Monday, 15 June 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 15/6/20; Ch 9 the news owners of Fairfax trying to impress the Liberal Party and donors; Hiding Covid-19 in Trump's bunker;

Last night, an investigation by 60 minutes and The Age exposed that a Victorian Labor MP has been up to no good; branch stacking, trying to build some kind of aspirational warlord powerbase, unbelievably abusive statements about female colleagues.
So first thing today, Daniel Andrews, the Labor Premier of Victoria, *sacked him*. Boom, just like that.
Not only has Andrews stripped the dude of his ministry, but he’s pushing his expulsion from the party. AND his government is referring him to IBAC (the Victorian anti-corruption commission) AND to the Victorian police.
Leadership is not just about how you manage the people you’re entrusted to govern. It’s about managing those who do the governing as well.
Compare Andrews’ decisive action against one of his own... with that of the weasel words and excuses for no good behaviour made by Scott Morrison, when it comes to his own Liberal Party and the Coalition.
Again and again, the dodgy business of Angus Taylor, Stuart Robert and Bridget McKenzie has been exposed before the electorate. Morrison has done *nothing*. They are all still there.
** UPDATE: Somyurek is OUT of the Labor party. He is gone. It is over. **

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses

We could find what has transpired in the last 24 hours as humorous if it wasn’t so exasperating.

...Continue Reading

Three weeks out from the Eden Monaro by-election, a Right Wing Fairfax run media outlet, The Age had joined forces with the Right Wing, Peter Costello, ex-Liberal Treasurer, Channel 9, 60 minutes to investigate a minister in the Daniel Andrews Victorian Labor Government.
Are we surprised no, this is what the Liberals “dirt unit” do and a lot of the times they dramatize the actual event and blow it right out of proportion.
In this case and rightly so, the Minister that was investigated has been sacked by Daniel Andrews and being removed from the Australian Labor Party.
Congratulations to Daniel Andrews for quickly doing his job and removing the disgraceful Minister. Daniel should be applauded for requesting a Police Investigation into what was exposed last night. 

Could it be there is so much alleged corruption in the Federal LNP that we wouldn’t have enough innocent LNP ministers to have a government.
Now the list of 9
Stuart Robert, Dan Tehan and Simon Birmingham say they were in Sydney for parliamentary business when they attended the lucrative Channel Nine event and charging taxpayers to attend this bash
Oh surprise surprise CH9 so busy spreading anti- ALP gossip they overlooked what these guys were doing at this CH9 event
 Three cabinet ministers charged taxpayers more than $4,500 for an overnight trip to Sydney during which they mingled with mining and banking donors at a lucrative Liberal party fundraiser hosted by Channel Nine.
Stuart Robert, Dan Tehan and Simon Birmingham flew into Sydney on the day of the $10,000-a-head fundraising dinner last year before flying out again the following day, charging their flights and overnight accommodation costs to their parliamentary allowances.
The rules for expenses bar MPs from claiming travel where the the dominant purpose is to raise funds for political parties, but all three claim they were within the rules because they were in Sydney for other parliamentary business in the hours either side of the fundraiser.

State Labor minister Adem Somyurek.
The Faceless Man

Labor must expel branch stacker Somyurek

These extraordinary revelations put on full display claiming to show the very worst of our political system. Note however Ch9 also host $10,000 a head  Liberal Party Fundraisers with the usual suspect's attending their snouts in the trough.
For how many years have the right-wing media been paid to chase down Labour MP Adem Somyurek for "branch stacking"? How many times have they made out its something newly discovered and corrupt?  The only thing corrupt here is Ch9's advertorial for the Liberal Party and that the Liberal Party was somehow pristine and lily-white. Note the lack of attention-grabbing aside   proving what we have here is just an organised BEAT UP to please, "While not as publicly visible, the Liberal Party also at times resorts to the same tactics." 
Ch9's now the owners of Fairfax have decided to beat this old drum and make public idiots of themselves to attract the good graces and advertising $$$$ of the Liberal Party its donors by going head to head with News Corp in the chase for the dosh & filthy lucre. It's time to dump these scammers pretending to sell news and dump them both. No News today other than what's above and conveniently overlooked by Ch9 showing off to the Liberals by riding an old bike all hands and fingerprints making idiots of themselves.

 Dan does the right thing and shows what he's made of what will the Libs do??

Daniel Andrews sacks Adem Somyurek for 'deplorable' conduct and comments – politics live

Victoria’s premier says minister accused of branch stacking was not given an opportunity to resign. Follow the latest updates live

The Fox News primetime lineup ignores the COVID-19 death toll

As America faces 112,000 COVID-19 deaths, the national death toll is absent from Fox prime time

Fox isn't alone in hiding the facts from the American public Trump and the GOP are  as well. For that alone, as servants of the people, they deserve to be sacked from office and American politics if Democracy is to stand a chance and the state not fail. They have nowhere to hide and nowhere to run.

 Coronavirus pandemic

Fears of a second wave as Beijing steps up coronavirus measures


Organizers in Minneapolis Weigh Role of Community Defense Groups in a Police-Free Future

Some suggest neighborhood watch groups can offer long-term alternatives to over-policing. Others believe they run the risk of replicating the same abuses.





