Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL 23/8/2020; Goodyear releases statement on Trump; Fake News by Trump; What is Science; Van Badham Disaster Capitalism 101;
FDA aka "Deep State" is preventing Big Pharma from enroling and
recruiting people to trial vaccines for COVID-19 in order to prevent the
Don winning the election. Trump is s victim all the way to the poll and
What does science stand for; what does it try to accomplish, and what are its limits?
"Science is useless unless it is in the service of all humanity."
Whether it is artificial intelligence, intelligence gathering (Big
Brother), 5G microwave technology, climate change, over exploitation of
natural resources, poisoning of our ecosphere, GMO's, and
overpopulation, etc., we all need to re-evaluate where we are going as a
species and how to use science to benefit the entire planet - not just
exorbitantly wealthy "elites" who are instead using science as a means
of control, further wealth accrual, and modern day feudalism.
More than ever, we need scientists and the public jointly engaged in this discussion. Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/144852-science/
"Science is useless unless it is in the service of all humanity."
Whether it is artificial intelligence, intelligence gathering (Big
Brother), 5G microwave technology, climate change, over exploitation of
natural resources, poisoning of our ecosphere, GMO's, and
overpopulation, etc., we all need to re-evaluate where we are going as a
species and how to use science to benefit the entire planet - not just
exorbitantly wealthy "elites" who are instead using science as a means
of control, further wealth accrual, and modern day feudalism.
More than ever, we need scientists and the public jointly engaged in this discussion. Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/144852-science/
"Science is useless unless it is in the service of all humanity."
Whether it is artificial intelligence, intelligence gathering (Big
Brother), 5G microwave technology, climate change, over exploitation of
natural resources, poisoning of our ecosphere, GMO's, and
overpopulation, etc., we all need to re-evaluate where we are going as a
species and how to use science to benefit the entire planet - not just
exorbitantly wealthy "elites" who are instead using science as a means
of control, further wealth accrual, and modern day feudalism.
More than ever, we need scientists and the public jointly engaged in this discussion. Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/144852-science/
We all need to re-evaluate
where we are going as a species and how to use science to benefit the
entire planet - not just exorbitantly wealthy "elites" who are instead
using science as a means of control Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/
We all need to re-evaluate
where we are going as a species and how to use science to benefit the
entire planet - not just exorbitantly wealthy "elites" who are instead
using science as a means of control Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/
Dan Andrews acted by sacking the accused Minister the Liberal Party has a history of doing nothing. Yet News Corp and Ch9 didn't exactly put that on their front pages. (ODT)
drab outer suburban Melbourne electorate office of conservative federal
MP Kevin Andrews is an unlikely place to launch a political heist.
by Nick McKenzie, Joel Tozer and Paul Sakkal
Victoria's virus deaths today are typical: two in their
60s, three in their 70s, 10 in their 80s and two in their 90s. A study
notes: "Most of the risk groups... are... associated with zinc
deficiency." That's why the two touted treatments, hydroxychloroquine
and ivermectin, also require zinc. And it's why the Melbourne HCQ trial
worries me.
28m ago
Dr Bolt is the least educated the least qualified and least scientifically minded opinionator in this country. Bolt is still pushing the use of medications trialled and found to be lacking in the treatment of COVID-19. medications that have negative side effects are potentially dangerous to patients while not providing statistically significant results or beneficial outcomes. Nevertheless, Bolt ignores the current research to selectively cherry-pick and push outdated ideas for political and commercial purpose. Murdoch media is doing it on a global scale throughout the English speaking world. What is science?
science which thrives
on healthy debate and discussion to understand phenomena, weigh evidence
and find solutions. Similar to public debate, you have the "right" to
be "wrong" in scientific discussions. This is how scientists work out
problems by not being afraid to try different approaches some of which
may end up wrong. But we all learn from their missteps and ultimately
find a solution as a result. Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/144852-science/
science which thrives
on healthy debate and discussion to understand phenomena, weigh evidence
and find solutions. Similar to public debate, you have the "right" to
be "wrong" in scientific discussions. This is how scientists work out
problems by not being afraid to try different approaches some of which
may end up wrong. But we all learn from their missteps and ultimately
find a solution as a result. Читайте больше на https://www.pravdareport.com/science/144852-science/
There are currently 2 pandemics Coronavirus and Global warming both existentially threatening events which we are currently experiencing as the human race and they need to be dealt with by primarily science a means by which we have come to understand the physical world around us which has become a threat to humanity. The bubonic plague killed half the worlds population and we don't seem to want to tackle these pandemics any better than they were dealt with back then. Rather than deal with these threats as a united front we see them being argued in sovereign political and divided terms resisting any "whatever it takes approaches" for the sake of not universal cost and how much for whom.
Bolt ignores the science which is discovering that more and more younger people are now contracting a disease which has serious long term side effects. He keeps repeating yesterday's news largely a disease of the aged and predisposed who can be easily protected. Far more intelligent medical experts and epidemiologists more qualified in the field are saying that new research has found this to be bunkum and oversimplifies a far more complex situation. But then Bolt's real interest is to confuse create doubt and diminish the authority of real science. We saw how under Tony Abbott the best of Australia's scientific funding was cut and how people like Dr Bjorn Blomborg were promised funding.
