ALAN AUSTIN: Treasurer Frydenberg's spurious pre-election claims
The tried and true deceptions include:
- The economy is roaring back;
- The economy is battling strong global headwinds;
- The Coalition has balanced the budget;
- Australia’s economy is outperforming all major advanced economies;
- Company tax cuts create jobs;
- Labor is the high spending party, the Coalition low spending; and
- Labor is the party of high taxes, the Coalition the party of low taxes.
New furphies
The Treasurer has concocted at least 10 new falsehoods this month. None of these was queried by his interviewers.

And never mind that the Victorian “deals” were a practically meaningless memorandum of understanding and a “framework” of roughly equal substance.
The Morrison government’s latest stunt – tearing up Victorian government “deals” with China that weren’t really deals – achieved its aims of near-universal positive media coverage.
They provided a deflection from the government’s more obvious recent failures, wedging the Labor Party into following suit and perhaps embarrassing Daniel Andrews a fraction, that bit pushed along with an inspired follow-up report that the “deals” had been all the Premier’s “closely-guarded” work.
Too bad about further escalating the battle we’re losing with our most important economic partner for zero gain.
The best excuse Sunday’s Insiders panel could come up with was that it was a “propaganda” measure. Such is Australian diplomacy these days.
The problem is that Morrison spends more time telling the media to look elsewhere other than at his own outstanding blunders culminating in no action but only domestic propaganda. Meanwhile he's been shredding our foreign policy efforts with largely everybody on the planet. We are standouts, alone and not ready to cooperate with the US or UK and over 100 other countries on climate and the state of the planet. Currently we have the worst relationship with what was our biggest trading partner China, and are dictating how our once best friend NZ should behave. For a PM once employed and sacked for his lack of PR skills by both NZ and Australia it becomes patently clear he learned nothing other than he'd be accepted by the LNP without thought to be PM. Be Trump be controversial, yell "look over there nothing to see here" and his "I don't hold the hose" and " That's an on the water matter that can't talked about". Well for the little he does do when he does open his mouth he sure doesn't offer value for money for anyone.
China scare campaign ignores the true cost
For Political Domestic gain our Foreign Affairs Minister ensures the relationship we have with China remains poisoned and bangs our war drums. The LNP's only concern is the LNP
Meanwhile we have cheap grapes and crays but the industries on the verge of collapse. Labour did this to one industry live cattle export to Indonesia. The LNP is doing it to multiple industries and doing it wholesale.
From feeding a President to a food van: This is the reality of China’s trade war
From the barley fields of Western Australia to the lobster trawlers of Hobart, Four Corners shows the human and financial cost of the ongoing trade war with China
In 2020, the market volume of the domestic industry amounted to 392 billion euros. By 2030, it will more than double to 856 billion euros, according to the report. Environmental technology and its companies produced 15 percent of Germany’s gross domestic product in 2020, and the COVID-19 crisis affected the sector “far less than the economy as a whole.”
Morrison tech revolution isn't to grow Greentech but rather to grow and protect Coal. Germans are receiving far more up to date economic information than Australians. Certainly far more than the PM delivers to us.
Greentech is 15% of German Economy, and its Market Volume will Double in 10 Years to $1 Trillion
As has been well documented, the violent incursion of the Capitol by thousands of white nationalists, armed militiamen, and a who’s who of MAGA-faithful was sparked by widespread, yet false claims about a stolen election, promoted for months by the most powerful man in the world in his public pronouncements and his social media channels. These lies found a reliable echo chamber in the right-wing corporate media ecosystem—Fox, affiliates of Sinclair Broadcasting, One America News, and a countless array of local and national voices that rhetorically agitate listeners every day on political talk radio. Nevertheless, it was social media that received the majority of the public backlash after the riot.
Source: Was ‘Fake News’ a Natural Outcome of Our ‘Give the People What They Want’ Corporate Media System? | The Smirking Chimp
So Bolt stirs old Pauline Hanson ground when he needlessly inflames white, supremacist know-nothings against Asians Australian and non Australian – none of whom have really done what Bolt accuses them of like causing unnecessary Covid deaths or insurrections against our
government. Yet he's enabled encouraged and normalised violence against Asians, Muslims and other minorities. White supremacy has had an inglorious past since the first colonial landing in Australia.
