Looks like the
lockdown is working, getting the numbers down. This will infuriate the whining, carping, sneering Victorian Liberals and their rat pack cheer squad at NewsCorpse

The Caravan of 600 Trump Praised PATRIOT PRAYER who really are they? (ODT)
In the wake of the shooting death over the weekend of a supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon, The New York Times, USA Today, and MSNBC are papering over the intrinsically violent nature of the group, its ties to white nationalism, and its history of staging armed confrontations against anti-fascist activists. This lapse is part of a larger pattern of mainstream media coverage that shies away from calling out right-wing extremism.
Mainstream media are whitewashing Patriot Prayer, a violent far-right group in Portland | Media Matters for America
The "6%" myth that the right is pushing
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, senior fellow at the Federation of American Scientists, called the "6%" meme "a ludicrous misunderstanding and misinformation." "Basically, [they are] arguing that if you die with COVID and have any risk factors, then it somehow doesn't count as COVID," he told Salon. Feigl-Ding compared the situation to that of cancer patients, who frequently have compounding conditions that increase their risk of dying of cancer.
"Most cancer patients have many other risk factors, which by their logic means a person didn't die of cancer if someone has anything else," he said.
Just as Andrew Bolt argues fentanyl killed George Floyd not the policeman the right-wing try to use the 6% as proof that only 10,000 deaths have occurred in the US not 180,000. According to Bolt kneeling on people's throats and having them tell you they can't breathe doesn't constitute murder if any other comorbidity possibility exists. What Bolt doesn't prove Floyd would have died if the knee wasn't on his throat and that is definitely not the case. It's the myth he's push
Didn't see it, but I gather Kerry smashed it...
Nah. I can remember the Vietnam War the Liberals lied us into. 500 lives and billions of dollars.
coronavirus crisis
If there is a clear lesson to be learned It seems clear that capitalist systems are incapable of handling pandemics the way socialist ones can. It's quite clear we need to change and change significantly not just for ourselves but for the reinstallment of the common good.
India is becoming the world's new coronavirus epicentre
Pandemic goldmine for private unemployment agencies as Coalition boosts payments
The cost of unemployment LNP economic management
Despite their long history of putting profit ahead of the interests of their unemployed clients, the private job service agencies tasked with getting people back into work are set to reap more than half a billion dollars in the next six months simply for signing people up. Sam Brennan reports.
Australians are becoming sick of the hypocrisy of our Federal Government. …
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Monday’s display, choreographed by the Adman Prime Minister, was another nauseating attempt at trying to appease an angry Australian public.
Josh Frydenberg starts with his personal attack on the Victorian Premier again, it’s time that the Federal Government realised that the more they attack Daniel Andrews the more the country will turn against the Federal Government and Daniel Andrews popularity will grow.
Our disgraceful Prime Minister and his pack of dogs are showing how desperate they are. Last week was the Belt and Road Initiative that blew up in their face when the Australian public discovered that Steven Ciobo had also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China.
Before the BRI attack was the attack on quarantining in Victoria, which also showed Australians that the security companies involved are the preferred security companies of Morrison and Dutton. Australia pays them millions a year. Morrison and Dutton’s mates let Victoria down with their inexperienced security guards.
The Federal Government also tried to blame the unfortunate deaths in Private Aged Care Homes on the state government. That was another failed attacked because now everyone knows that Private Aged Care is the Federal Governments responsibility. Oops another monumental mistake by the Federal Government.

A dozen doctors , surgeons and professors of medicine tell
Premier Daniel Andrews they oppose his devastating virus shut-down: "The
medical, psychological and social costs of the lockdown are
disproportionately enormous compared to the limited good being done."
Read on. I'll talk to one of the authors on The Bolt Report at 7pm.
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