Saturday, 18 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,18/7/20 Trump's removed COVID-19 from Science and Transparency;

Fall Off the Covid -19 Cliff

 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a national public health institute in the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Wikipedia 

In the latest development, the New York Times reported this week the CDC has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House.

Hospitals have instead been ordered to send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.

This will have a range of likely knock-on effects. For starters, the new database will not be available to the public, prompting inevitable questions over the accuracy and transparency of data which will now be interpreted and shared by the White House.\

It is difficult to recall a previous public health emergency when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

Despite the inevitable challenges that come with tackling a pandemic in real time, the CDC remains the best-positioned agency – not just in the US but the entire world – to help us manage this crisis as safely as possible.

via US coronavirus data will now go straight to the White House. Here's what this means for the world

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Why? Just why would he compare notes with Trump? Peter van Onselen @vanOnselenP A meeting of minds... Statement from the PM's office: "The Prime Minister had a very productive discussion with President Trump. Both leaders compared notes on managing COVID-19 and the need to reopen their economies safe" 2020 FN'

With Fewer People Doing Arts Degrees, Who Is Going To Stack Shelves At Coles And Woolworths?

Experts are concerned that a doubling of fees for Arts Degrees may lead to a shortage of people with the 

Scientists, and Engineers, of course, they stack rationally.

People Looking Forward To Staring At Phone In Groups Again

People around the country are relieved that they will soon be able to meet in groups of up to ten

Attention should be paid Murdoch Media's Sky News vilifiers who spread patently fake news vilifying and falsely stereotyping Australians.

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