JOE Biden proved two things with last week’s farcical climate summit: He is extremely stupid and his stupidity is a threat to the Western world.
How dare the US President insult the intelligence of 39 other world leaders — including Prime Minister Scott Morrison — by making them listen to the uninformed ravings of mystics, New Age tribal women and even a teenager.
How dare Biden invite not one climate scientist to speak, choosing instead hysterics wailing nonsense about a “dead planet”, “environmental racism”, “indigenous wisdom” and drowning Pacific islands that — news flash — are growing?
No wonder China’s dictator Xi Jinping agreed to drop by for a ringside seat at this circus. He could reassure his goons back in Beijing he’s seen the future, and the West is dead. Killed by woke idiocy.
Andrew Bolt's rationality, lack of logic and hysterics are on display. His privileged boorish rant on the Murdoch platform defies not only logic but seems to be oblivious of understanding that there is already a global consensus, not just about the science, but that over 50% of the world's most powerful nations agree that something needs to be done. Nations have agreed on the facts and were not at the Summit to debate the facts but declare their intended action. The only question to answer was what each was going to promise and agree to to contribute to the common goal and by when. It was a renewal and increased promise of action.
Bolt is simply on the outside looking in. He has as much voice as that broken sub lying at the bottom of the ocean. We all know he's there but he's not going to be either rescued, salvaged or even be invited to where life is going on above the water line. The only exception to the 100 plus nations that attended the summit was Morrison who was offered a moment to speak. For domestic PR reasons wasn't about to make it obvious that he was going to do nothing. Actions speak louder than words and like Bolt's not more informative than the captain of that dead ship.
In 2020, the market volume of the domestic industry in Germany amounted to 392 billion euros. By 2030, it will more than double to 856 billion euros, according to the report. Environmental technology and its companies produced 15 percent of Germany’s gross domestic product in 2020, and the COVID-19 crisis affected the sector “far less than the economy as a whole.”
Chris Mitchell on global warming alarmists who rate words above deeds: "ABC’s Fran Kelly and the Nine papers’ environment editor Nick O’Malley have criticised Morrison for not wanting to sign on to net zero emissions by 2050 until his government can work out a path to get there. Some reporters give bouquets to countries that really have no chance."
With nations cooperating like Germany the UK and now America reassuringly back in step it seems the LNP is is doing what it has always done. Preparing to sit back and watch the heavy lifting. Watch what what others are doing and wait to buy the technologies of the future rather than join in the investment, work and putting our shoulder to the wheel.
Morrison admits that after 8 years in government the LNP still hasn't a road map. They are still looking for one. He's nevertheless been consistent on fucking the economy. He's fucked the wine industry to the tune of $1.1bill, The crayfish Industry. Remember the huen cry when the ALP stopped live export to Indonesia for a few months. Well, Morrison has stopped multiple industries in their tracks largely for domestic politics only. It seems whenever they act it turns to shit so much so they certainly don't have the support of business, agriculture and other major sectors other than private media.
When I hear Malcolm Broomhead
rage we’re too mean to China, I’m reminded of what could be an old
Chinese saying: Never trust a man making explosives for your enemy.
Oops! I don’t want to suggest for a minute that the detonators and explosives that Broomhead’s Orica company makes in China for Chinese miners might one day be used to blow up our own soldiers instead.
How many wars has the LNP taken us to only to have us lose and when over they didn't actually result in the threatened danger that was predicted to occur if we didn't win? How many did the ALP pull us out of? Does Bolt suggest that we are going to invade China with ground troops? Is he suggesting China is about to invade Australia? How will they come? Currently China has a military capability 20% of America's and a navy even less. It hasn't a history of invading as many countries like we have. What real purpose is Bolt's fear mongering actually serving? Is it strategic, economic, diplomatic, no none of these. Does it serve a domestic purpose yes, fear, division and Sinophobia? We saw him actively generating and doing the same with Islamophobia, African hatred, anti-multiculturalism. Bolt's more a Quisling than a patriot. We have seen the outcomes he's helped generate. He hasn't helped improve our world image or even unity at home. Harm is Bolt's greatest achievement to date fear, division hate and harm. Luckily he hasn't a huge audience.
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