Entertainment's board never signed the independence charter that
governed Fairfax Media, making a sham of its media diversity claims.

The ABC's Four Corners episode exposing misogyny in Parliament was not biased against the Liberal Party, writes Chris Haviland.
Morrison Government throws another Royal Commission on the fire
the findings of the Bushfire RC create necessary change, or is the
Morrison Government just "polly waffling" until the next disaster ...
Win some, lose some. The prime minister was given plenty of advice, chief among it was that he shouldn't have jumped.
An interview with the author of the picture after Morrison WeChat, with a title:
Morrison, what your solders had done is more cruel than my picture …
Australian prime minister Morrison is very angry with my picture. Even
now I still think it is unbelievable. Morrison … so agitated with my
picture, even organised a press conference specifically for this matter
and accused this picture. It is unbelievable! … Morrison should feel
ashamed for his soldiers who committed atrocity in Afghanistan … I made
this picture on the night of 22 November. After watching that news,
Australian soldiers killed 39 Afghanistan people, and two 14-year-old
teens [had their throats] cut. I was angry, was shuddered, and started
the painting right away.”
Global Times, 8.30am, December 2, 2020
This is the newest response from state media:
prime minister backs down. He told his colleagues, “Our work is
focusing on establishing dialogue that allows us to steadily work
through issues as governments”… “doesn’t need any further
amplification”; “don’t fan further tensions …”
Morrison wasn't doing it "for" China . He was doing it for domestic politics marketing himself here in Australia.
loved Melbourne when I first moved there, more than 40 years ago. But
how it's changed. There's nothing it now offers me that's as lovely as
the joy of leaving, and I'm now going for good.
Really who gives a fuck? You were never really here Andrew Bolt. In fact commentating for a Corporation doesn't really mean you were ever here. Your excuse of "shyness" was a verification to your absence.
The biggest joke is Trumper/Bolt is fleeing to his imaginary Sweden where lock downs never occurred. However today lockdowns are regarded as necessary in Bolt's COVID heaven. People like Bolt are a social nuisance and welcome to leave they don't for ego sake need to announce it. Bolt has taken up that option to hopefully climb more ladders.
Bolt's Bullshit "Gone Bush" His Tree change is really a Sea change to the Mornington Peninsula which is being considered to become a part of Melbourne. Will the "shy" Mr Bolt be seen a the Polo this year, the Yacht and/or the Golf Clubs. Will he be wandering the main street of Sorrento? Will they have him? After all he has the stench of Trump about him. Nobody can believe anything he says. Anyway he's gone for 2 months but like COVID he'll be back and worse.
" As Bolt moves to the seaside, Sky is building its presenter his very own
studio in his coastal bolthole. That can’t come cheap. Next year Bolt
will have the options of broadcasting from Sky News’ Southbank studios,
or the ultimate WFH set-up 100 kilometres away.
That’s if they can get the technical issues sorted out first. “It hasn’t
got the greatest internet connection,” a source reports."
Trump did much good. His work in the Middle East was outstanding. His
refusal to start wars was great. Calling out China was critical. His
economic policies were good, and climate policies sane. George W Bush
did less good, but his final press conference as president confirms he
had a character and integrity so sadly missing in Trump. Watch.
Bolt proves his idiocy again. Yes a broken clock is right twice a day it doesn't mean its necessary or of any use for telling the time. Trump lack of character and integrity doesn't mean he "the" President necessary for the country. Nor does Bush's better personal qualities make him better.
Trump's work in the Middle East has been a total failure for America's allies, the Palestinians, the Kurds and Yemen. It has been a boon for Putin. Trump escalated wars by proxy and occupied countries that asked him to leave Iraq being a case in point.
Calling out China has achieved nothing we've seen Morrison go down the same road and what win zip. His policies on Climate were the same as COVID and only Andrew Bolt could call them sane. Say no more nudge nudge wink wink.
nuts that you and I are sending thousands of dollars of business to a
dictatorship that’s trying to destroy our economy and make us grovel.
It’s like handing a bully a stick to beat us. We need big labels on all
ads to show where products are made - so we can stop funding our
What a load of bollocks America is the most weaponized nation on the planet and most armed. It's forces are in some 156 countries some 56,000 in secret. Trade with China has improved the wealth, health housing and education of some 1.3 billion people and Bolt wants that stopped. China is ready to help the the world fight COVID is his beloved America ready to do the same? Buy Chinese and your giving the children of rural China a future.
Capitalism is a failure so what is Frydenberg doing he followin Dan Andrews example and giving our economy a massive dose of Socialism public spending to save Capitalism's arse. If the trickle down promise really worked there wouldn't be Billionaires and increasing poverty there'd be a growing middle class not a vanishing one. For the first time since the 1960s wages have been less than 50% of GDP shared. While during COVID corporation profits were 18.2%. Frydenberg didn't mention that in his report.

Australia's future: "ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said he was
proud the bank had not lent “a dollar” to any coal miners since his
appointment in 2016, and revealed it has cut some big customers who have
failed to recognise the reality of climate change."
The cheapest source of energy in history on this planet today is solar and renewable energy in which Australia could be a the world leader. The industries globally are booming despite governments like the US and Austrlia trying to prevent that boom and costing the economy money and Australians better opportunity for work. Nevertheless they will continue to grow.
It creates jobs improves health and betters the planet in every way. 80% of Australians agree needless to say 199 countries believe it as well leaving Australia standing alone now that Trump has lost the Presidency. The ANZ bank certainly deserves it's smugness if that's what Bolt calls it. I call it foresight something Bolt has always lacked. It wasn't that long ago he maintaining the planet was cooling.