COLUMN If you believe your eyes, every AFL  player and the umpire is so sure our police are killing Aborigines in jails that they couldn’t play last weekend before bending their knee in silence. Is this remotely possible? Or did they just knee from fear of the race bullies? Likewise with Waleed Aly's preaching. How do we know he's not just following orders?  
10m ago 
 Firstly let's face it when Andrew has little to offer in the way of opinion but merely attacks his own profession and as a supposed professional of over 35 years also turns on the grammar of an American black woman he needs to be told can't spell.  So AFL footballers are 1) piss-weak afraid Bolt says like he does from behind his protective socially distanced curtain. They at least show there is neither "i" nor colour in teams and they have worked on ridding racism of the Bolt kind as far back as when Nikki Winnmar showed his pride. 
 2) Death in custody isn't according to Bolt isn't proven or even skewed it doesn't exist because the death certificates don't say so. Heart Attacks, Aphixiation aren't racial terms. "Look it up"  Well, he leaves the statistics and the experts when he says there is nothing to see forget the context just look at the medical and not social cause of the death. However, he thankfully stands as minority voice on that measure and a very racist one.434 deaths is a very large number and not one just plucked from the air.
 3) The segue to Waleed Aly someone Bolt has been personally obsessed with as much as he has Bruce Pascoe. In fact, Bolt professionally stalks Waleed, his wife the ABC to boost himself.  We do know Aly isn't following orders because there is no editorial consistency as there is with Andrew Bolt and the organisation he works for News Corp. Sky After Dark even regard themselves as a "team" and those he calls "friends". Waleed Aly is Waleed Aly and exceptional individual while Andrew Bolt is foremost visibly and obviously a package. The only question being why is he and that package still a useful fit for such a massive money-losing organisation and how long will that continue?

Dave Chappelle


Racism is just one way people can be cruel. Black Lives Matter supporters have shown us other ways — but their ways are apparently OK. Take foul-mouthed former broadcaster Mike Carlton and viciously misogynistic comedian Dave Chappelle, who has just proved the hypocrisy of Netflix.
This self-proclaimed emperor or king con-servative really has no clothes. Andrew Bolt stands naked making a fool of himself in public 4 days night and then runs and hides. The difference between Bolt Carlton and Chapelle is when they open their mouths they have something to say and they are saying it to those that have their knees firmly planted on the knecks of others. They aren't frightened to be out in public. They direct their comments to issues whereas Andrew Bolt scampers after them yelling "style is more important than meaning". "My grammar is better than yours"
 A Bolt public event is generally a photoshoot showing off his personal style to somehow ingratiate himself to the world as if he was a Kardashian or a true member of the elite.  Carlton and Chapelle certainly don't flaunt their lifestyles like Dorian Grey Andrew Bolt trying to polish the turd.


Personal trainer Patrick Hutchinson was pictured rescuing an injured man during clashes at a far-right protest in central London on Saturday.




I'm sick of politicians being too gutless to confront the race protesters with the truth - that police are not picking on and killing Aborigines in jail. They do not defend their police from the lies of Black Lives Matter organisers, and police who must pay the price. As for journalists like Waleed Aly...  My editorial from The Bolt Report.
4m ago 
Bolt certainly shows he's a follower and not a leader when it comes public opinion doesn't he? He scampers after Waleed Aly and others and has done for years a true Coyote and the Road Runner cartoon. The only problem is that Bolt thinks he's the Road Runner. 
I said earlier Bolt is a package and here he is a carbon copy of Fox News trying to sound like Tucker Carlson,  Sean Hannity and even Trump himself. Trying to mimic their softshoe on The Project as they do CNN and Mayors and Governors in the US. "I'm sick of politicians and..." They at least name those politicians but Bolt only has eyes for Tony Abbott. The data and evidence is in and 90% of Australia is ashamed that there are still deniers out there given voice who wear suits who think we don't see their KKK robes.
What Bolt doesn't tell you is that ex-heads of the police force actually agree with BLM and that the force does have a case to answer and changes do need to be made. Heads of the force and not just bystanders like Bolt are found standing shoulder to shoulder with the BLM worldwide and staring down racists like Andrew Bolt. In the case of Trump, it's the head and top General of his defence force. Oh did Bolt forget to mention the Atlanta police chief resigned when one of her officers put bullets into the back of someone doing a runner? Who according to Bolt died because his heart stopped.
Bolt's made racist attempts in the past to hang outspoken Indigenous Australians from his yardarm for us to see but found it was he who left his head on a pike. Bolt spent years frothing at the mouth attacking the police and their Culture for going after George Pell but as far as Aborigines are concerned their practices are faultless. It certainly makes Andrew Bolt look the yo-yo he in fact is.
Minneapolis hasn't "scrapped " it's own police force they are defunding it and redirecting funds the other welfare areas and meanwhile Andrew Bolt is calling his profession liars.  It seems Bolt favours the idea of  "force" rather than "service". He prefers a militarised army to control us because of property and wealth held by a minority in suburbs like his need to be defended from looters. Defended by the public purse not his private one so insurance premiums are kept stable.
Bolt showed himself to be the misogynist and in his rant revealed who he really is not just a racist but a mocker trying to punch down and be amusing when he pointed to "radical chic to match radical earrings" Now that's a bubble brain in a cut and paste effort to put boots into the bitch, again an American one. Andrew Bolt is such a try-hard but just not Fox is he?

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