Hot Air Contest

Right now, we’re all facing the same storm, but we’re all doing so in different boats… Some have yachts, others are in tinnies. Some have a substantial crew on board, others are rowing alone. Some have life jackets (higher resilience, stronger relationships, more optimism, use their strengths and more positivity), others don’t even have a working rudder...
I have been using this boat analogy a lot this week (after hearing it from @janewundersitz) to explain why some people are handling the current crisis better than others..
“We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same storm.” That summation of our current situation originally came from Damian Barr (the illustration is by Barbara Kelley), who suggested that some of us will sail through this pandemic with our health and jobs intact, yet others will lose one or both, or potentially more.
So if you’re wondering why others are fairing better or worse than you at the moment, perhaps it’s worth considering what type of boat they are in….

After the 60 Minutes program on Sunday, one would have thought the LNP cheer squads that jump from Labor pages to Labor pages would have been silenced, but no they were there trying to deflect.
These cheerleaders will never admit that the LNP are corrupt or that the LNP have failed Australia. They won’t even stop commenting, they have now reverted back to screaming about Daniel Andrews and that the Covid deaths in Victoria are all his fault.
It’s truly mind-boggling that these LNP supporters think they are superior to the rest of us but can defend our LNP Federal Government.
At the Bulletin, we remember the outcry from media outlets when 60 Minutes did their Victorian Labor branch stacking expose, but now that the Victorian Liberals are found to be branch stacking it’s only the sound of crickets.
Morrison attacked Anthony Albanese in Parliament accusing him of being involved and saying that Anthony Albanese had problems in his party, but Morrison’s comment on Monday was that it’s “Victorian Liberal matter”. Yet the LNP cheer squad think nothing is wrong with that. Hypocrites everyone of them.
They refuse to acknowledge the truth about the party they have supported, so they themselves lie and spread the LNP propaganda.
The cheer squad deny that Daniel Andrews is unjustly being attacked daily and blamed for what we all know is the mistakes by the Federal Government and especially Colbeck, Hunt and Morrison.
We looked into the ministers that Morrison has surrounded himself with, he has chosen the most incompetent and inept politicians. It seems Morrison chooses less talented people so that he looks more talented than he is.
We don’t see any difference from the top down they are all untalented, useless individuals.
Morrison - failed Adman, Immigration Minister, Treasurer and now the worst PM. Ruined the economy, victimises children and refugees.
Colbeck - failed Aged Care minister, who doesn’t even know the difference between a state and a territory. Someone let Colbeck know it’s 6 states and 2 territories.
We could write a book on the faults of every minister in the LNP but we’ll just do a list of the imbeciles that Morrison surrounds himself with.
Dutton, Cash, Littleproud, McCormack, McKenzie, Hunt, Frydenberg, Taylor, Price, Reynolds, Tudge, Wyatt, Corman, Birmingham, Porter, Fletcher, Tehan, Andrews, Pitt, Ley, Chester, Ruston, Robert.
Every one of the ministers listed above has made some colossal errors in their portfolios.
Every one of them have opened their mouths and contradicted themselves. They would never have received a portfolio in any other LNP government or any Australian Government if it wasn’t for Morrison.
Morrison likes to surround himself with ineffectual and amateurish ministers so they make him look better. (They are failing, nothing can make Morrison look good).
They will all stand by Morrison as they know they would be unemployed if it wasn’t for him.

Fake News
It’s the question multicultural Australia is too scared to ask: how
many of our 1.2 million ethnic Chinese would help China’s dictatorship?
In fact, how many already help China as its leader instructs its
military to “prepare for war”? This is not a "racist" question. It is
China's policy.
Yesterday was not the day for Julian Elliott to smirk. Not as he
dismissed a possible cure for this coronavirus. Not on the day 24 more
Victorians died. The toll should make the Andrews government and its
advisers desperate to investigate any potential treatment suggested by
doctors better qualified than themselves. There are two such treatments.
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