Friday, 23 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 23/4/21; News Corp; Jacinda Ardern



 ‘Appallingly short-sighted’:
Jacinda Ardern savaged for not standing up to China

‘Appallingly short-sighted’: Jacinda Ardern savaged for not standing up to China

During the debate, Australia was repeatedly praised for its actions in standing up to China, despite the massive cost to trade relationships.

Long ago, The Chaser declared war on News Corp Australia for its culture-warring, climate-change-denying ways.

Before they tricked News Corp into reporting on a fake petition about fairy bread being “cancelled”, the satirical publication’s team dreamed up a plan to help readers hit the company where it really hurts: its bottom line.

In 2019, The Chaser started cancelling subscriptions on behalf of people who were fed up with News Corp.

“Are you sick of that crotchety old billionaire Rupert Murdoch siphoning off your hard-earned cash each week?” The Chaser website asks.

“Are you sick of supporting a newspaper which gives airtime to climate deniers as the country burns down around you? Want to just cancel your subscription to The Daily Telegraph that keeps clogging up your mailbox, but can’t be arsed waiting on the phone for three hours?”

Participants use a simple web form to sign over their legal rights to The Chaser to act as a representative, who will then cancel their News Corp subscription on their behalf.

Source: The Chaser’s war on News Corp is proving costly for the Murdoch media


Tucker Carlson with Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch

In a letter to the Anti-Defamation League on April 11, Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch claimed that Tucker Carlson never actually endorsed the so-called “great replacement theory” on Fox’s air on April 8. This claim was transparently specious if you looked at the transcript of Carlson’s remarks.

Carlson has now proved that Murdoch is complicit.

The Fox host once again explicitly reiterated his belief in the “great replacement” immigration conspiracy theory on April 21, this time connecting it to a call for action by conservatives.

During the April 21 episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson once again argued that “Democrats are using mass immigration to transform the country, to change who votes, so they can control who wins.”


Spain’s far-right Vox party began its Madrid election campaign with a rally in the multiracial working-class suburb of Vallecas, prompting clashes with locals. Media responded with a condemnation of the “twin extremisms” — showing how those who defend the poor and marginalized are falsely equated with those who abuse them.

Source: No, Left-Wing Activists Aren’t the Same As Fascist Thugs



You can be 'completely wrong' as long as you 'exaggerate the scare and spread more panic'

You can be ‘completely wrong’ as long as you ‘exaggerate the scare and spread more panic

’Sky News host Andrew Bolt says global warming is unique in the sciences because "you can be completely wrong but it doesn't matter as long as you've exaggerated the scare and spread more panic". "Tim Flannery has just won a medal from Scotland's royal geographical society for his – get this – his ability to communicate complex climate science to the general public," he said. "Who cares that Flannery was 100 per cent wrong. Dams did fill again. And who cares that he was wrong to warn Sydney was about to run out of water, and Perth would become this century's first ghost city because of global warming. "It does not matter that he was wrong. What matters is that he was filled with the holy spirit of the global warming religion. If he was wrong, so what? It was in a sacred cause, to scare the rest of us into belief."

 According to our Prime Minister he refuses to set a "target" for emissions reduction because he doesn't know how to get there but hopes he will. over 50% of the world and all the OECD nations think otherwise. Morrison announced his no plan on a muted microphone. I suspect intentionally even though without evidence. The LNP has been subsidizing coal since they were elected promising that an industry already focused on cutting jobs will pull them out of his ass. While a renewables industry despite with government brakes on it is providing thousands of opportunities for work.

Science is a method of investigation about our physical world and the word science is defined by it's rationality of that method and practice. There is no proof but the probability of better understanding. Bolt shows total ignorance when he claims that Global Climate Science is "unique" among the sciences and that being wrong doesn't matter. Critical thinking inherent in science is on going No science believes it's right it however  constantly tests it's theories and their probability of being righter than the last. Science learns and constantly progresses by discovering it's mistakes. Something that Andrew Bolt has failed to do throughout his career

 Has Andrew Bolt been acknowledged as a great communicator other than by the ex IPA's Alan Moran? The communication of science is referring not to the "science" but the ability to yes, talk about it and convince the ordinary man. Andrew Bolt has shown no ability and he's been talking about it for over 20 years and losing listeners. He's failed to even instill doubt

So Bolt's only avenue of bullshit left is to say climate science isn't a science it's a religion and it's methods aren't scientific at all but those of a religion. He simply can't do that because he'd then have to say he has proof his god exists. Bolt is not an Atheist but he doesn't believe in the existence of any god as there is no method or means to prove he exists. He can't then really equate the belief in Climate Change with the belief in God because he's a believer. So he's made a discovery it's "unique science" like no other. The only thing unique is Andrew Bolt a shit communicator whose lost the war and not just a battle.

