Thursday 4 March 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 4/3/21; Reynolds, Porter, Morrison, the LNP, Rape it's an Australian way of life

 Plastic Crisis



Reynolds does not deny calling Higgins a 'lying cow'

The true nature and Culture od the LNP comes out in plain sight. Morrison says we are all the same  and that's the way of things it's not his to change. His position and that of Senator Reynolds have become increasingly untenable.


Senator Reynolds on Wednesday night responded to the media report by releasing a statement saying she had never cast doubt on Ms Higgins’ account of her alleged sexual assault.

The Australian newspaper reports Senator Reynolds made the “lying cow” comment on February 15 in front of staff members, including public servants who were on secondment from the Defence Department, in an open part of the office.

Coroner investigates rape accuser’s death as Porter denies all

How many times does Porter The AG need to be dragged before this PM and for Morrison to become his White Board and say "there's nothing to see here"? 



Coalition’s women problem is beyond politics

Grace Tame rebukes Scott Morrison’s handling of sexual assault claims – video

Australian of the Year and child sexual assault survivor Grace Tame has offered a rebuke to prime minister Scott Morrison’s handling of the sexual assault allegations surrounding the parliament. During an address at the National Press Club, Tame was asked about Morrison’s need to think of a Liberal staffer who alleged she was raped at Parliament House in 2019 from the perspective of 'a father'. 'It shouldn't take having children to have a conscience,’ Tame said. 'On top of that, having children doesn't guarantee a conscience'

 Genevieve Milton at her Sydney  home.

Nothing ‘historical’ about my shattered life: A child sex abuse survivor tells her story 50 years later

Five years ago, when I was driving home one day, something inside me told me to go instead to the police. My abuser got three years’ jail – and my whole life has been blighted.




Kristina Keneally must have no locks on her doors. No alarms on her home. She must happily park in the darkest streets when going out to dinner. Because her attack on Defence chief Angus Campbell is lunacy. No, he was not blaming the victim.

Enough with this “show empathy” lunacy. Blame my shockingly male thinking, but critics of our defence chief must live on Planet Pixie.

Take Labor frontbencher Kristina Keneally, a sanctimonious ideologue apparently with little attachment to reality.

Keneally on Wednesday denounced General Angus Campbell for allegedly implying “that women were responsible for being raped” after he’d suggested ways his first-year defence cadets could protect themselves from sexual assault.

Australia's head Imam was visciously attacked by Andrew Bolt for having once said women shouldn't dress themselves as meat for men. Angus Campbell said much the same thing. It's "normal" for men to have sexual urges and women shouldn't feed that "norm". Andrew Bolt holier than thou misogynistic white Christian "Lad" got on his gifted Murdoch pulpit and trashed the Imam and Islam. Nevertheless here he is defending Angus Campbell and trashing a woman Kristine Kneally for saying "rape is not normal"

 Bolt publicly said much the same as Campbell and the Imam when he declared he'd dictate what is daughter could and could not wear out at night and sounding just how blind he was to his own hypocrisy. That Kneally is "off with the pixies". "she doesn't understand the "reality" in which we live. It's women's fault they shouldn't make themselves attractive in public. All of these Neanderthals. Faux Cultured men are in 2021 still blaming women for the misogynistic culture in which we live. Andrew Bolt has gone the full male mental Monty blindly demonstrating his ignorant bigotry but reminding us of his hypocritically manic Islamophobia as well. All three of these men are publicly admitting to and demonstrating the misogynistic culture we occupy. If women demand a change what does Bolt cry the" The Left wants to Cancel Culture". What limp dick he is. No Bolt, women want to cancel it and they are right and real men agree with them.

Kristine Keneally is echoing Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins two women even Bolt's too gutless to call "lying cows". However because Keneally is a politician almost a man Bolt thinks he can get away with calling her mentally deranged. Just because Porter says "I didn't do it" has no relevance to the fact that our culture allows men to get away with rape and violence and our laws, work places reflect that. Morrison sees that as a reason to do nothing. To make out rape is something imposed on women by strangers or  in the night  also compounds the ignorance Bolt is showing. Most cases occur within the family and men get away with it because there are men like Bolt and women like Linda Reynolds yell "lying cow" when a woman stands up.The PM must start an inquiry into whether Porter is fit to be Australia’s first law officer


Attorney General Christian Porter is accused of rape. But there are now at least two important mistakes in her account of what happened that night, 33 years ago. Which makes me wonder: did the ABC make any real checks of her account before destroying a man who says he's innocent?

No wonder. Porter is actually innocent under our law, but a foul mob of journalists and politicians will not rest until he is driven out of his job.

 Attorney-General Christian Porter looked shocked, teary, bewildered and scared when he outed himself as the man accused of raping a girl 33 years ago — possibly even killing her. (Andrew Bolt)

The law and criminal guilt or innocence is determined by how one "looks" according to Andrew Bolt.. The "foul mouthed journalists" one of which Bolt  claims to be or not be one when it suits him didn't drag Porter to the  press gathering. Porter called them. Nobody, and Bolt hasn't named anyone, has said Porter was guilty of any crime. What checks did the ABC have to make? After all even Andrew Bolt hadn't read the full dossier provided to the police. 

Porter's accumulated history however, is what suggests he isn't the man for the job of AG. While his reputation isn't a criminal matter, or one that requires any police investigation it does suggest an inquiry into his value as a role model does. Morrison denies that why? Because it would undermine the police. However the police aren't the adjudicator's of our  reputations if they were they'd be an employment agents and not just upholders of our laws. It seems as if Morrison would be pleased if this were simply a police state given his attitude.  Lets see if the nation's women decide Mr Morrison you certainly can't.

Bolt is all feigned passion on paper isn't he? However on the Bolt Report he's presents as totally contrived and a poor man's marionette. 

"Looks got him nowhere in front of Judge Mordecai Bromberg who found him guilty under the The Racial Discrimination ACT. Bolt was never independently investigated as to his suitability for the job he's does. Corporations rarely do investigate employees. However when Andrew Bolt produced his own "private" podcast to show his straps and how much he was missed after being sacked from radio the public did judge him. His show lasted 5 episodes and became Andrew Who?


Blog Post


The media has disgraced itself in tearing Christian Porter to pieces, again at yesterday's press conference. This is the mob at work, where proof doesn't matter and facts that don't suit get played down or supressed. As for Malcolm Turnbull, how low can a man go?

Malcolm Turnbull simply said suicide has a context and the context in this case isn't all that clear or been revealed. Bolt simply said he knows she was mentally ill case closed. But then Bolt has a habit defining women as frightbats, mental, off with the pixies, or not having a grasp on reality. He does everything at arms length and feels protected by the mega- corporation  of News Corp and it's lawyers. They allow him the freedom to be a public prick and bovver boy.

However when he tried his tricks on his ex- fiance he folded like a cheap suit. She threatened to sue him and showed him up for the liar he is and the secrets he glosses over about who he really is. The same occurred, looks failed him, when  he tried to confront Miranda Devine head on. Bolt's only comfortable when he's has a tag team of support behind him and that's the way he runs his Bolt Report on Sky. It's a monologue and little more. He's in the media but not of it. In fact he's an insult to the term if it's meant to be a service to the public and informative.

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