Thursday, 22 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with Real 22/4/21; Bolt Report Crap

 Fake News and Misinformation exposed

 Intellectual inquiry in 'really sad place' as Richard Dawkins cancelled by the left

Intellectual inquiry in ‘really sad place’ as Richard Dawkins cancelled by the left

 Sky News host Rowan Dean says Richard Dawkins getting cancelled for a tweet inviting discussion on identity politics was a sad reflection of society’s capacity to engage in intellectual inquiry. “What Dawkins said in his tweet was perfectly acceptable,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Perfectly legitimate question and he even put in ‘discuss’- in other words, which is the classic thing you put in to tell the class ‘here’s two sides of a debate’ or ‘here’s a problem to be solved intellectually’ – off you go people, go and solve this intellectual conundrum. “He puts these conundrums out there – we used to call them brain teasers, we used to call them the opportunity for a good debate. “We are really in a sad place if that sort of intellectual inquiry or argument is now just verboten, it’s gone – you can’t say it.” 

It's obviously quite significant Dean and Bolt desperately using this it as a phishing exercise for subs. The subject remains a mystery why would that be?Because Sky has lost it's free-to air contract with WIN the regional broadcaster and is about to lose 40% of his audience. The changes to his blog format so just how desperate he is. No longer on radio his podcasts thrashed by Van and Ben he's fast becoming Andrew who?

In a statement the AHA said Mr Dawkins had “over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values.”

It added: “His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient.

“His subsequent attempts at clarification are inadequate and convey neither sensitivity nor sincerity.

Bolt and Dean are advocates of Free Speech and the Free Market Place of ideas. The Humanist Society of America is a private association who no longer believe that Dawkins represents them made patently clear over the years.  Aren't the AHA "free to do what they want"? It seems not according to Bolt and Dean who also declare that "humanists are not like them and are therefore Left-Wing. No reason given for that other than they agree marginalized groups deserve a shellacking and Bolt regularly gives them one. 

Bolt a self declared agnostic however doesn't agree with Dawkins either but seems to forgive him for being an atheist in fact he calls him an agnostic seeming to not know the difference. So politically, philosophically and even in action Bolt is a confused bundle of contradictions an idiot really. He never has anyone on the Bolt Report he really has to debate but he regards himsel as an excellent one. Rather Bolt prefers closed monologues supported by a chorus idiots like Dean, Blair, and selected others to back him up and do his work for him. In a world truly based on competition and earned merit neither Bolt nor Dean would have jobs. 

 Morrison 'window dressing' climate policy to avoid showing up 'empty handed' at summit

Morrison ‘window dressing’ climate policy to avoid showing up ’empty handed’ at summit

Energy Economist Alan Moran says Prime Minister Scott Morrison is "window dressing" climate policy through the hydrogen and carbon capture investment so Australia doesn't "show up empty-handed" to Joe Biden's climate summit. "He's basically window dressing for a government that's spooked it might be showing up empty-handed to the Biden meeting," he said. "He's paying blackmail money for coal because he knows we can't divest ourselves of coal. It's the only basic level of competitive energy we have. "He's looking around at other things we can do to persuade the world we're doing as much as we're doing. In fact, we are spending a great deal on renewable largesse... roughly twice that of the US and six times as much as China."

Firstly Alan Moran is ex IPA and a  Climate Change contrarian. A one time booster of Andrew Bolt  as a foremost authority  on Climate Change Bolt's been turning to Moran ever since. Bolt's never really progressed since that hey day and single chapter in the IPA's book. The Facts on Climate Change. Moran and the IPA parted company after that not because either converted to becoming warmists.

What these two do is fail to acknowledge that Morrison and Taylor are in their own fashion actually proposing to subsidize coal to the tune of half a billion dollars with their new tech proposals. They are in fact promoting the continued use of coal fired power stations, ones that energy producers want to scrap because they are past their use-by date. They are promoters of increased mining of coal to produce the energy needed for hydrogen and directly subsidize the technology to capture the increased CO2 rather than transition away from coal altogether. And indirect and circular process that achieves zip. Of course it's "window dressing" and an action to delay any real divestment from coal.

