Saturday, 21 December 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 21/12/19/; Australia rages 14 0f 15 hottest places in the World; Australia's Reputation is now at a historic and extreme low; Murdochians insist our weather is just weather nothing to see here;
This is what Murdochians call normal weather (ODT)

via Climate Crisis Rages in Australia, with 14 of 15 hottest Places in World and Sydney Fire-Besieged

China: before or after?

By RosemaryJ36  Not being an expert on China or its history, ancient or…

International Energy Agency executive director Dr Fatih Birol

'Too emotional, too hot': World's top energy chief laments Australia's climate debate

The powerful IEA boss says Australia's reputation is at risk and places it in the "top three" nations in the world where the climate debate has been derailed.
  • by Bevan Shields

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