Brendan O'Neil says Trump is right. Cancel culture is real,
but the Left is in denial: "Even as statues continue to fall, these
people claim there is no culture war against the values of the past...
Even as people literally lose their jobs for criticising BLM, they say
PC cancellation is a myth dreamt up by right-wingers." He lists a dozen victims.
1h ago
"Trump talked about the ‘political weapon’ of ‘cancel culture’ – the
totalitarian thirst for ‘driving people from their jobs, shaming
dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees".
We have watched Andrew Bolt practice this for years his victims Martin Hirst, Yassmin Abdel -Magied, Will Colvin and countless others. Even if Bolt wasn't the one to get them the sack he certainly was one of the dogs baying for it to happen. So much so he thought he was untouchable until he had to face Mordy Bromberg's gavel and be called an unqualified liar and a lazy embarrassment to his profession.
Basically, while BLM stands for progress what Brendan O'Neill and Paul Craig Roberts preach is resistance to any only the new white victimhood and the freedom to oppress that's being stifled. Bolt's whole career has been built around his ongoing complaint of victimhood which peaked when Mordecai Bromberg declared him guilty of racial vilification and Tony Abbott failed to save him.
Fake news "all lives matter". When was that last practised in the past 500 years? It might be something said on Sundays but rarely practised and certainly not by Bolt, Hanson, and any conservatives we know. They are still doing their best to turn back the clock on marriage equality, safe schools and what is allowed to be taught to the next generation. Certainly not any questioning of History, the Humanities the methods of Critical Thinking.
Did Trump fuel the Culture wars at Mt Rushmore, of course, he did he was on Lakota land celebrating Presidents that destroyed and restricted their lives. Did Trump for a moment even consider asking the owners those Indigenous Americans for his right to be there? Did he thank them? If not why not? They certainly would have been teargassed off Lafayette Square to make way for him.
What is the difference if you lift or attempt to lift the lid on a pressure cooker your a"woke lefty" of course. If you keep trying to keep the lid on your not a victim by any means as these pricks maintain. If O'Neill and Bolt wanted to maintain a statue of Hitler in a German town Square they'd be declaring their values. There are no statues of Hitler in German town squares guess these mugs would declare themselves victims.
However, the reality of German History is taught and it's not mythologised as it is in America and Bolt insists it be done in Australia. Along with the IPA, the Ramsay Foundation and monarchists like Abbott. Any notion of critical thought abandoned for repetition all style but no search for meaning. While righteous anger or rioting is as Martin Luther King said "the language of the unheard" that's not so for the privileged like Trump O'neill or Andrew Bolt. These are the Assimilationists who insist all other Cultures be cancelled. They are the modern-day Colonial British and the reason that gave rise to Revolution and the War of Independence. They aren't in any way shape or form demanding progressive but only regressive change. They aren't today's victims.
Pauline Hanson was banned by Channel Nine for saying this
about residents locked up in Melbourne housing commission towers: "A lot
of them are drug addicts as well, they are getting their medication,
they are alcoholics." But the residents' health provider now confirms:
"There are many people who need access to alcohol and methadone." Ban
1h ago
Functioning Drug addicts where will you find them and their drugs? They live in Malvern their kids go to Private schools and they have the money that keeps the biggest buys in the underworld and overworld industries flowing while remaining the least profiled and by far the least arrested. They more than anyone is filling the expanding private rehab centres that are filling faster than our jails that deal with lower-class addicts and their medical issues.
One only needs to look at the degree and where Bolt and Hanson focus their attention and it's not on the quantity or economics of the legal and illegal drug industries and the drugs consumed by whom to calculate that the money spent by the top end of town families compared to lower ones is enormous.
When the economics is taken into account it becomes patently clear Bolt and Hanson aren't pointing fingers at drug-taking at all as much as they are immigrants per se for their lack of English their colour and religion. Not however their education as most are more educated than they are. Drugs and addiction aren't exclusive to public housing as much as their critics on the right are exceptional in their focus. One might just get a surprise what might be found in the Bolt and Hanson households and of those they call their neighbourhood and friends.
No apology is needed Ch 9. Hanson and Bolt are two addicts I'd definitely wouldn't want to live anywhere near as neither are functional Australians.
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