Friday, 1 November 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 1/11/19 Telling you they reduce taxes, Corman telling you it was an honest mistake; Trump blindsides his Chief of Staff;

Tasmania 62% Government funded


The lie Tasmania is 2nd on the table of CommSec's performance ratings??

All Aboard The Australian Political Change Bus: Why…


Mathias Cormann.
Political expenses

Suspected whistleblowers raided in travel company scandal

Something has been turned upsidedown. Instead of Corman being investigated for his relationship with benefits from Helloworld those revealed their dirty little secret are being targeted as whistleblowers. How easily forgotten how this LNP government enabled the destructing of Peter Slipper over a $900 Cabcharge of which he was eventually found innocent. Administrative oversight at the time was granted to dozens of MPs including the PM Tony Abbott but none of the same was offered to Slipper. How times have changed since.
Victoria Police has launched a criminal investigation into two people it suspects are the whistleblowers who exposed how a travel company Helloworld gave free international flights to the family of Finance Minister Mathias Cormann. 

The information was leaked to The Age and the Herald in February and revealed how Senator Cormann and his family received free flights from Helloworld in 2017, months before the company won a $1 billion travel contract with Senator Cormann's own department.
Senator Cormann booked the family flights directly with Helloworld chief executive Andrew Burnes, who at the time was the Liberal Party's federal treasurer, but did not pay for them. After the story was published, Senator Cormann blamed an administrative oversight and paid $2780.82.
 Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said it was "deeply disturbing that yet again, [suspected] whistleblowers appear to be the target of a police investigation and not those whose conduct has been exposed".

Trump leaves the White House  for summer holidays

Trump blindsides his own chief of staff

One person was notably missing from a photo of Donald Trump and his team in the White House Situation Room. Now we know exactly why. 

But does he dare sack the man?

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