Saturday, 25 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL;25/7/20; Unemployment; Trump is failing and changing tack; 7 years in an LNP prison;




Julia Gillard was our first female PM , and she achieved a lot in her short time as PM. Despite the monstrously Misogynistic attacks on her daily by the despised and disposed of mad monk. An atrocious chapter in Australian politics. Julia is up there with Hawke, Keating, Chifley and other Labor heroes for actually getting progressive policies implemented and getting important things done. Scotty from the LNP marketing department plainly isn't up to the job.


One-in-275 chance of landing a white-collar job: Recruiters say it's never been this tough

With the official unemployment rate at 7.4 per cent and expected to climb above 9 by the end of the year, recruiters say they are seeing hundreds of applications for each white-collar job available.

Cut their Job Seeker and "it will encourage them back to work" LNP policy make sure they are insecure. (ODT)


Behrouz Boochani must feel a huge sense of relief at being accepted into New Zealand by the Lady who many here would like as our PM, Jacinda Adern . After years of suffering at the hands of the psychopath Dutton and his predecessors, Behrouz can now pursue his writing career and continue to be a voice for detained refugees here in Australia. Freedom at last.

Exclusive: Journalist who became the voice of the victims of Australia’s punitive detention system granted a visa after seven-year ordeal

Step aside, coronavirus denial. Trump has a new campaign tactic, and it involves militarised federal agents

This week, US President Donald Trump began wearing a mask, delivering safety briefings and waving the white flag of surrender in his coronavirus approach. Why now? He's found a more potent campaign strategy, writes David Lipson.

Stirring up trouble domestically and internationally it's all about him




Another six Victorians have died today from the coronavirus - three in their 80s, three in their 90s. Yet Premier Daniel Andrews blames the public for not doing the "right thing" - as if a mum without a mask, pushing a pram in a park, is responsible for not guarding the doors of the nursing homes, more than 60 of which have had infections.


The king spruiker for privatising everything Andrew Bolt is bemoaning the fact that the aged care industry is privatised and runs on the smell of an oil rag. That oil rag being casualised and poorly trained staff.  He's here declaring it's not regulated enough and the privatisation and deregulation party the LNP could have done it better.

What the king of media clowns doesn't tell you is that the 770 aged care homes in the State 570 are privately run and only 200 State managed. Of the 66 deaths, he keeps bemoaning only 10% were in State-managed facilities. So is Andrew Bolt calling for the State to take over and Socialise the private system? Given his past Mussolini commentaries that would be a definite no!

 Note he readily blames Dan Andrews but not the system of management which he's always declared "over-regulated" and battling left-wing organisations like the AMA and the Nursing unions who have always complained that conditions in aged-care to be appalling. Now Bolt agrees with them but is he shooting bullets in a 180-degree turn of direction and jumped the gutter? Fuck no he's not yelling that the VIC LNP would do a better job that would be "Sunday too far away". 

But then his job for Murdoch at News Corp and Sky News isn't News or analysis but the promise of profit through political quid pro quo advertising subs and PR. Bolt is a loser on that level as Foxtel has lost 350k subs in the first quarter of 2020 despite the company having been given $40mill in "freebies" in the past 12mths while their competition the ABC which Bolt "the forever whinger" without wouldn't have a job. Who again have had their budget cut by the LNP which isn't a cut but been called only an " efficiency extension". (ODT)


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