The ABC's Four Corners episode exposing misogyny in Parliament was not biased against the Liberal Party, writes Chris Haviland.

Morrison Government throws another Royal Commission on the fire

Win some, lose some. The prime minister was given plenty of advice, chief among it was that he shouldn't have jumped.
An interview with the author of the picture after Morrison WeChat, with a title:
“Mr Morrison, what your solders had done is more cruel than my picture … Australian prime minister Morrison is very angry with my picture. Even now I still think it is unbelievable. Morrison … so agitated with my picture, even organised a press conference specifically for this matter and accused this picture. It is unbelievable! … Morrison should feel ashamed for his soldiers who committed atrocity in Afghanistan … I made this picture on the night of 22 November. After watching that news, Australian soldiers killed 39 Afghanistan people, and two 14-year-old teens [had their throats] cut. I was angry, was shuddered, and started the painting right away.”
Global Times, 8.30am, December 2, 2020
This is the newest response from state media:
Australian prime minister backs down. He told his colleagues, “Our work is focusing on establishing dialogue that allows us to steadily work through issues as governments”… “doesn’t need any further amplification”; “don’t fan further tensions …”
Morrison wasn't doing it "for" China . He was doing it for domestic politics marketing himself here in Australia.
I loved Melbourne when I first moved there, more than 40 years ago. But how it's changed. There's nothing it now offers me that's as lovely as the joy of leaving, and I'm now going for good.
Really who gives a fuck? You were never really here Andrew Bolt. In fact commentating for a Corporation doesn't really mean you were ever here. Your excuse of "shyness" was a verification to your absence.
The biggest joke is Trumper/Bolt is fleeing to his imaginary Sweden where lock downs never occurred. However today lockdowns are regarded as necessary in Bolt's COVID heaven. People like Bolt are a social nuisance and welcome to leave they don't for ego sake need to announce it. Bolt has taken up that option to hopefully climb more ladders.
Bolt's Bullshit "Gone Bush" His Tree change is really a Sea change to the Mornington Peninsula which is being considered to become a part of Melbourne. Will the "shy" Mr Bolt be seen a the Polo this year, the Yacht and/or the Golf Clubs. Will he be wandering the main street of Sorrento? Will they have him? After all he has the stench of Trump about him. Nobody can believe anything he says. Anyway he's gone for 2 months but like COVID he'll be back and worse.
" As Bolt moves to the seaside, Sky is building its presenter his very own
studio in his coastal bolthole. That can’t come cheap. Next year Bolt
will have the options of broadcasting from Sky News’ Southbank studios,
or the ultimate WFH set-up 100 kilometres away.
That’s if they can get the technical issues sorted out first. “It hasn’t got the greatest internet connection,” a source reports."
Donald Trump did much good. His work in the Middle East was outstanding. His refusal to start wars was great. Calling out China was critical. His economic policies were good, and climate policies sane. George W Bush did less good, but his final press conference as president confirms he had a character and integrity so sadly missing in Trump. Watch.
Bolt proves his idiocy again. Yes a broken clock is right twice a day it doesn't mean its necessary or of any use for telling the time. Trump lack of character and integrity doesn't mean he "the" President necessary for the country. Nor does Bush's better personal qualities make him better.
Trump's work in the Middle East has been a total failure for America's allies, the Palestinians, the Kurds and Yemen. It has been a boon for Putin. Trump escalated wars by proxy and occupied countries that asked him to leave Iraq being a case in point.
Calling out China has achieved nothing we've seen Morrison go down the same road and what win zip. His policies on Climate were the same as COVID and only Andrew Bolt could call them sane. Say no more nudge nudge wink wink.
It's nuts that you and I are sending thousands of dollars of business to a dictatorship that’s trying to destroy our economy and make us grovel. It’s like handing a bully a stick to beat us. We need big labels on all ads to show where products are made - so we can stop funding our enemies.
What a load of bollocks America is the most weaponized nation on the planet and most armed. It's forces are in some 156 countries some 56,000 in secret. Trade with China has improved the wealth, health housing and education of some 1.3 billion people and Bolt wants that stopped. China is ready to help the the world fight COVID is his beloved America ready to do the same? Buy Chinese and your giving the children of rural China a future.
Capitalism is a failure so what is Frydenberg doing he followin Dan Andrews example and giving our economy a massive dose of Socialism public spending to save Capitalism's arse. If the trickle down promise really worked there wouldn't be Billionaires and increasing poverty there'd be a growing middle class not a vanishing one. For the first time since the 1960s wages have been less than 50% of GDP shared. While during COVID corporation profits were 18.2%. Frydenberg didn't mention that in his report.
Sabotaging Australia's future: "ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott said he was proud the bank had not lent “a dollar” to any coal miners since his appointment in 2016, and revealed it has cut some big customers who have failed to recognise the reality of climate change."
The cheapest source of energy in history on this planet today is solar and renewable energy in which Australia could be a the world leader. The industries globally are booming despite governments like the US and Austrlia trying to prevent that boom and costing the economy money and Australians better opportunity for work. Nevertheless they will continue to grow.
It creates jobs improves health and betters the planet in every way. 80% of Australians agree needless to say 199 countries believe it as well leaving Australia standing alone now that Trump has lost the Presidency. The ANZ bank certainly deserves it's smugness if that's what Bolt calls it. I call it foresight something Bolt has always lacked. It wasn't that long ago he maintaining the planet was cooling.
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