Morrison Promises All Stranded Australian Liberal Politicians Will Be Home By Christmas
"We must not abandon our fellow well-connected former Liberal ministers who are travelling on European junkets during the middle of a pandemic"
Episode 17: The Ominous Omnibus IR Bill, Scott Morrison plays dress-ups and THREE pieces of good news
'That's not leadership': Andrews warns cutting Belt and Road will hurt business
The Victorian Premier says any federal government move to tear up the state's trade deal with China will only escalate tensions with Beijing.
Maybe the inquiry could begin with the Alan Jones and Scott Morrison's historic involvement in the Cronulla riots? Followed closely it News Corp's involvement as recruiters via their print and commentary programs. Andrew Bolt, Rowan Dean certainly gave air time and encouraged pushback against minority groups in Australia and still do. They have actively exercised their privileged roles and tested their capacity to be cheerleaders for a wide variety of domestic and overseas extremists and inspired terrorists denied entry into some other countries by giving them the air time they craved.
Mr Dutton asked the Parliament’s peak national security committee to launch the inquiry as the government faced a motion backed by Labor to expose right-wing groups to greater scrutiny.
'Capacity for violence': Inquiry into rise of right-wing extremism
Coronavirus pandemic
China has five vaccines in final trials worldwide and governments grappling with a third COVID wave are desperate to sign up – despite questions about results.
China is accelerating its rollout of coronavirus vaccines across key economic and diplomatic partners including Indonesia, Morocco, Brazil and Turkey.
Britain became the first nation to approve the US-German Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for emergency use on Tuesday, but China's rapid vaccine deployment has strengthened its diplomatic heft in the Indo-Pacific and across the developing world.
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