Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 22/10/19; Humour Louis Vuitton of pet food; The Don's Done; We are Australian. They're Not!;


Australians have a dirty little secret 

When it comes to our national mythology, it seems Australians have a case of mistaken identity, writes Annabel Crabb.

Which it's why it's so surprising that when asked to nominate the key element of what it means to be Australian, the most widely agreed-upon response was this: "Respecting our institutions and laws".
Forget larrikins. To be Australian — according to the recipe written by more than 50,000 respondents to the Australia Talks National Survey — the big thing is to follow the rules of the place.

Image result for Images of Andrew Bolt


Reporters using information from police: "Forty of Melbourne’s 'most ­active and dangerous' youth criminals were on Monday arrested in ­unprecedented raids... The youths, many with gang ­affiliations, are a mix of caucasian, African, Pacific Islander and Asian backgrounds." Yet all three pictures are of Africans. Then there's the background I have... 
 The most un-Australian of public voices are News Corp commentator's who largely spend daily efforts complaining about our institutions.  Further more they're paid to do it. Our Police, Education, ABC, Immigration & Democratic Systems all get a shellacking. They simply, to put it mildly, hate Australia and are in no way representative of it. Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones Ray Hadley, Chris Kenny being some of the loudest un-Australians in that pack. Oddly enough, however Andrew Bolt, this ultra Right-Wing embarrassment, dreams of retiring in the Socialist Netherlands. 
However, even less un-Australian These Murdochian's seem to all support the worst President in American history. How? FAKE NEWS. (ODT)


"I support some of this massive media campaign for more press freedom. But why doesn't it include some bigger barriers to a free press? "Bolt
How Typical a Bolt fart is this " I believe but" 
In the above post on the police, youth crime arrests Bolt, the "I'm so not a Racist" complains that the police report isn't "Racist" and should be. Because "There's the background I have."  For Bolt crime, race and ethnicity go together. Can someone say the same for bigotry and being of Dutch extraction? They seem to go together only in Australia because they don't in the Netherlands, unless, of course, you have some ultra-right sensibilities.
Bolt certainly has that cultural imprint more than the average Dutchman that's for sure. His family was from Aalsmeer, the most pro-Nazi town in the Netherlands if not Europe during WW2. Bolt never mentions it but is loud and braggart when saying he's a friend of the Jews but not of Muslims and Africans. He's particularly critical of colored and ethnic Australians and our Immigration Policies pointing out selective cases to generalize and yell "Who let them in." typical of the Goebbellian Media in the 30s and 40s Nazi Germany.


Whack-a-Mole Bolt so easily forgets what happened to his "dog" from Warringah and what actually brought him undone. Guess he's comfortable in the thought that he gong to have another run. But in Warringah?

This week’s Q&A program focused on the future.

Here is the REAL NEWS not the BOLT NEWS

  Q&A: Headline that shows how Australia missed out on green revolution

 A revolution that could provide a vital economic lifeline to the country is starting to take place but there are fears that Australia will once again miss out on the opportunity.

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