Monday, 3 August 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 3/8/20; Morrison seems to be doing what he does best nothing; Netanyahu is doing a Trump; Andrew is 3 days late as usual;

Donald Trump listens during a meeting with police leaders at the White House.

via The painful truth about Covid and the economy – Trump is to blame | Robert Reich | Opinion | The Guardian

 The recovery has been very strong,” Donald Trump said on Monday. Then the commerce department reported the US economy contracted between April and June at the fastest pace in nearly three-quarters of a century, which is as long as economists have been keeping track. The drop wiped out five years of economic growth.

But pesky facts have never stopped Trump. Having lied for five months about the coronavirus, he’s now filling social media and the airwaves with untruths about the economy so he can dupe his way to election day.

The comeback “won’t take very long”, he reassured Americans on Thursday. But every indicator shows that after a small uptick in June, the US economy is tanking again. Restaurant reservations are down, traffic at retail stores is dwindling, more small businesses are closing, the small rebound in air travel is reversing.

Governments MUST have contingency plans for disasters, particularly ones like pandemics, which may be few and far between but which are, sooner or later, inevitable.

To have a government which looks after the wealthy with greater care than it does the needy could be seen as incompetent or even evil.

 "Money is the root of all evil" - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Image may contain: text that says 'SHOCKING STATE TH'S DOO dents d to placement als bound for T reco biggest oxygen OVID-19. had peoplel Resident fatalities WHAT EVACUATION REPORT residents FOUND FRIDAY Most fever Residents drink residents resenting with diabetic pressure had levels. clothes, Residents arrived dirty other with clothes. wearing pressure malnourished residents soiled, Mostresidents residents were non-verbal hypotensive. comatose. residents Medics believed that some @Bushrangers_01 One horrendous things you ever the #COVID19Vic mess. They deserve way better their 50s, one three The dey Basil' said questions" died. low heearly'
This is a disgrace. This is the Federal Government’s fault and Health Minister Greg Hunt.
Morrison and the LNP removing $1.2 billion out of Aged Care. Morrison and the Government refusing to act on the RC.




 A man is held down on the ground by at least six police officers

 Netanyahu rails against media after another massive protest


Following the latest in a series of protests against his rule, Benjamin Netanyahu targets the country's media and demonstrators in a six-minute spray.


 James Murdoch's resignation is the result of News Corp's increasing shift to the right – not just on climate



Twitter, Facebook and YouTube banned a video of doctors promoting hydroxychloroquine, a drug that some studies and experts say can stop people dying of the coronavirus. That makes this ban potentially lethal as well as sinister. It is Trump Derangment Syndrome at its deadliest. My editorial from The Bolt Report.
27m ago 

Trump bans Tik Tok Bolt says nothing He complains about Twitter though hypocrisy? If Bolt's idea of free speech took a hold no decisions would be made to save a drowning man let alone Victoria in the grips of a pandemic. Besides only the powerful would get their message across. Dan Andrews is a Leader and shows how it's done.

Media to be banned from Republican convention due to coronavirus restrictions | US news | The Guardian

Demon sperm and
astral sex? No wonder
Trump says this doctor
is ‘spectacular’ | Opinion

Stella Immanuel's theories about the relationship between ... › stella-immanuels-theories-about-...

 Bolt for obvious reasons doesn't mention the above, does he? He prefers the company and ideas of idiots like Dr Stella and her outstanding reputation white coat and stethascope. Basically, Bolt is doing exactly what he's complaining about that's what makes it not worth listening to and bounces all over the place doing it.

4 days ago - On July 27, the president and his son Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted a viral video featuring Dr. Stella Immanuel, in which the Houston pediatrician ...

