Old Dog Thoughts |
News Corporation employs Right-Wing Broadcasters providing them with a platform ensuring the inequality of speech. Their Social Media Platforms not only advocate conservative, and extreme right-wing wing views. They monitor out most opposing opinions which they are entitled to do. However, they also simply lie when they say they provide an arena for fair and balanced discussion in a no-spin zone. They don't it's all spin.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Fighting Fake News with REAL 4/8/20; Van Badham & the long term effects of COVID-19; LNP head bangers; Truth in Humour;
lockdowns are awful - but far *more* awful is slowly dying from a lack
of oxygen because your lungs have choked with liquid pus. This article about what coronavirus actually does to the body is disgusting... and everyone should read it.
media are trivialising the reality of COVID-19 not just for political
reasons really but for corporate $$ and totally amoral ethics of
Neoliberalism little or nothing to do with NEWS information but who has
the money to pay? That's only 1% of the USA.
Murdoch has fought against this since his experience as head of Murdoch
Media in the UK and their methods of operation publicly revealed. He's stood up against the families neoliberal method of operations after rather than being the head of a morally corrupt company. His sister did much the same. He's now better positioned to do just that and like her strike a balance against a dad who wants to prove he can zombie control the organization from the grave with Lachlan the Onetel failure desperate to prove he's a winner and not James Packer. What are his chances after Trump fails? (ODT)
At the moment we have so many rabid conservative voters that are
becoming more abusive as each day passes on the total lockdown of
Victoria. They refuse to believe that Morrison and his Government have stuffed up as bad as they have. Morrison and his Government have failed
Australians by not acting quickly. Ever since Morrison became
Prime Minister Australia and Australians have suffered under his
ineptitude and his entire Governments incompetence. ...Continue Reading
The Tea Party Australia: Head Bangers who simply say no and deny for the sake of opposing rather than logic. They represent nobody but themselves.
MP Andrew Laming has defended politicians' right to challenge medical advice if the debate is 'fact against fact,' after MP Craig Kelly claimed it was 'criminally negligent' to restrict an unproven COVID
treatment touted by Donald Trump.
Coronavirus will continue its ‘slow march through’ while we ‘destroy the economy’
Sky News host Rowan Dean says there is a sad possibility the economy will be destroyed for nothing considering viruses like the coronavirus may be unbeatable.
“History is going to look back on this, and it’s going to look back and be a very harsh judge,” Mr Dean told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“On Outsiders we had a Swedish epidemiologist, one of the senior guys there, who said ‘you can not ever eliminate a virus’, mankind’s never done it, we haven’t done it yet.
“It may all be for no purpose at all, that the economy will be destroyed, but the virus will carry on with its slow march through.
“We might have destroyed the economy of Australia, we certainly destroyed the livelihoods of many many people in Victoria, and we’ll find out in a year or two whether it was the right strategy or a really idiotic strategy.”
Image: AP
Andrew Bolt certainly doesn't lead the debate to save the economy he's following in the footsteps of Rowan Dean and others probably his production team and obediently reading an autocue? These two Murdochians show no consideration for any "common good". They have instead, a real neoliberal purpose to save an asymmetric social system that ensures one tribe only profits and the rest labours for far less than the value of their works. No greater is their mythologising and disguising of that system than taking care of the aged who have little value and therefore see their carers the least paid. Scott Morrison has had the opportunity for the past 6-7 years to do something to change the aged-care system and did nothing. The only profit flowing is to the owners of these privatised waiting rooms of death. The Institutions Morrison regulates demand immediate change not an ounce of deregulated further grace. They are beyond saving as they currently operate and Dan Andrews has shown leadership and taken control of a sector he's not responsible for to be blamed by these two wankers for Murdoch.
Dean presents a hypothetical that says let's do the minimum to save lives based on Sweden herd immunity approach that in terms of cases and deaths hasn't achieved any better success than surrounding countries. Its health outcome is worse and its economy is battered as well.
Given the latest global research suggests there is no long term immunity to Covid-19 and therefore people can get it multiple times and that the long term effects show the virus damages the lungs, kidneys heart and brain of not only the aged is Dean right that we shouldn't panic and do far less about the illness and save the "economy"? Neither he nor Andrew Bolt raises these matters about what it is we are finding out about this illness they still regard it as a common cold from the safety of their privileged non-productive, unessential working stations.
Given that COVID-19 first revealed itself among the wealthy. The world travellers a minority group one might be tempted to say fine it won't spread. However, realising it does and rapidly and that it's effects aren't shared equally throughout society Dean is quite comfortable as a commentator. As a socially distanced and privileged commentator he's relaxed calling for others less able to distance to get back to the work his "economy" needs to function. Further given health professionals can't protect themselves and they are on the frontline Dean is largely asking the essential workers of Australia to bear the bruntand save his arse. Note he's not asking directors of Company boards to roll up their sleeves and join their workforce. He's not asking them to even donate funds to fight.
Why is "the economy" so important to Dean to be saved rather than changed? He's not a productive member of it only a beneficiary what does he offer to the effort and the risk involved in "saving it"? When Dean's life, health or his families are in no way threatened when he's not leading by example why should he be even listened to?
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