He will be remembered for being quickly for gotten replicating the year he spent at Adelaide Uni when he failed to make the cut. When he joined an industry and again failed to leave any positive contribution. He will however be remembered in the words of Judge Mordecai Bromberg as a racial vilifier and an extremely lazy journalist and /or communicator having no real regard for the facts.

Schools need to teach the 'long-settled' and 'long-established facts of history'

Schools need to teach the ‘long-settled’ and ‘long-established facts of history’

NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham says schools must "just teach the facts of history" that are "long-settled and long-established". "There's a movement out there not to teach children the facts of education and the facts of history... to be giving children instruction on what we want history to have been," he said.

The "we" in Latham's argument is the only valid thing that he says is and has been happening. That 'Might is Right' and  we don't live in a Democracy and 'we' are  weakened by the actual diversity that surrounds us. So Latham's logic and Bolt's is fundamentally replacement theory that multiculturalism and immigration without assimilation will and is designed to cancel the one and only true culture that makes up Australia and that's the one reflected by Bolt and Latham. It's what Hitler  believed taught. You don't change individuals without controlling the system. It's why safe schools are dangerous because they demand a systems change. And why only White Western Christian history and values are to be protected at all costs and a truly secular society and Government to be avoided. Canceling all other cultures is a must.

Never going to see 'inspiration' from 'middle of the road' Morrison

Never going to see ‘inspiration’ from ‘middle of the road’ Morrison

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says Prime Minister Scott Morrison is "lucky" Australia is in a situation with the pandemic that doesn't require a leader of "inspiration" but a leader who knows how to manage. "He's middle of the road so he's not going to have the right wing commentator back him nor the left wing commentator back him," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "And also what does he stand for apart from managing the situation now - luckily for him we're in a situation which needs to be managed with the pandemic - other than that I mean he just picks things up and then drops them like IR reform. "He's not the big reformer. "And I think people in the press rightly or wrongly, commentators, back someone who has a go, who shows courage, who risks their job in the pursuit of a change or reform - they're the sort of leaders who are inspirational. "You're never going to get inspiration from Scott Morrison."

News Corp is grooming Peter Dutton for the job. Kevin Rudd has the experience to see that coming. Besides Morrison was sacked from his past two jobs. We should have all seen that coming. misogyny virtually guaranteed Julie Bishop wasn't going to get it.

 The 'spite, bullying and evil' of China is on 'full display again': Bolt

The ‘spite, bullying and evil’ of China is on ‘full display again’: Bolt

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says "the spite, the bullying" and "the evil of the Chinese dictatorship" have been on full display again but "it's now so shameless and so deranged it's almost funny". "Our foreign minister has scrapped Victoria's controversial Belt and Road Initiative deal with China. No kidding. The Belt and Road strategy is China's plan to secure ports and supplies in foreign countries so that this dictatorship gets stronger," he said. "What idiots the Victorian Government was to back something so helpful to a brutal regime that throws its weight around against us particularly. China has now gone nuts. Again. "And again with the threats. I sometimes wonder about the Chinese Ambassador, Cheng Jingye. He knows what a good and free country this is. He must be ashamed of China's thuggery."

Bolt has succeeded in marginalizing Chinese Australians putting them and their families under threat. Families that have been here longer than he has that's for sure. In the past decade he's publicly pilloried debased and insulted Indigenous Australians, Pacific Islanders Australians African Australians Muslim Australians,  Chinese Australians  and other diverse minorities that all have one thing in common race not being Caucasian. He's smeared them as much if not more than Pauline Hanson ever did. He's blindly generalized from selectively chosen individual events to let it be known they are unwanted among Bolt's narrowly defined definition of the Australian identity. One in reality he's not.

Andrew Bolt manufactures fear division and suspicion among the  the general population and has been a recruiter and enabler of extremist violence in the same manner as ISIS recruiters were on the world wide web. The only difference being he's paid to do it by Murdoch media as if he were the organ grinder's monkey. Doing it for a profit whilst Andrew Bolt is given peanuts.

 There is ‘nothing bad’ about increasing carbon dioxide: William Happer

There is ‘nothing bad’ about increasing carbon dioxide: William Happer

 Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton University William Happer says there is “nothing bad” about increasing carbon dioxide. “The earth is getting greener, deserts are shrinking,” Mr Happer told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “None of the terrible things you hear are happening, quite the opposite is happening.” 

