Saturday, 13 June 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,13/6/20; Scotty's discount if forgiven; Murdoch's real business LOBBYING; Trump's Rally disclaimers; Chokeholds a littlebit alright;

Irony is DEAD: Axed episode of Fawlty Towers shows that UKTV fun sponges have lost all sense of reality

Britains Ministry of laughter demand all jokes attempts at mockery and irony be submitted for approval before release.
Razor cutting the ABC  along with the demand for the production of local content by and large only produced by the ABC could be seen as an equivalent attempt here to rid us of any shows mocking our government. (ODT)

 Irony is DEAD: Axed episode of Fawlty Towers shows that UKTV fun sponges have lost all sense of reality — RT Op-ed

This is, ironically, their way of “invading Poland” – UKTV may as well have issued a statement saying, “Come and have a go then, bigot”. It might seem petty to get this worked up about a sitcom, but those of us who oppose this cultural revolution need to make it very clear that up with this we will not put.
Lenin, who I’m sure is feted by the people banning all these comedies, once said: “You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw.”
It’s about time we showed these censorious fun sponges a bit of steel, because they won’t stop until we do.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said there had been "all sorts of hideous practices" in the nation's past.

PM vows action on Indigenous gap, but warns against new 'history war'

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has flagged more ambitious targets as soon as next month, after apologising for saying there was no slavery in Australia
 Prime Minister Scott Morrison has vowed to act on Indigenous disadvantage with more ambitious targets as soon as next month, after apologising for saying there was no slavery in Australia.
Warning against a new "history war" over race, Mr Morrison said he wanted to put Indigenous issues at the forefront of government policy, with new goals to be agreed with states and territories.
Scotty from marketing throws in a two for one discount if Indigenous peoples and all other  voting Australians are prepared to forget what he said and leave history alone.
News Corp and Rupert Murdoch have real skin in the game when it…

News Corp and Rupert Murdoch have real skin in the game when it comes to changing class action litigation and how it is funded — though it tells readers none of this.

 News Corp’s US$1 million donation to the CoC was revealed in 2011. The CoC’s membership list is secret but includes mega corporations such as Dow Chemicals, Koch Industries, Chevron and Walmart according to research by the not-for-profit Chamberwatch.

US President Donald Trump.Protesters gathered outside the Dallas venue where President Donald Trump held a race and policing meeting during a fundraising trip.

Trump's Tulsa campaign rally includes coronavirus liability disclaimer

The sign-up page for tickets to President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa next week includes something that hasn't appeared ahead of previous rallies: a disclaimer noting that attendees "voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19" and agree not to hold the campaign or venue liable should they get sick.


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