Workers have never had a means of protection other than their uniting. The billionaires of the world wouldn't exist had the unions not been dismantled and the quality of workers lives diminished by a non meritorious system. The LNP are at it again with their IR bill to put downward pressure on wages yet again.(ODT)
Union membership has hit record lows as fewer young people join up despite the labour movement’s high-profile co-operation with government to help keep workers employed during the coronavirus pandemic. Only 14.3 per cent of the Australian workforce, or 1.5 million people, were part of a union in August, down from 14.6 per cent last time the Australian Bureau of Statistics ran the numbers in 2018.
Union membership dips again but members earn much more
The REAL rip off

News Corp retains its crown as a champion tax rorter, yet again paying next to nothing in tax despite billions in revenue.
Tax dodging News Corp continues to rip Australia off
The former Labor PM knows how the land lies, as his latest attack on News Corp makes clear.

The federal government’s industrial relations “reform” bill offers a new definition of “casual” employment that creates more problems than it solves. It effectively defines a casual job as anything described that way by the employer at the time a job commences, so long as the employer initially makes “no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work”. Anyone defined as such loses any entitlement to leave they might otherwise have got through two recent Federal Court decisions. Fair enough, you might think. Casual jobs are meant to be flexible. There can’t be an ongoing commitment.
The truth about much ‘casual’ work: it’s really about permanent insecurity
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