It seems a Dr Stella Immanual is someone with white coat qualifications and background unnecessary to be vetted if promoted by an idiot at large called a President Andrew Bolt will, of course, declare hers a stellar performance. But no so the preeminent research bodies around the world that have peer-reviewed what is being suggested here. This particular Dr Stella Immanual comes with a history that advocates voodoo treatments along with aliens viruses associated with beliefs in Climate Change. 
 All studies should according to Andrew Bolt be heard so nothing gets done. If Milo donned a white coat he too should be heard. So long as she supports Trump then she's automatically stellar and granted expert status any denial else is dangerous in Andrew Bolt's mind "free speech" the holy grail and followers well that's an individual choice as well. If broadcast by Fox News then only then does truth have a chance. Why is Bolt panicking and demanding whackos be heard? Because it's becoming self-evident that he is grouped in Dr Stella's camp.

The Dr didn't seem to even know that Dr Fauci a virologist and immunologist didn't need a stethoscope or a white coat to be a real Dr and the fact that she had one on didn't make her one except in Bolt's eyes. Bolt's panic might be that like her he too is labelled nonsense and so he should. He should be declared a vexatious pundit whose opinions are unnecessary and falsely packaged as NEWS. As such he's interfering with Dan Andrews leadership the laws of the land and the emergency messaging that has the protection of all Victorians in mind. Bolt is actually promoting irresponsible protest that we have recently seen and he has the tone of a non-masker. He should be treated as one.


Victoria, don’t accept this! Desperate to seem tough as the virus rages, the Andrews Government on Sunday imposed even more of the kind of policies that failed last time, at a catastrophic cost. More bans. A curfew, even. But there is a better and cheaper way to save the state — and the country.

Too strict, not strict enough, too strict, deserving respect, not strict enough, and too strict again. Tell me Bolt isn't a yo-yo. He's been doing this dance all week to grab attention. He's not passionate that's for sure his 3 day week ends aren't given over for work.

 Particular issues based on his personal and political whims challenge the information gathered discussed by experts and a plan based on the broad aggregate of events and facts about what we do and don't know here in Victoria were discussed by experts in order to draw a plan to move forward. In order to move forward as a united front and not a rabble to resolve a situation in a short time rather than a longer time to avoid increased damage. Wrong says whiskey sucking Bolt.

Bolt can sit in his home chair and work in safety trying to disrupt any actions that the Victorian majority are happy to adopt because we will and are ready to act as a united front. Who is the odd man out here then, Dan Andrews? Who should be pointed to the door and told to leave?  It's not Dan Andrews 

Image may contain: text that says 'As] I See It'


The shrieking and screaming for Dan Andrews resignation from the likes of Bolt the dolt , Credlin the cretin , and Jones the public toilet loiterer have not one shred of credibility.
The RW "media" originally said it was
"just a little flu" much like Trump and Bolsonaro said in the beginning , and look how well they are doing. Seeding complacency into the community with disastrous results as we are seeing n...

See More


COLUMN It’s important to say this about James Murdoch quitting the board of News Corp, of which this paper is part. Good.

  "No board member is allowed to trash their own product" Andrew Bolt

That's the end of public debate Bolt so dearly, advocates. It's the reason why the structure of German boards is so much better than Australian why the debate at boardroom level is allowed and it's for the benefit of the companies,not their detriment that Bolt fears. If News Corp was more diverse he'd be out of a job. Boards trash their own products to a greater extent when they are so secretive as to be devious Banks, Stock Market and News Corp and Fox have shown just who that's done.

 Bolt vying for recognition as the arse licker of the day? Too late this event happened when you were on your three-day break. Nobody actually among the Murdoch camp is capturing attention or wants it. Besides who gives a shit? Let alone what Bolt writes or thinks three days after thef event. All attention is on James. 

 What Bolt is worried about is the forthcoming further decline of News Corp making it a basket case in need of continual support of the LNP and IPA. $40 million dollars just won't cut it.

After Trump’s comments after a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, James donated $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League.
James has taken a principled stance, but it is also pragmatic. Since the sale of the bulk of Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox assets to Disney (of which James was chief executive), there is no future role for him in the corporation.
By also resigning from the News Corp Board, he will be freer to express his own views, and perhaps have the chance to watch from a distance as Trump is defeated and Fox heads into decline together in the coming months.

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