Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL; 9/12/20; Ben Davison and Van Badham; Olympics, LNP doing what they do best; Employers promise; Employers Wish;







 "The Week on Wednesday" with Van Badham & Ben Davison

Episode 17: The Ominous Omnibus IR Bill, Scott Morrison plays dress-ups and THREE pieces of good news


Reverse Parallel Parking Has Been Confirmed For The 2028 Olympics

"Judges will make comments and suggestions while the competitors are in action"


But if we apply their own standards, imagine if a Labor government did this: Promise that we were “back in black” pre-election, only to fail to deliver a budget at the specified time because it’s all too uncertain. Have unemployment jump Preside over the first Australian recession this century Deliver the biggest deficit in our history Borrow more than all the previous Australian governments combined Have no plan to pay it back until some unspecified date when unemployment is less than 6% Destroy our trade with our biggest trading partner by calling for an investigation into Covid-19 which pointed the finger at China

We Have Liberal Leaders In Charge – Thank God! – » The Australian Independent Media Network

superannuation guarantee rise

Remember the promise of the Casual worker’s bonus for benefit sacrifice that was a Trumpian promise still in waiting.

The government sat on a report into the retirement income system for four months because it was so politically sensitive and then released it on the day the Brereton report into potential war crimes in Afghanistan was released. Harry Chemay looks at what’s at stake in the debate around the rise in superannuation guarantee levy.

Assuming employers will lift wages in place of superannuation levy is a triumph of hope over experience – Michael West


 The attorney general, Christian Porter, will release the full industrial relations omnibus bill on Wednesday.

Coalition praised by industry lobby groups for suspending better off overall test on workplace pay deals despite fierce backlash from unions


2020 and the anus horribilis

Grumpy Geezer

Old fried dough stick (老油条 Lao Youtiao) is an amusingly accurate sobriquet that China state TV aimed at he who the French might label with the similar floury metaphor of douche baguette (if they were to care about his existence at all). Roughly translated Lao Youtiao means a lazy manipulator,…

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