Sunday, 14 June 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 14/6/20; ASIO, Murdoch is an economic lead weight the yoke that ensures the Fuck up of Australian and China relations;

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"Australia Never Had Slavery" Says PM Who Thinks The Sugar Cane Just Cut Itself For 100 Years'

It is dumbfounding that the MSM will not hold our inept and obviously uneducated PM to account. All that you read from MSM and the sycophantic conservative voters excuses his poor performance by saying, “ Morrison is allowed to make a few mistakes”.
...Continue Reading

100 years ago this country had laws that only allowed people of European extraction join our Defence Forces. So WW1 allowed people of German descent to join but not Chinese or Indigenous. Wages and Bank loans weren't readily available and indigenous Australians couldn't vote. Chinese were excluded from family reunion policies ensuring mothers and fathers were separated from their kids. If this isn't Systemic and Institutional racism what is? Australians became rich on the backs of property capital gains and mortgages from which non -Europeans were locked out of.


Coalition urged to tackle far-right extremism after Asio revelations

Maybe starting with the enablers of far-right extremism might be a start particularly those in the MSM that have been active in dividing this country on a day to day basis Sinophobia just one of their activities. The Murdochracy would certainly be a place to start.

“Asio has confirmed that right-wing extremists are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic to further radicalise people and whilst we still don’t know the number of investigations taking place, we know they now make up a close to a third of all domestic Asio investigations,” she said.

Criticism over 'downright offensive and unacceptable race ...Sinophobia: Anxiety, Violence, and the Making of Mongolian ...

Australia's multibillion-dollar Chinese tourism goldmine dries up

The pandemic has marked the end of a golden era of Chinese tourism in Australia. But what happens afterwards?
Why blame the pandemic? We accept Andrew Bolt's obsession with Bruce Pascoe. That it helped Bruce's book become a "best seller" and gave Bolt fuel to spread his racial bigotry. So why is it so difficult to digest that his anti- China stance and rhetoric helped shift the Chinese Government's attitude to this country? News Corp and Sky have been slamming them for well over a year far longer than even Pauline Hanson did. So if Australia's biggest media corporation aims it's slings and arrows at China why are we expected to believe they had no effect in closing down tourism. 
ASIO has made it perfectly clear that far-right-extremism has increased in Australia since Abbott in 2013. We know Chinese Australians are reporting increased harassment yet we ignore the Murdochracy's involvement as enablers of China hated, Islamophobia, antipathy, negative stereotyping of Africans, Indigenous Australians and their active division of so many other things in this country. NZ certainly recognized the harm they do when they cut them off for live-broadcasting the Christ Church massacre of Muslims by an Australian raised in the Murdochian shadow of Muslim hatred liberally spread by their team at Sky News.
Why have they allowed them to get away with it because it was politically useful is why and now their eggs have begun to hatch. Andrew Bolt like one of Murdoch's obedient clerks had a hand in sending tourism, education and the mining industries backwards as an Australian sponsored representative of Fox Corp.

No evidence of court bias against Indigenous Australians, Abbott says


No evidence of court bias against Indigenous Australians, Abbott says

The ex-PM said protesters should "wait a few weeks" before hitting the streets.
According to Abbott "you can't change history" no maybe not but it's certainly open to "reinterpretation" The Germans can't change history but the certainly reinterpreted it and they teach that reinterpretation in our schools. The British Inglorious past has been in a process of reinterpretation certainly by India and is being revealed more and more today. So what makes Abbott's pride so fixed? His version of his own story is certainly not a fixed one and won't be treated with the myths and interpretation he would like. Shame will be his and our outstanding legacy when his political past is fully revealed and hidden facts revealed.

FAKE NEWS Sold by Andrew Bolt


Bruce Pascoe invented his Aboriginal ancestry. He invented claims, promoted by the ABC,  that Aborigines were "farmers" living in "towns" of "1000 people" in  "estates" of "houses" with animal "pens" and a "well" in one case that was "70 feet" deep. Now he invents more history, claiming Australia had slavery.
25m ago 
As a consequence of Andrew Bolt's obsession with Bruce Pascoe and the evidence he gleaned from the past and News Corp's sponsorship of Bolt's simplistic denials, Bruce has a best seller.  He's has been able opened up people's minds to the misinformation we have been served about our history. Far more Australians now support BLM and Bruce along with his bestseller. Andrew Bolt is welcome to keep promoting Pascoe's books and work which will in time become essential reading in our schools.


