Sunday, 6 December 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 6/12/20; China Ruddy China, Surviellance In Australia is becoming more CCP






It may be a statement of the bleeding obvious, but a face-off with the People’s Republic of China would not be a good idea.

The Prime Minister did not need to lower himself to respond to a mid-career Chinese wolf-warrior.

Morrison will also have to work overtime with other US allies (including the Europeans) to lend
support to Australia beyond simple declarations of solidarity. Despite Morrison routinely shunning
Europe in areas of central concern to them, such as climate change, Australia now needs France,
Germany, Britain, Brussels and others to ensure that any World Trade Organisation action against
China's politically driven tariffs receives maximum multilateral support.

And finally, Morrison will also need to take a leaf out of Japan's recent playbook on dealing with
China. He'll need to grow up and, importantly, learn to shut up – other than when it's essential for
our core values and interests and, where possible, articulated in unison with our friends and allies.
The irony is that Morrison's current course is making Australia less secure, not more secure, despite his government seeking to wrap itself in the rhetorical mantle of "national security".

Managing China's rise, and its interplay with American and allied military and economic power, is not a juvenile game for domestic political advantage. The national interests at stake are too high for that.

The PM ignored one of the enduring truths in politics in his over-the-top response to China

Kevin Rudd 

Are We Turning Chinese 

Major reform of surveillance laws proposed


 News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt 

Making a klutz of himself again

But his goodbye letter soon led to much mirth when it became clear the columnist wasn’t leaving Melbourne at all but just shifting from Malvern east to the Mornington Peninsula, which is part of greater Melbourne and was subject to the same lockdown rules as the city.

The people of Somers aren't too happy

Andrew Bolt flees Melbourne for 'bush' of Mornington Peninsula




I am sure Mike Carlton imagines he is more compassionate than most people. Which, of course, entitles him to be as viciously abusive as he is to those he deems less moral than himself. It's the perfect set up for the Leftist bully: a licence to abuse.  Here's his latest effort, against a woman.

We can see what Bolt's doing in Somers on a Sunday self isolating behind his PC. When he was in Malvern he stayed silent after publicly having a whiskey with a mate. In Somers he's come to life behind his computer and not with his new found neighbors at some local barbie.

Mike Carlton and he have an entirely different histories. Carlton's was as a Journalist with a very diverse media background one that connected with Australia and lived our very diverse history from Vietnam until today with a strong sense of calling a spade a spade not just "seeming" to be politically correct for the sake of the organizations with which he worked. He was genuinely his own man and very much an Australian.

Bolt has been a servant to Murdoch's world a consistent social climber forever excusing  and explaining himself for who he actually wasn't. He claimed to be a man of manners a Gallahad while declaring women as Frightbats if they didn't dance to his tune. He even used his wife Sally as an excuse for  when he was threatened with court proceedings calling an ex -fiance a liar. So much so he unlike Trump "walked back" on his bullshit.

Bolt led a chorus against Yassmin a far far more intelligent 20+ year old than he ever was and helped drive her out of the country. She had in her short life done more with hers than Bolt could claim to have done with his in 35 years in media. So accusing Carlton of misogynistic repetition is just noise from someone who really hasn't a history to be proud of. Mike Carlton knows who he is and Australians do to. He retired voluntarily when he saw the sad state the media was in. The State of Murdoch with puppets like Bolt that Murdoch seems to hang on to along with Peta, Rowan, Alan, Chris, what have they all in common? If you can't see turn to Mike Carlton yes he's left of Paul Kelly in his enthusiasm and disrepect.



Warning! If your financial advisor lives like this, check your account: "The necklace is yet another example of Ms Caddick's stunning wealth which includes a $6.2 million cliffside mansion, a $300,000 supercar, a private chef to cook organic meals for her family and holidays in Aspen's skifields for a month each year." Now she's vanished. 

This is Bolt's real interest but it he rarely gets involved with the nature of Systemic scamming and it's cost to us all. He prefers to highlight the the buyer beware in the give and take of individual life. Bolt is ready to brush aside any notion that any system is greater than it's individual parts if it means progress. Note the LNP is about to deregulate responsible lending and/or investment despite Royal Commission findings that Australian Unions are generally the best and honest.



How long would this law last?: "The Seattle City Council floated legislation to provide an exemption from prosecution for misdemeanor crimes for any citizen who suffers from poverty, homelessness, addiction, or mental illness." Meanwhile, Minneapolis is paying a high price after saying it would "defund the police". Even Leftists are complaining

How dare the notion that " de-funding police" even  means refocusing on the the most destructive and costly elements of any System. For heaven sake we need them in Australia to stop Indigenous kids stealing Mars Bars.  The schools Bolt sent his kids to were doing far far worse. Note the growth in private voluntary re-hab centers recently compared with public ones?  Yes note Whites aren't the victims Bolt make out they are. He's fled to a community in Melbourne that can do without policing and impunity and the funds for  Melbourne to say "Where is Somers" a paid for privilege.


2008 - Victoria Police chief Christine Nixon bans the word "gangs": "I’m not describing them as gangs... It’s got connotations... These are groups of people who come together and just cause problems together." 2020: "Victoria Police has compiled a hit list of the state’s 40 worst youth gangs in a bid to crack down on violent crime."

Guess the fact that Bolt hasn't escaped to the Netherlands in 2020 condemns us to his blog from outer Melbourne's Somers telling Melbournians who, what, and why we fuckwits are doing everything so wrong, so unlike Andrew Bolt. He's even doing it from form the city hasn't left. 

Maybe its the cost Bolt has to pay for being promised a home studio that he has to try and sell Herald Sun subscriptions from 100 kms away and while on his 2 month break? Subs mind you for a very failing toe rag of a paper that has been insult to Melbourne once voted the world's best city. I have no doubt the city  will regain it's reputation but Bolt will never be regarded a journalist of any consequence no matter where he is.

 Now that Bolt has left and is bellyaching from a slight distance he will stand out more when he steps out his front door. Let's hope he recieves the welcome he deserves and property prices don't drop in the coastal suburb.



Jessica Irvine, senior economics writer for the Sydney Morning Herald, flogs her junk to the poor: "I met a woman on a street corner outside a pub near a large public housing complex, exchanging an IKEA bedside lamp and ceiling light shade for a crisp $10 note."

She certainly captured Andrew Bolt's attention so yes he's right if he's representative of her readership. Bolt reads the SMH and follows the ABC trying to convince us to buy Murdoch. But the he's always been odd. 

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