Friday, 30 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 30/4/21; Israel's Shame; Coal the fastest demise in the world; Laming the LNP Lemon; Truth Telling in Schools;




They never apologize it's Murdoch’s directive unless of course they want to take your licence away. Then plead dementia and say it's the worst day of your life.  It's the Aussie way Alan Bond and Murdoch have done it. Lachlan well he just loses money.

Over the weekend, two sensational fake stories — a Fox Business Network segment about President Joe Biden’s supposed plans to impose strict beef rations on Americans and a New York Post news article claiming Vice President Kamala Harris’s book was being distributed to migrant children in shelters — spread rapidly through right wing social media after being injected into the bloodstream by outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch and his family. Both stories were eventually corrected — Fox on air, and the Post in two separate, corrected articles — after being debunked by fact-checkers. In both cases, however, it’s highly unlikely that corrections will ever penetrate the consciousness of the average person who shared straight-faced posts referencing these fake stories on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the other social media sites. On the contrary, you’ll probably be hearing right wing relatives griping about Harris using her book to indoctrinate migrant children and “jokes” about Biden’s burgers for years to come.

Source: Right-wing Lies like Biden’s Beef Ban and Kamala’s Book Spread Too Fast for Corrections to Counter | The Smirking Chimp

Israeli security forces guard as Jews tour the Palestinian side of the Old City Market in the West Bank city of Hebron, June 15, 2019. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)
Israeli security forces outside Damascus Gate, East Jerusalem, April 22, 2021. (Oren Ziv)

I write to remember the brutality of Jewish violence in Jerusalem

Energy Security Board chair Kerry Schott.

Fastest change in the world: coal’s demise sparks call for energy market reforms

The future of coal power is being buried under the rise of cheaper renewables and the Commonwealth’s energy adviser says urgent reform is needed for the transition.

 A quarterly report released by the Australian Energy Market Operator on Wednesday showed why coal plants, which have to pay for their fuel and cover running costs, are struggling to compete with wind and solar which get their fuel for free.

ESB chair Kerry Schott said “the economics of coal is that nobody will build it” and the expected end of the lifespans of existing plants were approaching faster than anticipated.

Dr Schott said the current growth in renewables was on track to grow from 37 per cent of the energy mix in 2020 to exceed 75 per cent before 2040 which “means our energy system is experiencing the fastest and most substantial change in the world”.

The real reason for Morrison's reluctance to do nothing about our emission targets 


Andrew Laming Diagnosed As A Fuckhead

"It's so great to finally have an explanation for my behaviour" 

 First Nations lawyer Teela Reid

It’s beyond time for truth-telling, but at least there’s a move in our schools

The announcement of a national curriculum proposal to teach school students of this continent’s invasion is an important day in our history.

 New curriculum teaches cultural diversity, dumps ‘Christian heritage’

New curriculum teaches cultural diversity, dumps ‘Christian heritage’

A revised Australian curriculum will give greater weight to First Nations people and to the nation’s growing cultural diversity.

Andrew Bolt's nightmare Mornington peninsula Somers will become multicultural and the surrounds populated by coloured Australians and ones wearing hijabs



 ‘Race propaganda’ is coming to classrooms ‘very soon’: Andrew Bolt

‘Race propaganda’ is coming to classrooms ‘very soon’: Andrew Bolt

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says “race propaganda” is coming to a classroom near you “very soon” with the new proposed changes to Australia’s national curriculum. The changes have been recommended by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. “We keep spending billions more on education, yet keep seeing standards fall,” Mr Bolt said. “Looking at these proposed changes, spare us. Why is it that radicals seem in charge of deciding what gets taught? “The deeper you look into these changes the worse it gets.” In the subject of English, texts from Aboriginal authors “will be promoted” and it’s recommended the terms ‘Aboriginal’ and ‘Indigenous’ should be replaced with ‘First Nations Australians’ or Australian First Nation Peoples’. “Our classrooms are just being prepped here for race politics,” Mr Bolt said. “I’m not jumping at shadows here.” 

Yesterday it was leftists who always complained and tried to 'cancel' culture. The conservatives were happy with the way things were according to Bolt. What bullshit he's been complaining and fighting for change for decades. He hates Melbourne and Australia. So according to Bolt his whinging makes him a "new age lefty" wanting to cancel any new education directives in order to regress to the more realistic approach to Australian history that has always been taught in the past the 200 year myths of white Australia. 

"Why is it that radicals seem in charge of deciding what gets taught?" Bolt seems confused  because our classrooms were always racially loaded and biased even the terms Aboriginal and Indigenous reflect that bias. They aren't First Nation people's words. No Bolt's right he's not jumping at shadows the shadows were there previosly and they were the myths, the dream time of a white Australia . He's jumping at and trying resist reality behind the veil and maintain the shadows and myths that were always there hiding an inglorious past.

 Cheng Lei’s case needs to be ‘kept under constant attention’

Cheng Lei’s case needs to be ‘kept under constant attention’

Former China correspondent Rowan Callick says Australia needs to keep the case of Australian Journalist Cheng Lei “constantly under attention”. Ms Lei, who was a host on Chinese state television, was detained by Chinese authorities last year over allegations of supplying state secrets. The Australian journalist has reportedly been denied access to a lawyer and is being held without charge in a Beijing prison. “I believe that to honour her, the best thing that we can do is keep her case constantly under attention,” Mr Callick told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “I believe those of us who are her friends or who know her, or people like yourself who might respect her and what she stands for, might talk about her constantly and remind our own government that we need to continue to make representations.” 

