Monday, 6 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 6/7/20; America's hospitals are filling up; Dan Andrews has gone all China; China is buying America's Tesla; Morrison ditches Tranparency;

 Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General Christian Porter dumped the Malcolm Turnbull-era plans.

 The ANAO audit - a follow-up to an audit it published in 2018 - again found major flaws in what it described as a "light touch" system. The Attorney-General's Department's own analysis showed the Code fully met just one of 10 principles for "transparency and integrity in lobbying" set down by the global Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

 Why is it Australia refuses to adopt Worlds best practise frameworks and only march to its own tune disregarding universal OECD standards? Self-interest seems the case with so many ex-ministers acting as un-listed lobbyists for unlisted interests.(ODT)

With traditional car sales in 'permanent decline', Tesla is soaring to the top of the pile

Tesla is now the world's most valuable car manufacturer as shares surge over 400 per cent, but tech companies like Elon Musk's have big questions to answer over ethically sourced materials, writes Gareth Hutchens.

Coronavirus health warnings along Ocean Drive on Miami's South Beach.

US hospitals at capacity as COVID cases rise in 39 states, Spain races to contain spread

The US continues to fight its first wave of coronavirus infections amid fears Independence Day parties could fuel a fresh spike in infections. That comes as Spain's latest outbreaks are linked to bars.
 In the US, rising cases in 39 states cast a shadow over Fourth of July holiday celebrations, while President Trump claimed that 99 per cent of cases were "totally harmless".
 In Texas alone, the number of COVID-19 patients currently hospitalised rose to a record 7890 on Saturday compared with 3247 just two weeks ago.



COLUMN We now know what it’s like to live in a Chinese dictatorship. Premier Daniel Andrews has locked up 3000 residents in nine Melbourne public housing towers. And he’s warned them: get tested or stay longer than five days in your arbitrary home imprisonment. Indefinite imprisonment, for committing no crime. Imprisonment, sanctioned by no court.  
6m ago 

Guess yo-yo Andrew Bolt is back to declaring the virus trivial again after his long weekend in hibernation after telling us how dangerous it was. He takes 3-day breaks at his private getaway or "holiday home" in "isolation" the one he bragged about before falling off his perch and breaking his arm. 


He offers absolutely no advice as to how our or any government ought to approach these global pandemics as they simply don't exist as far as he's concerned. Yet he complains more loudly and more often that the world around him thinks otherwise. He's more than happy to see us bomb and kill Muslims in Middle East Afghanistan and New Zealand and have others do it for him. That's taxes well spent as far as he's concerned. But public health seems a step too far.

Bolt's an idiot isn't he guess believes Andrews has gone all China because he professionalised the CFA as well and thinks the public well being comes before the individuals. It worked for 1.3 billion Chinese why shouldn't it work for 5 mill Melbournites. China has 4 active cases of that trivial disease called Coronavirus.


Bolt's quite happy to see migrants anyone forced to live in overcrowded spaces and conditions deal with this fast-spreading illness as he does "voluntarily" after all he doesn't live in population-dense conditions where even mice are born round-shouldered and illness can spread like a bush fire. He's freely avoided people most of his life and called it shyness.

 No sympathy for any of Bolt's shy people in those towers either. They simply shouldn't have even been allowed into Australia according to him. They are more dangerous than the disease according to him and vote Labour.(ODT)

Rudd's new view


COLUMN Kevin Rudd in 2009 warned that global warming “was putting at risk over 700,000 homes and businesses around our coastlines”. Now the former Prime Minister has just bought a coastline property himself. Hmm. Rudd once lectured us that “climate change was the moral challenge of our generation”. I think hypocrisy outranks it. And Rudd has form...
15m ago 

I do believe Rudd will be paying extra insurance for the privilege as insurance companies are fully aware of the dangers of climate change to their bottom lines. When I last looked Australia's councils were restricting the construction of "new" buildings in areas deemed dangerous and providing warnings in others not asking residents to pull their houses down. Lindsay Fox wants to grab the public land a Portsea right up to the shoreline but Bolt seemingly ignores that.


 Bolt has a holiday house how is it the media allows him his privacy.  Privacy and isolation would have been a primary condition of purchase I'm sure. What amazes me Bolt peaks over the fence and evaluates and discloses everyone else's life invading their privacy but and the public don't do the same to him. Why is that Australian's pay him due respect but he allows himself the moral right to invade the private lives others? 


How his wife went apeshit when it was publicly revealed their son worked for the IPA. How angered was Bolt when he was forced to move out of his house because someone became aware of where he lived and that he worked from home. Yet Bolt does what he demands others don't do to him. (ODT)


Breaking: Pauline Hanson’s morning racism to become a Sunrise exclusive. #auspol

Andrew Bolt Grabs a Bauer Media Opportunity to Support Hanson Against Migrants


On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Pauline Hanson on being banned today by Channel 9 for "racist" and "divisive" things she said about the people locked up in Melbourne towers. I'll show you clips showing just what hypocrites Nine are. Plus ABC chairman Ita Buttrose's shameless defence of the ABC's bias. And Meghan Markle: is there a bigger whinger? 
12m ago 
 In boosting Pauline Hanson Bolt tries to boost himself He had Mark Latham on twice last week and now his leader Pauline. Fake Nationalists one and all clubbing to promote division and racism in Australia. Fake in the fact that he makes out that Ch9 is somehow his opposite because they unlike him are opponents of "free speech" and the ABC somehow are also deniers by moderating Hansonite values. It's rather hypocritical o Bolt who has a record along with wjth Sky from banning people from their shows/ Blair Cotteral is one that come to mind along with Fraser Anning.

The fact is "free speech" has never existed in any society and the term might well be regarded as an oxymoron. The ABC at least provides a platform for opposing views and values because Bolt says they don't is hardly a justifiable fact. Andrew Bolt's speech certainly isn't free it comes as a sponsored expense for Murdoch media to maintain their corporate image as a PR platform for the Right. What they sell is a fake product values dressed as news and one-sided opinion, not debate presented as fact.  Unaccountable ideas expensively sponsored as monologues that echo division in Australia rather than unity. You won't find "we" on The Bolt Report only a nightly" them and us".
Bolt wraps himself in the Australian flag but is by no means a patriot as are the vast numbers of  Indigenous Australians who welcome us to their country only to be laughed at by Bolt and his ilk. Along the migrants that truly want to be here more so than Andrew Bolt who can't even be bothered to holiday here. He'd rather spend his time either hidden away or better still out of the country of his birth.

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