Friday, 12 June 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 12/6/20; Subsidising the failing Fossil Fuel Industries; Destruction of world heritage; A kind of racism the UK and EU has always forgotten;

Trump Sanctions War Crimes Court To Silence Investigations Into U.S. Misconduct 

 A law unto themselves enforcing Quid Pro Quo 

During a press conference on Thursday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that top officials on the International Criminal Court could face economic sanctions, to be determined on a case-by-case basis, for investigating the actions of the U.S. and allied forces against the will of those nations. In addition, the officials, along with their families, will be restricted from traveling to the United States.Pompeo was joined at the press conference by Attorney General William Barr, Defense Secretary Mike Esper and national security adviser Robert O’Brien.

The oil and gas industry faces a $1.8 trillion loss in 2020 
 The oil and gas industry faces a $1.8 trillion loss in 2020
Oil and gas exploration and production companies are set to be the hardest hit of any sector in 2020, with Fitch Ratings estimating a $1.8 trillion loss by the end of the year.
Jun 11, 2020 08:36 
 If the UK is serious about tackling racism, it needs to address its unchecked bigotry towards travellers and gypsies 
 If the UK is serious about tackling racism, it needs to address its unchecked bigotry towards travellers and gypsies
As the Black Lives Matter protests rage on, Britain should also be reflecting on how it treats a different minority. Discrimination against Irish travellers is so ingrained, it is virtually accepted. 



Some lives don't matter to race protesters: "A person who attended the [Melbourne] Black Lives Matter rally has tested positive for coronavirus. The state’s chief health officer said it was 'unlikely' the virus had been acquired at the protest but cautioned that they may have been infectious at the rally." 

As if Bolt cares what happens to those that attended the BLM rally. He doesn't even care about his job anymore just works to rule and leaves on Thursdays. However, Andrew Bolt spreads an infection far worse where ever he goes and whenever he opiinionates and it's hate and division. While the Left tries to unite the majority Bolt spreads the seeds of hatred. Muslim hate, African Hate, China Hate  Indigenous hate and more. He simply hates Democracy which when push comes to shove is hate of Australia or people in general. The "good people" and outcomes he supports aren't generous or for the diversity of Australian workers and their families the productive powerhouse of the nation but the power elite whose control guarantees the management as minimal as it is not for merit but the monopolisation and protection of wealth and profit as is. 
Bolt's merely a News Corp marionette a network supporter of a diverse group of CEO's IPA members and LNP members dependant on protecting and growing a common cause but it's not Australia or any allegiance to the people who live here only profit and that as a cultural value above all. His personal retirement dream is to get out of the place.
Bolt's hypocrisy is patently evident he's a social distancer who insists debt-ridden Australians should get back to work and risk catching a virus in his service. He claims the unknown but exponentially spreadable disease is trivial why? To prevent his assets and investments from rapidly depreciating. Yet, here he is feigning concern over BLM protesters who felt their necessity was to rise and be heard was more important to them than any virus and any laws put in place to silence them. We don't see the Bolt's or Corporate managers marching when busted for robbing workers blind. In other words, the BLM uprising was a conscious choice to be on the street, unlike those Melbournians who don't want to hear, see or to continuously experience the infectious hate Andrew Bolt spreads under the banner of "free speech" and Law & Order.

Systemic racism has posed a much greater threat to public health and Andrew Bolt's concern ignores that altogether.


COLUMN Our new race warriors must be so pure, when they now want to tear down statues to people they say have sinned. Never mind the good they did - never mind that one is even to a leader who gave women the vote. Down they come! The new barbarians demand purity - by their hypocritical, vicious, ignorant new standards.

I'm not sure statues need to be destroyed but they might be of more use if correctly labelled for the evil they represent rather than the glory. Possibly their opposites next to them those that history did everything to hide an bury. Macquarie was a celebrated governor of NSW who issued orders that encouraged settlers to conduct the race wars in that state. Quite at ease to have indigenous Australians massacred or forced into slavery for King and Country. His statues torn down might just be a step to forget rather than remember the evils done to bring us where we are today.
Post WW2 The Germans ensured the worst of what Germany had done was taught in schools from primary schools in fact. Furthermore that the new history was compulsory lest it be forgotten. Not so in Australia where the History has been a concentration celebration and glorification of myths to bury otherwise inglorious episodes of our past. 
The Dutch, British Japanese and Americans are experts in presenting their histories in much the same way or burying the past.

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