to keep the economy among the world’s leaders.
The other critical rankings within the OECD can be summarised under two headings. (Data is from tradingeconomics.com, the IMF and Credit Suisse.)
Household wealth and income
Rate of annual wage rises: down from seventh in 2013 to 21st now.
Gross domestic product per capita: down from fifth to seventh.
Gross national savings: down from ninth to 19th.
Mean wealth per adult: down from second to fourth.
Household debt: up from the fourth highest to the second highest.
Gini coefficient (equality of wealth distribution): down from 12th to 28th.
Government and business measures
Budget deficit as a percentage of GDP: down from ninth to 25th;
Government spending as a percentage of GDP: down from fifth to eighth;
Growth in the volume of exports of goods and services: down from fourth to 18th.
Heritage Foundation economic freedom: down from first to third.
Value of the Australian dollar: down from 92 U.S. cents to 71.1 cents.
Value of the Australian dollar: down from 91.3 Japanese yen to 79.3 yen.
Value of the Australian dollar: down from 116 Kiwi cents to 105 cents.
There are probably only two significant variables on which Australia has improved relative to the rest of the world since 2013 — executive salaries and corporate profits. This explains why this analysis will not be found in Australia’s mainstream media.
17m ago Albanese didn't fumble anything he listened to the people of Biloela all 5000 that have known the family that Bolt doesn't and just stereotypes as just another box to be ticked for 4years. He's out to have their children born here be labelled as suspicious along with their parents who happened to be Tamil. Who fought a war against persecution and ethnic cleansing for years. Bolt's claim to abhor Identity Politics has run off the rails 200,000 signatures, A whole Qld Town and Albanese are all against Identarianism, Sectarianism and ID politics while Andrew Bolt is still an active practitioner yelling "who let them in" at any boat people, Africans, Muslims, or anybody he chooses as unfit. He can't actually do that to Indigenous Australians the First peoples here, so he even says he's more indigenous than those he's older than. Mind you, he doesn't let it be known he a dual passport holder.
Bolt's doing a Chris Kenny calling our detention centres Inns Kenny called Nauru a holiday resort where he'd take his family. Dutton put them under a cone of silence no doubt to hide the pleasures of paradise to be found there and stop the rush. Christ didn't demand and ABF in heaven the choice was his fathers he had his way and let Barabas in some thing Bolt would never abide by. The people Christ wanted out of his house were the money changers so focused on turning a profit they forgot where they were in a house that takes care of and respects everyone and doesn't raise self-interest above that as a value. Bolt seems to give an interpretation that Christ was an elitist.
Shocking. Labour and Conservative renegades stop British Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling an election to let voters decide if he's right to take Britain out of the European Union now. The Left called Johnson a dictator, but it's the Left that's refusing to let him do what the public voted for, and refusing to let the people have their say.
A bit of reality please, 66% of the Conservative Party voted against Johnson hardly an "Elitist coup" as Andrew Bolt puts it. This was predicted when Boris decided his time had come to be PM. He wanted to stop this vote but couldn't. What Left is Bolt talking about? the 66% of the Party that voted against Boris.
45m ago1 If raids by the AFP are to be seen as commonplace events in the future, and it seems they will there's very solid ground on which to bust into convicted vilifiers Andrew Bolt's. He not only a well-known provocateur of hate and division in Australian society inspiring no, in fact, calling for Australians to fight back and at the same time provoking others to push back. Bolt provides a fountain of information of groups he provides fake legitimacy for racial, ethnic-religious hatred in our school's suburbs and all our institutions. I'm sure receives documents from organizations and individuals that support that violence in Australia both from overseas and here.
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