Thursday, 31 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,31/10/19; Can Coal go Green? Israel's been forgotten but not by Bernie Sanders; Women Speak Men hate it; White men aren't victims;

Why the coal sector is so excited about Australia's move to 'clean' hydrogen

Japan wants to move to a "hydrogen society" as it tries to meet its energy needs — and Australia's brown coal is key to its strategy

Key points:

  • Australia's national hydrogen strategy is due for completion by the end of the year
  • Hydrogen can be made using fossil fuels or renewables but it will be cheaper to use coal and gas for at least a decade
  • Japan's demand has been inflated in official government materials, overstating the short-term export potential

 Can Coal go GREEN? Mining isn't interested in even asking that question let alone solving emissions all they are concerned is about digging it up. (ODT)


Bernie Sanders: Give Aid to Gaza; & It isn’t Anti-Semitism to Say Netanyahu Gov’t Racist

Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Bernie Sanders has almost single-handedly changed the discourse on Israel in the Democratic Party and in the United States more […]Bernie Sanders has almost single-handedly changed the discourse on Israel in the Democratic Party and in the United States more generally. But his appearance at the J-Street conference was a further tour de force, and the positions he has staked out clearly have put pressure on the other Democratic candidates to take a position on Israeli land-grabs in the Palestinian West Bank and economic strangulation of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Red brick buildings tower over cityscape

Norway's capital says it won't buy Israeli settlement goods

Meanwhile, Andrew Bolt is claiming men are the ones harassed and are the true victims.

 Image may contain: text

The whining voice of Andrew Bolt crying I'm White and a Man and WE  are victims of Aborigines and Women invading my space. Don't talk your bullshit history to me or the need for change I'm hurting now.
Bolt's simply echoing the IPA's racist stance against democracy from the bottom up rather than the top down. The man has never had an original thought. (ODT)


VIDEO Labour MP Catherine West demonstrates the meaning of "mansplaining". Apparently it's the crime of a man trying to get a word in edgewise. Watch and cringe for her.
9m ago

Pat Dodson


COLUMN The ABC calls Labor Senator Pat Dodson our “Father of Reconciliation”. But what reconciliation?  Dodson is instead dividing us by race, backing the ban on climbing Uluru and calling for an Aboriginal-only advisory Parliament. The Morrison Government meanwhile gets hate-tweeter Marcia Langton to design an Aboriginal-only "voice to Parliament". 
23m ago

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