 Smell the stench of hypocrisy Bolt gives off

It's interesting isn't it that Andrew Bolt doesn't do the same for those in Australia who are being charged and tried by our governmet behind closed doors in camera. When Christian Porter was AG, secret, and part secret trials became the fashion. Andrew Bolt by not reporting them assisted in keeping them secret. He shows no principles merely a side. Why is Cheng Lei of greater significance? He doesn't seem bothered about Myanmar or Russia and he certainly doesn't give a rats about Julian Assange.
Secret Trials Down Under

The secret trial that could turn pear-shaped for the government

 It’s ‘not a great time’ for America to have a ‘weak’ president: Andrew Bolt

It’s ‘not a great time’ for America to have a ‘weak’ president: Andrew Bolt

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says now is “not a great time” to have a US president who “looks and sounds rather frail and rather weak” given the threat posed by China. “US President Joe Biden today mentioned this,” Mr Bolt said. “He made clear China’s dictator was very, very serious, and thought the democracies of the West were actually weak for all the talk about defending our interests and our values.” Mr Bolt spoke with former White House staffer Barbara Heineback about the issue.  

 Andrew Bolt not being able to find any fault in the president has joined the Fox chorus of claiming Biden's is physically incapable of doing the job. Compared to Trump he's proved to be a high flying mensa member. I guess Prof Stephen Hawkings was incapable of being a world leading scientist as far as Bolt's concerned. Bolt is certainly not the Pied Piper is he? He's a media rat following the tune Trump left behind when he was President along with all the other Murdochian rats at Fox.

Bolt's all about style forget the meaning that's not essential. Trump was the same the theatrics overshadowed everything. They talk ratings as strength and ignore the polls. Ratings however don't really indicate strength. When Trump was President all he talked about was his ratings not the polls. Biden may not have the ratings but he's certainly has united America as far as the polls are concerned. With over  60% of America supporting him it shows he's united America and strengthened the nation. Trump's current polling is under 30% and at his best was only 40%. Style never overtook meaning despite a fake tan, a corset, dyed hair and boogie. Trump never had as many diverse groups as Biden has supporting him. The 'weak' president is actually hiding Mr Bolt doing what you have done most of your career and never with even ratings comparable to Biden's.


 ASIO to receive more funding to deal with terror threats: Clennell

ASIO to receive more funding to deal with terror threats: Clennell

 Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says ASIO is set to receive more funding in the next budget in order to deal with terror threats. It comes after Australia’s top intelligence agency warned it is likely the nation will see an ideologically or religiously motivated terrorist attack within the next 12 months. “I’ve had a tip ASIO are getting more funding in the budget to deal with such threats – not just Islamic threats but also the odd right wing extremist,” Mr Clennell told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “So perhaps it was an exercise in justifying that funding.”

The "odd right-wing extremists" Did Bolt really think he could let that quote slip by without being noticed? Andrew Clennell told the commission that right-wing Nationalists have taken up 40% of  ASIO's time and they were an extreme and rapidly growing threat. Guess Bolt wanted that to slip by and be forgotten. As after Christchurch he and Murdoch media were singled out as significant influencers promoters and boosters of radical right causes. After the Christchurch it became more than obvious that they were a National Security risk.


What changed? Two decades ago, lawyers signed up 700 Aborigines in the Northern Territory who claimed they’d been stolen from their parents.

They then mounted the first test case to prove there’d been a “stolen generations” and get compensation. And failed completely when the truth came out in court.

Yet nothing can stop the “stolen generations” story, now taught as true in our schools.

Legal firm Shine Lawyers is trying again, this time signing up 800 Aborigines in the Northern Territory for a class action to again demand compensation from the federal government.

And again the ABC is treating allegation as truth, calling the 800 claimants “survivors and descendants” of the “stolen generations”, and interviewing claimants with zero scepticism.

It’s as if the Federal Court case of 2000 had never happened. As if anything challenging the damaging and deadly “stolen generations” myth must be racist.

You will hear a lot of emotive claims in the media as this latest class action hits the court, and very little questioning by journalists or politicians of claims that racist white officials stole children from loving parents just because they were Aboriginal.

So let me remind you what happened to the first case, which the ABC pushed just as credulously.

Andrew Bolt is the first to say the "invasion" of Australia never happened. That there is no systemic racism. That individual stories aren't evidence of a racially charged "system". What Andrew Bolt argues is basically history is what's been written and is on the official record. If there is no such written history there can be no truth or evidence to what has been. Our historians have proved that and it's now fixed.

 The First Nations peoples that were here and have been for 60,000 years aren't the only peoples in the world that didn't have a written history but who we know they were here and we are increasingly learning of their truths. The Aztecs, Mayan's, Incas and Egyptians just a few. Australia's first people did have a significant spoken history one not taken into account by our courts. What will Bolt have to say should this new class action gain traction and be upheld. We already know  our courts are run by lefties and are corrupt according to Bolt. On what authority will Bolt then claim his perfect knowledge of the past, none! And that really worries him.


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