Bolt ignores the progress in knowledge made and keeps reverting to the hopes of yesterdays cures not to resolve a global problem but the economic and political problems that the LNP's Reaganism Thatcherism and economic rationalism failed to resolve. They only exacerbate and protect the current flow of wealth into fewer and fewer hands due to increased deregulation, privatisation, monopolisation and inheritance of property and wealth without any sight of their promised trickle-down effect to a more and more impoverished labour force. Systemically their recommended solutions require an increasing human sacrifice and slavery to ensure the wealth of a few isn't lost no matter how many lives are lost.
It's currently self-evident that OECD nations are failing their citizenry far worse than China, Cuba, Finalnd Norway and Denmark are to name a few.
Anna Watson is a NSW Labor MP who in her first speech to
Parliament said she was proud to represent" a "kind and generous
community" and wanted a "socially just society". She's since claimed
expenses to which she wasn't entitled, and written vile tweets about Joe
Hildebrand and me. She thinks I'm evil, yet I wouldn't wish her dead as
she has me.
14m ago
Bolt thinks "politeness" is the neutraliser only when people actually target or shower him with righteous and often deserved anger because he has a resource not available to everyone. He continually tells us he is his own person when he's an owned person. He apparently abuses women "politely" when calling them "fright bats" or countless other terms he finds amusing. He has no trouble abusing children either and really believes none could be wiser than him because he's simply older. Most young people nevertheless could run rings around him on a pc or a mobile phone despite not having learned Bolt's "tricks of trade" in arguing. As for "taking money not entitled to" weren't 12 Liberal MP's stood down for taking money from developers during the Abbott era in NSW? Talking about that era LNP politicians apart from Peter Slipper were all caught dipping illegally into their expense funds even the PM. All were forgiven. Bolt has found one ALP member a "she" who'd love to see him gone like so many do. There must be a particular reason for his focus on Anna other that she'd be happy to have him fall off another ladder but harder but then it's Andrew Bolt it doesn't take much for him to kill women politely of course.
Victoria's Government is paying fellow Leftists like Waleed
Aly and Nazeem Hussein to star in ads telling us to "follow the rules"
of its destructive bans. One shows Magda Szubanski playing in one of the
indoor stadiums this government ordered shut for everyone else. Will
she be fined $1652 and the gym $9913 under these rules we're meant to
21m ago
What an idiot Bolt is noted, nobody has ever approached him to do community announcements unless it's for money, but then they were never community endevours. He hated having to go to PTA meetings for his kids. Are we to believe Bolt even knows if there are any commercial arrangements between Aly and Hussein? As Muslims, it wouldn't surprise they generously donated their time. Something Bolt the agnostic wouldn't do that's for sure. He could have asked Magda for her opinion rather than just give his of her but then he knows she'd simply tell him to fuck off!
The media Left smashed Brazil's president for not locking
down his country. Here's NPR: "Brazil's Bolsonaro Is Accused Of Crime
Against Humanity Over Coronavirus 'Neglect'." SBS still insists he's
wrong, despite Brazil now having fewer deaths pro-rata and less economic
damage than locked-down Peru. Bolsonaro's popularity has never been
2h ago
Here Bolt pathetically pushing qualified and disguised herd immunity. He was recently bagged by an Associate Professor of Epidemiology from Melbourne Uni telling everyone that Bolt was a simplistic idiot pushing opinions on subjects he really hasn't a clue about. Bolt seems to have moved away from discussing the local scene to Latin America about which he even knows less and they don't know him at all.
Terry McCrann on the Morrison Government's wilful
uninterest in two potential treatments: "We could open up the economy,
and treat anyone testing positive for the virus... We would not need the
magical Godot vaccine... that would have to be given to all 25 million
Australians and still not work anyway. Leading to, what, rolling
3h ago
How many times has Bolt repeated trying to boost McCrann or himself by quoting him? Is he trying to deflect abuse away from himself and onto Mc Crann call ing him friend but setting him up as the punching bag? The idea to treat only those testing positive to COVID how would that work when cases are both symptomatic and asymptomatic? You'd need to test everyone to stop the spread. That's what testing is about. A qualified "herd immunity" without calling it herd immunity and we have Bolt wanting us to be like Sweden and unlike Norway or Denmark still an economic downturn but with a greater death count with 6000 deaths instead of 600 and 250 yet a worse economic downturn.
These political idiot lobbyists are boosting the idea that there's no point in vaccines because they aren't likely to work. Theirs is hypothetical wisdom based on what political cynicism.? Cynicism brought on no doubt by the fact very little has been certain in recent times other than their shrinking bank accounts. However, they and the company they work for is shrinking and fast News Corp has lost $1.5 bill and Bolt's threatened with becoming the no longer needed invisible man.
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