 However Moran and Bolt are pretending to be critics of Morrison and Tayor because they maintain the   crap that coal is " the only basic level of competitive energy we have. " and  suggesting  that "we are spending a great deal on renewable largesse... roughly twice that of the US and six times as much as China."  The "we" in this case being private sector investment despite Government and their efforts efforts to discourage it. It's certainly not the government spending on solar and wind. In fact while private enterprise has it's foot on the accelerator of renewables our LNP government has firmly had it's foot on their brake pedal. Despite the fact the coal has become less competitive and is increasingly more expensive than wind and solar they continue to subsidize it. With the rapid development of battery storage the costs of renewables are plummeting and Industry is aware of it yet energy prices don't reflect that. 

Seemingly critical of Morrison and Taylor Bolt and Moran are still very much spokespersons for the dirty energy industry.

Freedom of thought and discussion an ‘essential element’ of free society: Peter Singer

Australian moral philosopher Peter Singer has spoken with Sky News about the new publication ‘Journal of Controversial Ideas’ which he is launching, which will allow academics to publish their ideas anonymously so there is no risk to their career. Speaking with Sky News host Andrew Bolt, Mr Singer said it is “sad” that it has gotten to a point where it’s “necessary” to have something like the journal. “We hope that it won’t always be necessary but … people who come out with controversial ideas, ideas that are not accepted by some sections of society … are liable to threats, to harassment, to death threats, and to a threat to their careers,” he said. “People may try to get them dismissed, they may try to get their articles retracted from journals after they’ve been accepted by proper peer review. “We feel that this is having an intimidating effect and it’s narrowing the range of topics that get discussed and debated, and we think that’s a bad idea. “We support the idea that freedom of thought and discussion is an essential element of a free society and of a society that can make progress towards the truth, and towards better ways to behave to each other and to the world.
According to Peter Singer "people who come out with controversial ideas, ideas that are not accepted by some sections of society … are liable to threats, to harassment, to death threats, and to a threat to their careers,” Isn't it odd that he's speaking to Andrew Bolt who has spent years doing just that while claiming he's in fact a victim. He's gloated at the number of people he's helped sack. The context in which Singer expresses his thoughts is within value based society where fair equal and just are a reality. While Bolt's is freedom within a society with a very much established hierarchy of power and privilege. It makes them appear to be discussing opposites. Bolt certainly wouldn't want to be anonymous today. Singer on the other hand sees anonymity as a necessity today if ideas are to be exposed because he's discussing critical thinking and Bolt isn't

Justice is supposed to be blind to everything but the evidence: Bolt

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says "justice is supposed to be blind to everything but the evidence" but "no one can be sure a fair trial" occurred in Minneapolis today when "so many people threatened violence" if Derek Chauvin walked free. "So this jury was supposed to be blind to protesters in Minneapolis burning streets of buildings to the ground. They were supposed to be blind to Vice President Kamala Harris raising bail money for these protesters, blind to the menacing crowd outside the court, and the razor wire and barricades to keep it out," he said. "Blind to the attack on the former home of a witness who'd backed Chauvin, and blind to the local Minneapolis Star Tribune, which gave identifying details of the jurors, short of their names and addresses. "This jury was also supposed to be deaf to the state's governor declaring Chauvin guilty and to their local council giving his family $US27 million, and deaf to Democrat congresswoman Maxine Waters telling protesters in Minneapolis to go in even harder if Chauvin was acquitted."

Bolt strangely enough doesn't mention the fact the the courts were aware of the jurors dilema and were kept protected from the influence of what was going on outside the court and yes they remained unidentified to the public. They were chosen by both the prosecution and defence  and satisfied the process of law so that they could and would act as jurors and not the victims of the public or the media. The evidence in the case was plain to see and was delivered by experts chosen by both sides. So what we have here is Andrew Bolt simply making out that otherwise was the case by omitting the reality. Bolt is even less than thoughtful and is simply aping the bullshit promoted by Fox News and doing it from half way across the world to a minority of Australians as if he was there. Yes the jurors were isolated from the clamor and influence that Bolt says they weren't.

