Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL 25/8/20; LNP, Sukkar, Morrison Branch Stacking
Sea of Waste
It wasn't that long ago we heard the Hewn cry of the Herald -Sun focus on the political crime of branch stacking in the ALP. When it was suggested the LNP engaged in the same activities it was simply ignored. Well, it seems it can't be now but it's perversely being applied by the MSM to remind us today of Labours crime. Yes, it's on the front pages of News Corp and Ch9 but to remind us of Dan Andrews past events. Andrew Bolt has ignored it entirely his blog directing us elsewhere and his exhausting repetition on the folly of Dan Andrews's overreach on COVID. Don't mention Branch Stacking (ODT)
Genome analysis confirmed an IT worker had been infected by two different COVID strains four months apart.The discovery is important because it adds to growing concerns that
antibodies in some patients may only last as little as four months.
Researchers from Hong Kong University's microbiology department said
the case also casts doubt over whether herd immunity can ever eliminate
the virus, and suggests vaccines won't offer a lifetime shield against
the disease.
Just look at the difference between these two front pages .
Murdoch propaganda rag completely ignores the Victorian Liberal party
shambles and Branch stacking that goes all the way to the top of the
Federal Government as well.The assistant treasurer no less. Most likely
Morrison too.
Uncle Rupert is trying to say it didn't happen when the whole country
knows it did. Black is white and white is black according to him.
No wonder intelligent people are turning away from the Murdoch lies , and towards genuine Independent media outlets .
The Murdoch "empire" is collapsing , it's days are numbered.
And many will cheer loudly when it does.
They call Victoria’s Premier “Dictator Dan” and it’s no longer a joke.
Daniel Andrews wants to extend his “state of emergency” by another year. Like all dictators, the Premier says he’s doing this for our own good. It seems democracy is a health hazard.
20m ago
Typical the news of the day is LNP Branch Stacking and Morrisons hypocritical stand and yes Bolt is focused on "Dictator Dan"
Who are "they" that call Dan Andrews "Dictator Dan" Bolt is using his 30 plus years of trade tricks to suggest Andrews wants to enact a "state of emergency" for another year when he doesn't. This is yet another example of why Judge Mordecai Bromberg said Bolt was a slack journalist. Lazy and loose with the facts. Calculated is more to the point. Flipping is also a practice this almost retired hack uses a common practice of his.
To be able to call a state of emergency for an extended period of 12 insteadof 6 months allows the government` freedom to make long term plans for the safety and health of the community when a pandemic strikes. The six months available currently limited that response.
Bolt should take note of the Essential Poll taken that Victorians are "for" stricter measures in the circumstances to keep them safe which makes Bolt look as if he's pushing shit up a hill with a pointed stick saying "they" don't. Bolt been so wrong so often on the wants of Victorians it would seem he doesn't live here. We know he doesn't want to.
Andrew Bolt might be advised to try defending the teammates like Miranda Devine for one who seems in deep water but then she wouldn't want to be defended by him. Maybe Tarrant would have him do for him what Bolt did for Pell. After all he was seemingly an inspiration for the Christchurch massacre by widely broadcasting Identitarians Molyneux, Lauren and UPF's Brett Cotteral on his show. Tarrant regarded them and their ideas as his heroes and Bolt gave them air. Bolt claims to be anti-violence but boosts and amplifies the messengers of it. The people and propaganda that led Tarrant to commit the mass-shootings.
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