Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 25/8/20; Humour; Senator Henderson embarasses herself; Derryn Hinch says it like the NZ'er he was; The Spanish are at their wit's end.

A Titanic size disaster but not for Wall St

 Liberal senator Sarah Henderson based her call on a provision of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act that allows people to seek redress for decisions by Victoria's Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton.

Liberal senator urges Victorians to demand compensation for lockdowns

Sarah Henderson is calling on people to use state law to seek financially redress if they have lost work from the curbs imposed to counter the coronavirus.

The Victorian LNP has it's head firmly up its arse playing politics totally unconcerned about the fact that the virus isn't a partisan matter but a serious global problem. This isn't a matter of virus lite or aren't I a clever politician but if we simply play political tennis with it we could well have a resurgence like Spain. Maybe Senator Henderson should try to give her advice to the Spanish. Thankfully Victorians are well aware of what Senator Henderson isn't and support their Premier. (ODT)

A man is tested for COVID-19 at a medical centre in Madrid.

Spain set to send in troops to trace resurgent coronavirus

Spain's PM said troops would be made available to help following the country's worst week for infections since March.
 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez says that troops will be made available to help regions overcome a resurgence of the coronavirus, following Spain's worst week for infections since the epidemic's peak in late March.
He also said regional administrations could make decisions themselves on how to handle the fight against the pandemic rather than have the central government take charge.

Derryn Hinch

No blank cheque but state of emergency must be extended

Some lecture us on the need to reopen 'for the sake of the economy'. If we don’t beat, we won’t have an economy.




The background: wanting to replace MPs you think don't perform is no crime. In fact, it's dumb if you don't. That is not to endorse Karina Okotel's judgment, faction games or alleged peddling of smears. But the leak of her email today is clearly a reprisal for someone having leaked flimsy allegations against Michael Sukkar and Kevin Andrews.
16m ago 
This is Andrew Bolt's effort at a misdirect or" nothing to see here" approach to the fact that Sukkar and Andrews have been caught out in the same activities as they accused the ALP of that demanded Andrews do something. 3 MPs were sacked. Bolt wasn't silent back then as he has been for 3 days. But he might as well be if this is his pathetic effort to deflect attention onto Okotel from the dirty deeds done.


Education Minister Dan Tehan last night couldn't say how many Australian scientists have signed up here, too: "A professor at a Texas University who had access to NASA’s space secrets has been arrested on conspiracy charges for hiding his affiliation with China’s Talents program."
1h ago 
"signed up here"? "hiding his affiliation" 
How loose and lazy is Bolt? Bolt hides his affiliation with the world's "Nazis and Fascists" he denies any sympathy for Tarrant the Christchurch mass- murderer and we do nothing about it. We allow hin to publicly inspire the bastards.  Here he is hypocritically calling for Tehan to up his game and become more stringent about and how Australian Scientists think. Andrew Bolt the advocate of "free speech" is calling for the Dan Tehan to set up the "thought police"


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tries humour to attack the Republicans' convention: “Honestly elephants deserve so much better than to be a mascot for this.”  It took a nano-second to backfire.  
Talk about an ass, an ass is far more intelligent than Andrew Bolt. AOC wasn't joking and was serious about the Republican Party demeaning the qualities of a noble beat it uses as it's mascot. She wasn't in any way referring to the symbol of the Democratic Party but it sure did sucker it's supporters like Bolt rushing in.
The ass isn't regarded as an elitist symbol and the Democrats don't pretend to be. They provide a hard-working diligent service for all Americans. The Democrats actually enoble the ass and put work before ego and that's certainly not Andrew Bolt let alone Donald Trump. If Bolt and Trump were a Democrats AOC\s comments would apply equally as accurately to them and the sympathy we'd have for their mascot the ass. 
 The Trumps McConnell, Rudi Gullianis certainly do zip for what an Elephant represents and nothing for what an ass does. They'd be well represented however by an illustration of a rusted Bolt

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