But Andrew Bolt stands as an example of one
1)However to call one's ex-fiance a liar and try to humiliate her and his wife by saying I lied to protect her is
2) To declare he's sacrificing himself as the only breadwinner in the family to have to take his family when he doesn't want to is.
3) To say he has the right to dictate what his daughter wears and a Muslim Imam doesn't is being a hypocritical misogynist.
4) To deny a bullying boys culture doesn't exist in the LNP and attack the women who have said there is is
5) To join Tim Blair in his war against Frightbats is
6) To claim he's a victim of women fighting for women's rights is
7) To laugh out loud at the South Sudanese Beauty Contest is
One could go on ad museum with examples to prove Bolt is an Islamophobic, Racist White Supremacist Hypocrite and Misogynist
They don't need to
When Aids was epidemic did Bolt rail about costs. When one talks costs of space exploration do we here, Bolt complaining? He complains about 0.21 cents in every dollar we so generously give as Foreign Aid. My word he complains then. Has he complained about the $7 mill Dutton said he spent on a report his department can't find said they had but didn't release? He complained about Climate Refugees millions displaced due to extreme weather conditions, but he doesn't complain about warming. He says things are better now than they once were but says nothing about the price of Insurance going up.
Costs are demanded of fighting against the planet-warming when coal is more expensive than renewable. Costs are hidden and buried when fossil fuels are discussed health environmental repair extreme accidents are all swept under Bolt's carpet but fixing a problem Corporations Science Finance agree on, and everyone knows exists and declares urgent is of no concern to Bolt. He wants a bottom-line figure fudged if necessary. Does Bolt know the cost of keeping himself alive from now until death no? Does it stop him progressing and moving forward, no? Yet he expects that exactness when fixing a global issue.
The fact that the war in Syria began due to a massive climate event is of no concern to him. That companies and weather have accelerated the loss of water don't bother him at all because he knows better than the insurers and actuaries dealing with these events which Bolt claims have nothing to do with warming but what's more, are less disastrous than more.
Bolt's manic obsession isn't with Climate Change; it's with Paul Barry and the ABC. He literally pushes Andy Pitman aside to get at Barry. He's as unhinged as Donald Trump. Bolt turns to Australian Meteorological rainfall data to can 20 years of what might be trending as insignificant, but he didn't find it insignificant when he spent, year in year, out telling us Roy Spencers data was evidence of the planet cooling which he zipped his lip on in the past two years.
Bolt ignores global trends in preference to local ones to disprove a global suggestion that the intensity of droughts might be indirectly affected by Global Warming.
However, Bolt proves he's rabid, can't let go of his real focus warped unreasoned insanity, and his need for revenge against Paul Barry.
Occupies a bed to which we should all be entitled rather than a bed available because of our privileged system of Class and income and the Bolt demands DiNatale move rather than more hospitals be built to and make way for the increasing poorer, insisting that health isn't a public right for everyone, but class determined. Bolt's privileged deluded and a braggart that income is the determinant of privilege & class and should be recognized as such.
Bolt is a millionaire who works for Billionaires which makes him middle class at best, so is Di Natale. Neither are upperclass They don't own the means of their own production. Di Natale mind you is more aware of his status than Bolt's misguided belief he's upper class when he's not. Once he's retired, he'll be in for a rude shock when he's ignored and cast aside by those he looks up to.
The reality the bed has both their names on it and should have all Australians. The unfortunate truth there are too fews beds to be shared by all of us a point both are making, but DiNatale emphasising Health is a right and Bolt a privilege.
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