Monday, 28 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL,28/10/19; Bigger than Bin Laden; Even ISIS fighters didn't know who he was; TV Reality Show; Aussie Economy;

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi when last pictured in an latest Islamic State video.

'Bigger than Bin Laden': Trump says Islamic State leader killed in US raid

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed during a US-led raid in Syria, a major victory for US President Donald Trump.  The US was the inspiration for ISIS after the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of the Sunni's power base.
1 hour ago - President Trump announced that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has ... President Obama announces the death of Osama Bin Laden at The White ... In fact, Trump described nearly all of the operation's event in graphic, ...

An American military vehicle, part of a convey arriving from northern Iraq, passing an oil pump Saturday in Qamishli, Syria.

Trump Is 'Fixated' On Syria's Oil Fields. Here's Why

If Trump has "withdrawn" and then returned only to occupy the Syrian oil fields, he's totally ignored International law and invaded Syria as a robber baron. If, he's merely stayed and lied about his withdrawal he's simply turned his back on his Kurdish allies in the territory they share. Either way it's seems like an exercise in spin to steal Syrian oil. (ODT)

“We’ve secured the oil and, therefore, a small number of U.S. troops will remain in the area where they have the oil,” Trump said during an Oct. 23 press conference. “And we’re going to be protecting it, and we’ll be deciding what we’re going to do with it in the future.”
 experts say Trump’s focus on the topic fits into a broader pattern of fixating on Middle Eastern oil, which he has often suggested “taking” as compensation for U.S. military activity in the region.
 It’s unclear how the United States could legally “take” oil belonging to Iraq or any other sovereign nation. But Cogan describes Trump as having a “fixation” on U.S. oil interests in the region regardless. “[He has] a kind of transactional understanding of the relationship between the United States and various players in the Middle East where oil is the payment for U.S. military protection,” Cogan says.

Dana Stroul, a fellow at the Washington Institute of Near East Policy, adds that American officials may be pushing Trump to keep some troops in Syria to fight ISIS and to act as a counterbalance to Russia’s presence there, and “have settled on this notion of protecting this oil as an argument that would be compelling” to the President, given his fixation on the issue.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses and closeup
Van Badham... Face Book

Ah, the Liberal Party: they love cutting taxes for billionaires and big business, but they LOVE increasing taxes *on you*.
My personal favourite bit of this is that Dean Smith is calling for ordinary people to pay more tax on basic goods and services AT THE SAME TIME he is opposing infrastructure projects (that create jobs) or Newstart increases. Some very simple maths is required to imagine what happens to people trapped in low-paid work or stuck on the dole if the price of food (and everything else) goes up.
In politics, we call what Liberal senator Dean Smith is doing here a “stalking horse” - a minor player in a safe seat (no seat safer than a senate seat) is deployed to test just how much opposition there is to a controversial idea; if it’s unpopular, you don’t want it to blow back on the leader or anyone whose seat is more precarious.
My strong recommendation is that if you think this stinks, blow up *like hell*.

Boom, doom and gloom: The forces uniting Australia and the United States

 As Australian households halt their spending so too are businesses, with leaders concerned the economy will deteriorate in 2020, which paints a grim picture that mirrors the one going on in the United States.

  Image result for Images of Trump crowing


Donald Trump kills the world's worst terrorist. But the Washington Post is so mad with Trump hatred, so determined to deny Trump credit, that its headline merely announces the death of a scholar: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.” A head-hacker is an "austere scholar"?  And dies of what? Cancer? 

After the ISIS-inspired bombings in Barcelona Andrew Bolt wrote that he admired the conviction with which the bombers approached their task and he wished Christian youth had the same. He called them gutless. Andrew Bolt called for war, not against terrorism but against Islam. He regularly cried out "who let them in" that Australia was or ought to be a Christian State. A Christian, Western, Nation, and if it were possible White. Tolerant of black persons only if totally assimilated to his notion of Australian culture.
When you boil it all down, Bolt wouldn't pick up a weapon himself, but he certainly justified others doing so. Mind you when push came to shove as it did when the Christchurch massacre took place  Bolt ducked for cover pulled his head in and claimed he'd never encouraged anyone to violence.
The point I'm making is Baghdadi like Bolt was a preacher and not a fighter like Osama Bin Laden. His family were all preachers. When he was captured by the US, they let him go. His main claim to fame was calling for a medieval Caliphate to be established by the displaced Sunnis. Displaced by the invasion of Iraq by the US. There were a lot of Sunnis with ex-military training that did just that, and in 2014 they did just that and the preacher who inspired them disappeared. There were no Bin Laden images of him with weapons in hand. Nothing to say or show that he was their active leader or the military head of ISIS.
Baghdadi was Andrew Bolt but better studied in the Koran and the history of medieval Islamic Caliphates. He was an Austere scholar who grabbed hold of a microphone in Mosul and spoke to a displaced army of experienced Sunni fighters who listened to him. So yes the Washington Post was Right. Had they been referring to Andrew Bolt they'd have been entirely wrong. He's not a scholar nor a visionary with an audience.

You know who was wrong and a bullshit artist? It's Trump describing Baghdadi as a crying whimpering mess with a suicide vest who blew himself and his 3 children up. Crying, whimpering and blowing yourself up doesn't seem a realistic description. They simply don't go together with the world's greatest terrorist. Mind you crowing and bragging and blowing yourself up does, and that's precisely what Trump is doing.


Bolt has first-hand experience of this. He was going to quit after being found guilty of vilification under the RDA by Mordy Bromberg. It probably not so much having been found guilty but the News Corp lawyers wouldn't appeal. Bolt was posturing, and unlike George Moore, he didn't quit. He watched his Ps and Qs. Mind you he still never says he's wrong and rarely talks off the cuff. He's checked and scripted and not really a talking head. When he last tried his Sunday Night self -produced podcast lasted 5 weeks and bombed.

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