Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 27/4/21; The Shovel; Craig Kelly; and other bullshit;


11 Quotes From The Bible That Back Up Scott Morrison’s Claim He’s ‘Doing God’s Work’

‘Lord, your poll numbers are down. Let’s set up a photo shoot of you building a cubby house for chickens’


Independent MP Craig Kelly has had his official MP Facebook page shut down by the platform for repeatedly spruiking COVID-19 misinformation.

Craig Kelly permanently booted from Facebook for COVID-19 misinformation

Facebook confirmed it has deleted Craig Kelly’s official MP page on Monday for repeated violations of its misinformation policies.

 Yet another idiot News Corp helped achieve his goal of  fame, "freedom of speech" and public harm. Andrew Bolt might deny his support for Kelly's cause and that it had anything to do with the delay in vaccinations. However, Kelly has created uncertainty and  Bolt has loudly encouraged Kelly's alternative cures. In fact, Bolt promoted them as well. Mordecai Bromberg didn't stop " lazy and irresponsible" systemic journalism in it's tracks when pronouncing Bolt guilty. It's neither journalism nor speech but it's advertising and it's harmful.


‘Joe Biden’s stupidity is now a threat to the West’: Bolt

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the “stupidity” of US President Joe Biden is now a “threat to the West”. Mr Bolt said Biden's recent climate summit was a "disgraceful farce". “I am just gobsmacked that Biden ... insulted the intelligence of 39 other world leaders — including our Prime Minister Scott Morrison — by making them listen to the ravings of a bizarre parade of alarmists, mystics, New Age tribal women and even a teenager". Mr Bolt said with "no scientists around" at the summit, anyone "could claim any wild thing". He said the "global warming scare" is now a "religion - with a touch of Marxism." 

Not a single other voice supports what Bolt is saying. Not one can be heard, not even from China. The science is in. A 97% consensus exists among the world's experts about what is happening to the planet and why. Over 100 nations agree and 38 spoke of their promise to pitch in according to their capacity to tackle the issue. They agree there is a need for an alternate form of clean energy which has arrived and the need for the reduction of CO2 already in the atmosphere. All had targets and hoped to achieve them according to their means. All but Australia that is who stood alone from the rest with no intention on declaring a target larger than one promised years ago and vastly lower than anybody elses. Morrison declared we still had to" sit and consider" the best road map to achieve anything for Australia First but nothing for the planet. Morrison was all style no meaning oe national self-respect. It seemed important for the LNP, it's donors supporters and lobbyists. Basically all advocates for the slowest and feigned action against their interests.

Bolt's claim with no scientists present any wild promises or goals could be claimed. That the Summit was a debate arena. His ignorance irrationality imediately stand alone among all the other fake news to be found in Australia's corporate media. The Summit was never a debate but a meeting of nations that agree to the premise the planet is warming and were there to declare their effort  to reaffirm their contribution to the common cause of reducing the problem. Australia embarrassed itself seeming to be a participant but promising it would do nothing. Bolt trying to be a Morrison fan is more a fish out of water drowning.


President Biden is ‘barely able to get through a speech’

 US President Joe Biden is “all over the place” and is “barely able to get through a speech,” says former NSW treasurer Michael Costa. Mr Costa discussed Joe Biden’s recent global climate summit. "It's Monty Python-ish, the whole thing," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "Can anybody that's got an active mind and is not politically biased, take Joe Biden seriously". "I've turned off watching the bloke". 


Biden has proved a challenging adversary for Republicans to vilify. He’s a generally congenial and empathetic politician, who has a compelling personal story rife with loss. He has working-class bona fides and has resisted conscription into Republican-framed culture wars. Republicans have tried caricaturing him as old and ineffectual — yet also somehow unusually effective at transforming the country into a socialist hellscape. (GOP strategists appear aware that these critiques are somewhat at odds.)

 Andrew Bolt doesn't look relaxed, sincere or for slightest moment genuine waving hands about while reading an autocue. Would you vote for him or anyone he represents? He has props a uniform and does not for a moment appear natural. Ageists tend to  focus on style over meaning. Unable to attack the new reality of a sober and responsible president back in the White House replacing the manic maniac previously there  they attack Biden's age. They amplify the fact that age has no respect in the Western world except when they are also attacking the youth of today. Yes on any other day Bolt has his feet planted truley on the heads of young people coming up to overtake what he has to say.  What  Bolt says is more often meaningless but has had a whole production team focus on his  no facts look and chairman's style. It's what all fascists do it's about the show the uniform because the ratings are what counts. Fortunately Andrew Bolt has been a loser when it comes to the ratings because when he opens his mouth out pours the same old tricked up factless garbage.  He can't get through a speech without a tag team helping him. In the meantime like Trump he has the autocue. Biden actually talks from the heart to all Americans not just some.

The ‘new racism’ creeping into schools is ‘really worrying’: Andrew Bolt

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there is a “new racism” creeping into schools and local government after a youth worker told Year 11 schoolboys they were responsible for being "privileged" and "oppressors" over their gender, skin colour, and religion. The comments were made during the talk at Parkdale Secondary College, by a Kingston City Council youth worker. “This is pure racism,” Mr Bolt said. “These boys … are being judged purely by their skin colour – by their race - as well as their gender and their faith. “This demonisation of whites, and white men especially, is getting right out of hand. “It is racist, it is destructive, and it does need now to be confronted.” 

There is no"new racism" only the tried and true systemic racism that was imported with the first white men and built generationally over the years. It's been passed down and internalized at a psychological cellular level. A matrix of myths regarded as normal. No child is born a racist. The school and classroom is just another place reinforcing a man made culture via a social system as being the natural order of things. To unravel that and reveal that it's only a man made construction is for Bolt utterly dangerous. As dangerous as it is today in Nth Korea or was in Hitler's Germany.

