Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 23/10/19; Is the Don Done and Busted?; Lynching was Racist Trump's a Lyncher; Putin has stepped into the breach; Kill Buyer's Truth; Shame of a Fake News Pundit,

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Scott Morrison wants to introduce a 'Superannuation Amnesty' which lets bosses off the hook for penalties on ANY unpaid super since 1992 – they'll even gain a tax advantage. Do you think super thieves should be rewarded for breaking the law?

"Today's bombshell testimony proves without a shadow of a doubt that Donald Trump used military aid to pressure Ukraine into investigating a political rival," said Sean Eldridge, president of the group. "Republicans in Congress must do their jobs and uphold their oath to defend our Constitution by voting to impeach and remove Donald Trump."
"No one—including the criminal in the White House—is above the law," he added.

 Trump's not Black; he's more likely the lyncher than the person being lynched. Typical Trump turning to Fake History for his personal benefit and defense. (ODT)
Hogan Gidley told reporters on Tuesday that Trump wasn’t “comparing what’s happened to him with one of our darkest moments in American history.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin look at each other during a joint press conference with  following their talks in Russia.

Turkey, Russia seal deal to patrol Syrian border, oust Kurds

The deal transform the map of northeast Syria, leaving Turkey in sole control over one section in the middle of the border, while Turkey, Russia and the Syrian government will have hands in the rest.

The US pullout has proven chaotic. It ran into a new hitch when neighbouring Iraq said on Tuesday that American forces did not have permission to stay on its territory. The Iraqi announcement seemed to contradict US Defence Secretary Mark Esper, who a day earlier said the forces leaving Syria would deploy in Iraq to fight IS.

Erdogan is "a thief", Assad told troops during a visit to the north-western province of Idlib. "He stole the factories and the wheat and the oil in cooperation with Daesh [Islamic State] and now is stealing the land."
"We are in the middle of a battle and the right thing to do is to rally efforts to lessen the damages from the invasion and to expel the invader sooner or later," Assad said.

Peter Loffel has traded in camels and cattle, but he also buys horses to send to the abattoir.

Peter Loffel, the 'kill buyer', is the face of horse racing’s unpalatable truth

The racing Industry is found doing a TRUMP

He is known as a kill buyer, although he prefers the term horse trader. He buys horses no one wants and trucks them to a place that no horse wants to end up.

The horses he buys are nearly all retired racehorses or trotters, he tells The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. He says he buys most of his gallopers direct from trainers, licensed participants in an industry which has spent the past four days claiming it has no idea so many thoroughbreds are sent to abattoirs.
"Most of them are some sort of racehorse. We don't buy people's riding horses or saddle horses."
 If what Loffel says is true, the industry’s claim that horses are being slaughtered beyond their sight is bunk; any trainer who sells a horse to Loffel knows exactly where it is going.

 Image result for Andrew Bolt images


 Media arseholes tend to unite to themselves for nothing more than ratings sake and attention. Here in Australia, the wannabe loudest arsehole has been Andrew Bolt. Andrew Bolt is, also Australia's head and leading whinger who has turned on Harry and Megan simply because he can and wants attention. However, he's a latecomer to the bovver feast an also-ran to put in the boot.
  Remember how Bolt whinged ever so loudly when our law turned on him for not behaving appropriately. What did Bolt do? He bit his lower lip sulked, whinged and wailed like the spoilt brat he is, postured and threatened to quit the media.  However, when nobody yelled "don't" to our disappointment, he didn't.
So what we have here is a Monarchist, a Media arsehole who rarely provides News or information directly supporting two dysfunctional institutions. By attacking Harry and Megan victims of both for speaking up by using the law.  Rather than defending Harry and Megan's right, he's defending a corrupt media that feeds off a Cultural Dinosaur for profit. A press, whose editor's mindset is  "if it bleeds it leads" and who in the case of Megan "make her bleed" to get the lead. Andrew Bolt, in all of this, is a simple camp follower, a lazy latecomer who has stolen the opportunity to stick his knife in and twist it. It's what he calls his job.
However, when he was charged and found guilty, he wailed like a spoilt brat and claimed victimhood. Then neither our law nor the media failed like they have Harry and Megan. They are currently gorging on the opportunity of profit by screwing two individuals who they have made bleed. Bolt is defending the Bovver boy actions of his team.


Canada is a joke,
 re-electing its first black/Indian/Sikh/First Nations prime minister - a culturally-cringing and weakened hypocrite. 
Meanwhile, Donald Trump scores another foreign-policy success, this time in Syria.
 But don't expect the media Left to admit it. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
1h ago
The Real  Bolt


Here is another example of whack-a-mole creating Creating a lead because he was wrong and dragging his whinge on ad museum. Why is it so important? Because Bolt was found to be, and is still wrong and now squirming.


The ABC's Media Watch in 26 years has never corrected what even a global warming scientist admits is a popular newspaper falsehood - that global warming causes droughts. Instead, it now does a cover up, only to be exposed by a PowerPoint slide. From The Bolt Report.
3h ago

For how many years did we hear Climate expert Andrew Bolt declare the 'Planet is Cooling". Has he ever apologised and heard to say he was "wrong"? He's wrong now as well, We saw how this media thug used Andy Pitman then threw him aside simply to attack Paul Barry and the ABC, why?  For revealing how Bolt used Pitman for his own benefit and not the underlying truth that global warming does have an indirect connection to the "intensity of droughts" which Bolt denies. Just as he did when he insisted the Planet was cooling.


True, Russia emerges as the king-maker, but Donald Trump's pullout is not the bloody mistake we were told: "Russia and Turkey agreed on ensure Kurdish forces withdraw from areas close to Syria's border with Turkey and to launch joint patrols ... just hours ahead of a deadline for Turkey to restart its assault on Syrian Kurdish forces."  
3h ago
 America pulled out of Vietnam to win the war for peace. Trump pulled out of Syria to win the war for peace. Now Iraq wants the Americans gone for Peace as does Afghanistan. Amazing how America such a peacemaker moving in and out other sovereign territories generally disadvantaging those they co-opted as allies when they first moved in then deserting them.
Here is the reason Andrew Bolt is little more than a media ape. Any peace on the Syrian border hasn't been Trump's success; it's been entirely Putin's because of Trump's failure. Trump started a war to defeat ISIS and get rid of Assad. He achieved neither.
 He has handed the Middle East to Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq and lost control of the oil and has had to increase troops in Saudi Arabia. In the meantime, he's supported a bloodbath in Yemen. 
Israel is now in a less comfortable position as Trump has actually helped unite the Shia in the area. At the same time showing the world how America treats its allies and can't be trusted. The biggest losers have been Israel, the Kurds, and the US reputation as peacemakers. In the meantime, Yemen is a humanitarian disaster in the hands of the US and Saudi's.

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