Israelis watch Trump abandon Kurds, and worry: who’s next?
On Yom Kippur Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this Blessed day with an approximate 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services
Trump, Ivanka and Jared indeed certainly show they are fake Jews and now have Israel worried as they supported the Kurds and the FSA (ODT)
If such a betrayal could befall the Kurds, Israelis are suddenly asking, what prevents the same from befalling another staunch US ally?
"They have made huge sacrifices in fighting ISIS, which we see as a scourge of humanity, and those sacrifices include 11,000 dead and over 20,000 seriously wounded people who will no longer be their families' breadwinners.
"The Kurdish people of that region engaged in this war against ISIS not just to protect themselves but also, we believe, to protect the whole civilised world from ISIS's evil."
"They should raise concern that the second-largest army in NATO is planning, openly, to invade a sovereign member state of the UN to attack very lightly armed militia who have come into being to protect people's lives from the scourge of humanity that is ISIS."
After Trump vetoed, the descallation of the war in the Yemen in which it supplies arms to the Saudis Trump has stolen and claimed a victory over ISIS won by the Kurds at the expense of 11,000 lives to now allow Turkey a more significant arms buyer to invade Syria and attack his yesterday's allies. We shouldn't be surprised as this businessman did the same to contractors and staff when he bankrupted and stripped his Casino's and University of money, their money. Double Cross is the Art of All Trump's deals (ODT)
Kurdish Lobby Australia president Eziz Bawermend said Mr Trump's decision sent a message to the world that his administration would "run away" from a fight and desert its allies.
IS brides could cause 'mass casualty' attack in Australia if rescued, Dutton says
The Home Affairs Minister says Australia will not come to the rescue of 20 "hardcore" Australian women in the al-Hawl camp in Syria, warning to do so would be a risk to national security.
46 "hard Core Children under 5 go unmentioned by Australia's worst Uncompassionate Cabinet Minister Peter Dutton (ODT)
I’m surprised Ita Buttrose agreed to become the ABC’s chairman and make its big problem worse. See, Buttrose is white and joined an all-white board. And that, she suggested this week, is bad: “Should we have some Asians on the board?” Well, Ita, make way. But she's won't quit, because her obsession about skin colour gives cover to Leftists.
When will Morrison government ministers get the guts to tell the truth to green fanatics? Their cowardice is making us less safe and more stupid. They won't tell the truth about nuclear power, leaving us with second-best submarines. And they won't tell the truth to the climate crazies blockading our cities because they think the world will end.
Amazing how Bolt a miser spent so much time telling us how we were overspending that we simply couldn't afford $50 mill for subs that Tony Abbott could organise them far cheaper like he did the NBN. Here's Bolt not demanding we spend less but more and go nuclear. As far as electricity is concerned Nuclear energy is out of the equation because it's far far too expensive, far too long to deliver and far too risky should an accident happen? The only table it's currently on is a political one simply because it's spinable. However, if closely examined, it's the most expensive option.
So why are nuclear subs on Bolt's list now when he was so adamant that cost was the greatest factor in play when Abbott was PM? Given technology is moving so fast ships, and subs are no longer the advantage they once were in a war. Drones, Missiles and other technology are now developed to take out surface vessels, and new technology is fast in the making to do the same to hidden subs. Apart from that imagine the destruction the nuclear waste would do left by reefs of nuclear submarine fleets. Our safety is to be found in and has been in diplomacy. However, not a Liberal skill historically. They have taken us to war, even helped start them while Labour has taken us out. A hawk-like Bolt never mentions that, does he. "Hey, big spender start a little war with me."
VIDEO Kerri-Anne Kennerley is right. Leave some of these Climate Extinction hysterics glued to the road or chained to a fence. let the soil themselves Humiliation might stop them before they do real harm. My editorial from The Bolt Report, including a lesson on irony to the idiots attacking Kennerley.
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