Guess the planet is getting colder again according to Happer who isn't a Climatologist nor a researcher or had any work on the subject published or peer reviewed. But Bol publishes all his titles simply to impress. He used to do that to himself a short while ago telling the world he studied at Adelaide Uni having us assume he has a degree which he hasn't. So we can assume he failed.

Happer has qualifications in Climate Science at all. He does however get paid by the hour to disparage the Science of warming. Paid to cast doubts on the consensus among the experts. Trump even sacked the experts as his advisor for the advice of Happer an 81 year old some time ago physicist. Bolt seeks out  these guns for hire. Bolt's problem is one  paid physicist isn't going to destroy the 97% consensus among the world's experts.

" a science historian at Harvard University and author of Merchants of Doubt, a book about the climate denial movement, said Happer had been deploying the same arguments that CO2 is good for agriculture for about 20 years – even though such claims have, she said, been thoroughly debunked. “He has been recycling refuted arguments for quite some time now,” she said."


Justice must not only be done, but seen to be done. So I can’t cheer the jury that’s found police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of killing George Floyd. 

This looked too much like a lynching.

Yes, I know how damning was the footage of Chauvin pressing his knee around Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes in a Minneapolis gutter as Floyd cried “I can’t breathe”.

 If it weren't for that 'damning' footage Chauvin wouldn't have even been charged. 5000 people have been shot and killed by police and only 22 charged. But with mobile phones the internet it's becoming clear that it's not simply rogue individuals that are the problem. Three black Americans were shot just this week no whites were. But the system's racism is apparent and even the ' good cops' want it changed.They are sick to death of it being politicized by the media in the way Bolt is doing here. He's aping and is part of the Fox Media chorus that the system is fine apart from a few individuals.

 Bolt might not be able to do two things at once. He might  believe "fear" is the dominating emotion that prevents all else but he'd be wrong. People can and do the right thing even in a state of fear volunteering to go to war for their beliefs. They protect their children at all costs and are simply capable of doing all sorts of  heroic and rational things while under the most terrifying situations. So it's not hard to believe that a jury, chosen and agreed  to by both sides, is capable of weighing up the facts presented to them and judge a person, innocence or guilt, according to the rule of law. Bolt might operate at a visceral level but not everyone is as self absorbed as he is and can. The 17 year old girl who shot the video proved just that.

Andrew Bolt doesn't complain about police brutality when it's Indigenous Australian die in custody or Black Americans are shot by police. He does however trumpet and demand reform when elites like George Pell are even investigated let alone charged. It's then Bolt becomes an "activist" demanding and insisting the police be reformed. Lynching is fine as far as Bolt is concerned as it's a populist form of justice delivered to ensure the law doesn't make a mistake. However, not in the case of Derek Chauvin, where according to Bolt the courts where driven to make a tragic error "out of fear". Despite the evidence which was plain to see "damning was the footage of Chauvin pressing his knee around Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes in a Minneapolis gutter as Floyd cried “I can’t breathe”. According to Bolt's political posturing Chauvin didn't kill Floyd. His heart stopped basically because Floyd was black and so guilty and Chauvin was simply doing his job protecting the good white folk of the USA from obvious danger.




Being woke is now a threat to our security. Watch New Zealand’s foreign minister selling Australia out to China on the say-so of a mythical Maori monster.

Nanaia Mahuta comes from a privileged family. Her father studied at Oxford before becoming a politician, academic and a knight.

Mahuta herself went to an Anglican boarding school before becoming an academic, too, but then got deep into identity politics.

Five years ago this woke warrior got her chin tattooed with a moko to announce she was a Maori leader. Now she’s the foreign minister of a country that’s been our ally for more than 100 years.

Or that was …

This week Mahuta gave an extraordinary speech to explain why she was going so soft on China.

Nanaia Mahuta according to racist Bolt has gone native and is acting full tilt 'woke' Maori and not behaving the way he'd like. The problem being she is Maori and is the Foreign Minister of NZ her country not Bolt's. the country that voted her in and part of the Government that made her their Foreign Minister. Bolt tried to criticize James Bolger once the conservative PM of NZ about the treaty the British had with the Maoris it lasted less than aminute when Bolger put Bolt in his place laughed at his ignorance and silenced him on TV. Yes les than a minute and Bolt was mute. He looks just as stupid now trying to dictate what another nations policies need be. Any wonder Australia looks so Trumpist in the eyes of the world. Being woke is a threat to our security it's the wokeness of the Australian governments demands China , NZ, change and going blue in the face if they don't


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