Brexit was key in Boris Johnson blocking Super League: Mark Bosnich

 Former Socceroo legend Mark Bosnich has told Sky News, Brexit laid the foundations for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to intervene in the proposed European Super League. The UK Prime Minister slammed the idea of the Super League which would see six Premier League clubs join three clubs each from Spain and Italy to form a separate mid-week European competition. The PM planned to drop a “legislative bomb” whereby using parliament to block the six English clubs from joining, which had support from the Labour opposition. Liverpool, Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, and Tottenham all later withdrew from the competition before the parliament could act. “Without Brexit the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, would not have been able to be so strong in terms of the action that Britain could take upon the clubs,” Mr Bosnich said. Mr Bosnich said all the employment and tax law the Johnson government planned to use to block the move would have gone through the European courts had it not been for Brexit.

So it seems the "free market" Bolt holds so dear as the model of Democracy isn't that free after all. The Conservative government in this instant is acting extremely dictatorial. authoritarian, totalitarian the very opposite of free and unregulated more Putinesque really.

Teaching young children political ideologies damages their ‘developmental processes’

Child psychologist Clare Rowe says “recruiting” schoolchildren into political and ideological “warfare” is damaging to their developmental processes – creating within them anxiety, stress, and mental health issues. The remarks come as a school in Sydney’s North Shore faces a review after students were taught anti-police rhetoric, echoing Black Lives Matter in the United States. “Look this is a much broader issue for me, as a child psychologist, where we are seeing the younger and younger children recruited, recruited as soldiers in this kind of political and ideological warfare,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “We’re robbing them of a childhood. What I want to get across as a developmental psychologist is that there are critical developmental processes that happen in childhood – it’s not just about giving children freedom and a good time. “When we introduce concepts that the brain can’t deal with, very complex concepts that adults are grappling with – we interrupt those processes for children creating vulnerabilities of stress, anxiety, poor mental health.”  

 Children are being taught political ideologies but are being taught them today in unsafe schools as the norm and where one glove fits all. They are being prepared for ideological warfare and that's the point it's witnessed in our schools today where diversity is considered dangerous and assimilation the desired outcome and it's failing.

Yes, each child needs to be treated according to their individual and unique needs. It's why an investment in Safe Schools is so necessary it's not a cost. Schools aren't meant to be Hitler youth training camps nor should they be "private" or elitist. Herr Bolt has advocated time an again against Safe Schools. Against learning facilities where it's  the safe to be different is foremost not just as a group place of "group think". Where diversity diversity is encouraged. 

What Clare Rowe is referring to is actually the single minded training and development Andrew Bolt has been advocating for years and Hitler actually put into practice. Today the Germans do critique their history across all schools. They don't hide the sins of their past like we do. They don't mythologize their past like the Dutch did and were caught out by the Jews in the 80s as liars. Bolt wants us to lie and no matter that those kids that feel they don't fit freak out. Mental illness is on the rise and it starts in unsafe schools. Schools that don't hide things from the kids. Bolt is the odd one out you'd think he'd be the first to understand rather than mold kids to his  fake reality. Teaching kids BLM is teaching them the reality in which they live and their right to be different and safe and not promoting some uniform group think as the norm.

Rowe certainly sounds like a behaviorist treating and training and developing children to salivate when she rings a bell like Pavlov's dog rather than teaching them the skills needed learn and explore difference. Yes it's about the diversity of real life. Learning and sorting through data and information along with the freedom of imaginative play provides the confidence in our uniqueness. After all schools aren't the only environments in which kids exist. Crow certainly isn't a world beater in education is she? Australia in recent years has in fact discovered that it's been falling behind most OECD countries in particular ones that do concentrate on individuals play and the fun in learning.  Finland doesn't even begin to teach any formal subjects until much much later than we do and most children speak 3 languages. They aren't as Croe suggests "developed on mass" the teachers are trained trusted and deal with the diversity and unique needs of each child in their classrooms allowing far more freedom than Clare Crow. 

The results speak for themselves. Does Crowe for an moment think the kids in Finland haven't heard of BLM. That racism isn't something in their universe? Or that the kids in Germany are stressed and anxiety ridden because they learn of their nations dark past from the moment they enter primary school. It sounds as if Andrew Bolt chose Rowe for his very  narrow ageist purpose and not for any real informed debate. Rather he does prefer an Arayan and uniform group think.  

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