Sunday, 26 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 26/7/20; News Corp Australia a pain in Murdoch's Empire; Climate Fiction, Dutton and Loyalty, none;

Immune Illustrations and Stock Art. 16,286 Immune illustration and ...

Antibody research a blow to hopes of coronavirus immunity

Proportion of London population with proteins preventing further infections found to be far lower than believed.

 In the first longitudinal study of its kind, 60 per cent of participants were found to have a "potent" antibody response while in the throes of the virus, but this fell to 17 per cent after three months. Levels of antibodies depleted by as much as 23-fold in the three-month period after infection and in some people became undetectable.

Researchers in Munich found that those who have recovered could be vulnerable to a second infection.

  • by Edward Malnick

A US military helicopter lands in Afghanistan. A Hazara interpreter who provided translation assistance to allied forces in Afghanistan and had to flee the country as a refugee, is now facing indefinite detention in Australia.

Dutton is turning out to be Australia's worst Minister this Century. Remember Boomgate,  The Oper's for Mates, Health Minister, Immigration, more and now loyalty (ODT)

 Afghan interpreter who helped US-led forces faces indefinite detention in Australia | Australia news | The Guardian


News Corp columnist Ian Plimer's climate denialism called out by press council

An op-ed by Prof Ian Plimer in the Australian, which was condemned as blatantly false by climate scientists, has been found to have breached standards by the Australian Press Council. In November, his column titled ‘“Let’s not pollute minds with carbon fears” argued that there “are no carbon emissions. If there were, we could not see because most carbon is black. Such terms are deliberately misleading, as are many claims.”

The article also referred to the “fraudulent changing of past weather records” and “unsubstantiated claims polar ice is melting”, as well as “the ignoring of data that shows Pacific islands and the Maldives are growing rather than being inundated”.


News Corp papers 

News and journalism have always been the smokescreen for Murdoch main purpose of political PR. He took that model which he developed in the 70s in Australia against Whitlam with him to the UK and the US. where he perverted the industry. His expansion was only delayed in the UK with the News of the World tabloid hacking scandal. He was forced to sacrifice News of the World and banned from buying out Sky B&B not to be jailed. Murdoch simply crossed the Channel put his energies into the US and Fox and now owns the leaders of all 3 nations who do what he insists. His staff are part and parcel of the White House Administration as they were Downing St The Silo model is certainly nothing new for someone bleeding $$ in Australia. Journalism and News have never been the core element of his business as much as Headlines and Opinion have and are written by a few dancing Chimps tied to his strings.

Nevertheless, Murdoch hates backing losers it's not where the money is and one wonders whether he will keep backing Trump in Nov simply because he must or whether he will encourage his resignation and stick with the GOP. He certainly won't be welcomed as a Democrat (ODT)

There was just one tiny detail omitted by media editor Leo Shanahan. Tearing up the silos necessarily meant destroying dozens of journalists’ jobs. Instead of having four reporters covering a round you would have just one, and the story would be syndicated.

 There was just one tiny detail omitted by media editor Leo Shanahan. Tearing up the silos necessarily meant destroying dozens of journalists’ jobs. Instead of having four reporters covering a round you would have just one, and the story would be syndicated.

The day after the Blunden interview was published, the axe fell. Sources say about 65 people were tapped for redundancy at the Herald Sun and the Daily Telegraph, although the company won’t confirm numbers. On Thursday it was the Oz’s turn and another 13 people were made redundant, including an editor in his 60s who had clocked up decades on the payroll and a brilliant photographer. 

News Corp tears down Murdoch’s ‘silos’ – and then harvests journalists’ jobs | Weekly Beast | Media | The Guardian

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