 So for a youth worker to reveal  to a class full of kids that they are proverbially sitting on a mop bucket and when they try to stand up they are putting their foot on the pedal and that's whats got them by the balls. To dare reveal that is what Bolt frets about. Any education stripping away the veil, the  generational myth taught that attempts to reveal the truth of man's own made social reality should be stopped.  That's not the "demonisation of whites" but it is real education testing and critical thinking about the world around us.. It's the liberation allowing people to choose what they will do with that knowledge in a democracy. It's not "reverse racism" because it's not systemic, even a pattern of behavior or yet a trend. It is however an opportunity, a move to change a system, from one that  maintains only myths that justify inequality at a deep entrenched cellular level. 

No, children aren't born racists. They are taught and socialized to be. Socialized by the system of privilege and a culture that reinforces an established status heirarchy and position they were born into. Hitler youth thought they knew what was reality like Bolt they were certain of it. The Indian caste system told people if they were untouchable. Positive discrimination altered that. However according to Bolt if anyone dares questioned it here they they should punished.  Today and in every school in Germany kids are taught the reverse of what Hiltler said and the social system has been reversed from that which was once regarded as normal that Jews coloreds and gypsies were scum. The schools aren't accused of "reverse racism" but  aren't racist except by neo-nazis like Andrew Bolt.

Andrew Bolt demands there is "new racism" and it needs to be confronted. However, he only points to ideas and not a system of behaviors that actually perpetuate racism. He's a culture warrior the last thing he wants is to focus on the way we actually behave systematically. Because that might mean wholesale change to our social institutions if equality and justice are what we value. A light is being shone on what Bolt calls normal and it's ugly and limiting the lives of most Australians and on racial and gender grounds.  Bolt's certainly not offering a path to any enlightened education, because it threatens his privilege. He is demanding a return a Hitler Youth a Nth Korean education system. One customized for us. One very closely monitored and tested one that allows no room for critical thinking or shaking the tree to make us think.


The Oscars ‘used to be fun’ but have now ‘deteriorated’

 Sky News contributor Daisy Cousens says the Oscars “used to be so much fun” but have now “deteriorated”. Discussing this year’s event, she said the reaction to it was “pretty lackluster” compared to previous years. “Which I guess is not surprising considering it was a pretty lackluster show after a pretty lackluster season for films considering that so many big films were postponed thanks to COVID.” 

Is Daisy Cousens  blaming the "lacklustre" Oscars on the film Industry, the pandemic or the lack of investment? If the Industry is suffering it's doing so due to the lack of investment overlayed and complicated by the pandemic. There less  marketing if there's are  no consumers or investment. Cinema audiences have gone they have been kidnapped. Yes partly by the pandemic but more so Netflix with it's 205 million global subscribers and growing.

The Oscars are fundamentally an American Industry marketing tool. Costs are all important but when blockbusters have become phenomena trying to save the cinemas has become Custer's last stand.  There is a huge amount of cheap product being made it's great and  being made in a broader range of countries paid for by  Netflix's subscriber presence. Netflix has stolen the bums off cinema seats along with Google, Facebook, Apple, and all those other streaming corporations. They are all now in the business of making movies and not solely American. So much so Rupert Murdoch got out of the entertainment business. His now Disney library no longer relevant to  his market. 

Foxtel has 2mill subscribers in Australia and Netflix has 205 million globally Murdoch can't compete. Hollywood and the Oscars have all but lost their grip on the industry. Who is investing in cinema released movies today and in a pandemic only Marvel and a few others producing blockbusters with green screens and computer graphics?  People globally are watching more movies but their own movies, subtitles are huge on their way back even the cinema super stars have turned to the small screen. Streaming has taken over and bigger and bigger TV screens are walking out he doors for homes with cinema rooms. Lacklustre no Daisy Cousens. Lack of money.


‘It feels like a sick joke’: UN elects Iran to women’s commission

 Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill says it “feels like a sick joke” that the United Nations elected Iran to the women’s commission. It comes after 43 of the 54 nations in the UN’s Economic and Social Council elected Iran to the Commission on the Status of Women. “Iran, this is a country in which women have to wear the hijab; recently three women were imprisoned for 30 years between them for refusing to wear the hijab and organising protests against it,” Mr O’Neill told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “This is a country that oppresses women, this is a country that treats women as second-class citizens. “The idea that it should be on a committee for women’s rights and gender equality is just absolutely perverse.” 

These people are bigots and misogynists aren't they with their focus on the hijab and 3 women? The fact is there are more women in Iran working as professionals and at university than before the Islamist revolution. What's more, they are less harassed than they are here in their workplace. More doctors, lawyers, accountants and even engineers. Poor women always worked because they had to but middleclass women are now liberated. Andrew Bolt and Brendan ONeill are flashing their misogyny and putting it on show attacking Iran's culture of modesty.

But lets face it when Australia's leading Imam said western women should stop dressing as if they were meat for sale Bolt went bezerk. But on a further occasion he said he'd stop his daughter leaving the house if he thought she was inappropriately dressed. What he not she thought was right. The women arrested were arrested because they were protesting not because they weren't wearing a hijab. Hijab's aren't compulsory in Iran. Isn't Bolt is an advocate for harsher treatment of protesters here? Much harsher treatment of the left has always been his battle cry. What women want in the work place clashes it seems with what men want and it was seen and played out at Fox News, Bolt's head office. Where Roger Ayles, Bill O'Reilly and others were shown the door because of the way they treated women. It seems modesty was elected to the UN Commission. Something Bolt laughs at and mocks in public but demands at home of the women he supports. Let's not forget he was once a belly dancer's minder.


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