The ABC tells an inflammatory falsehood in its war on Australia. How did this get published as "fact"?: "After a massacre, those Aboriginal people who were not killed were often enslaved."
1h ago 
How did an uneducated oaf be allowed free reign on News Corp one wonders as that information isn't readily available? It certainly wasn't because of his breadth of knowledge, expertise or merit acquired over the years. There is absolutely no evidence that Andrew Bolt has studied and become an expert on any single topic he has ranted about over the years.


Henry Ergas says high rates of black imprisonment are driven by high rates of black crime: "Yet none of that lets non-indigenous Australians off the hook. It was not indigenous Australians who destroyed thousands of Aboriginal jobs in country areas...[and]  massively subsidise[d] remote Aboriginal settlements." Whites pushed racial separatism.
1h ago 
Try examining the types of crimes that lands aboriginals in jail what becomes self-evident is most are significantly different from those that land whites in jail. How many white Australians are jailed for not paying fines or bills? How many are jailed for poverty and simply being seen? Australian Authorities even admit our laws are skewed and police over profile act and apprehend Aboriginies for activities they let slide among whites. But Ergas and Bolt deny what police freely admit happens. Who knows best seems it's Ergas and Bolt do why? They appear to have an agenda, a barrow to push and that's politicised misinformation.
As for integration, it hasn't really been tried for over 200 years and even today it's an embarrassment an inequality which remains written in our constitution. The Australian Government is entitled to still treat and formulate laws according to race and history is filled with them.


The statue-destroyers are totalitarians using mob rule to silence debate and drive conservatives, even their statues, out of the public space: "Bronze busts of former Australian prime ministers Tony Abbott and John Howard have been defaced with red spray paint on Saturday."
1h ago 
So Bolt admits they are "his" statues in our space. That they are somehow private and not the publics'. Property of all Australians to do a Banksy on should they wish to improve them for the truth they now tell. 


The media union's ex-boss demands a reporting where journalists call their bias "clarity" and exclude debate: "Too much reporting... has started with respect for institutional authority, and a 'he said, she said' balancing that, in this case, acts to legitimise the un-truths of racism. This is not the clarity of a journalistic respect for truth."
1h ago 
Critical thinking is the essence of journalism to examine events from all sides in an attempt to establish veracity or some level of truth. It's a goal that Andrew Bolt has avoided all his journalistic life because it actually meant doing some work. Something he confessed very early on in his career he wasn't prone to do and has shown ever since.
 The very notion of "respect for the truth" is an error in logic if one assumes that truth only comes with authority and they stand shoulder to shoulder. It certainly doesn't sound like any statement made by a REAL journalist or even an idealised one. However, it does sound like one coming from Andrew Bolt who calls his bias "clarity" rather than fog.


Truth is just a "semantic argument" to Nine's Jacqueline Maley: "[The Prime Minister said]...: 'There was no slavery in Australia.'... It was dreadful that Indigenous Australians and their defenders should have to scamper around collating evidence to prove as historical fact something that others wanted to turn into a semantic argument."   
2h ago 
One doesn't have to "scamper " around or wouldn't have to work as hard if our history books and current historians actually applied critical thinking methodology to their work. Less heroic and truer stories of Australia's systemic laws practices trends and norms might have been revealed. Stories that guaranteed and permitted slavery to be practised the way it still is today but minimally policed. 
It just happens to be called "wage theft" trafficking of women and even stolen children. All of which  has been a common practice exercised against Aborigines in particular in this country and not just hearsay.
There are not just words or semantics in those facts.  Even today our constitution provides for racial laws to be established. That has allowed over the course of history excused white patterns of behaviour and belief in entitlement for whites to treat aborigines differently in this country and in 2020 we still do. They are the most incarcerated people in the world and the worst-rated on every social metric without any national shame and it simply continues.
Truth isn't just semantic when elderly Aborigines are moved on by police when sitting under Kunanarra shop verandas to get out of the 48-degree afternoon heat and whites aren't. That's white man's reality called  "police moving the flower pots" to simply hide the truth of what is still occurring today each and every day when the tourist bus pulls up and someone makes a call. What law Mr Bolt is being broken?

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