Thursday, 29 April 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 29/4/21 Cartoon Fire Starter, Invasion in schools; Nuke Power




 Setting the Fire



Eileen Cummings  with then opposition leader Bill Shorten in Darwin in 2016.

Students could be taught about ‘invasion’ experience of First Nations Australians

School students will be taught for the first time that First Nations Australians experienced European colonisation as an invasion under proposed changes to the national curriculum.

 A man compares two bottles of Australian wine at a supermarket in Hangzhou in east China’s Zhejiang province.

Value of Australian wine exports to China falls 96 per cent

Thank's to Murdoch Media's constant posturing against and haranguing of China more than one industry has been destroyed in retaliation. Andrew Bolt's has been undiplomatically attacking China for as long as the LNP has been in government. Despite  requests from China for Australia to cease the media's promotion of Sinophobia Andrew Bolt has never ceased . Bolt is, and remains a foremost media enabler of China's current pushback and their government have said so. 

The Australian head of ASIO have warned us of a pre-imanent terrorist attack within 2 the next 2 years. Sunni Muslims and Australia's own extreme white Christian nationalists being the most likely groups. Groups who Bolt has encouraged publicly. He's called our Christian youth "gutless"  the "victims" of racial replacement who need to get the balls and fight back like young Muslims. Like those young men who gave up their lives for their convictions in Barcelona. Who Bolt publicly claimed he admired.

 When  we accept that he's not just an opinionator but a recruiter he's then no longer free to say what he wants and what he thinks. But in fact he is then a threat to our national security both foreign and domestic, just as much as ISIS recruiters are on the internet. Bolt happily provides air time to and boosts the most extreme of white Australian Nationalists. I'm certainly not the only person who in the past few years has suggested it. Even the Christcurch shooter said he gained inspiration from right-wingers Andrew Bolt happily gave air time to, both Australians, and neo-Nazis from Austria.

When is opinion really going to be judged "incitement"?


by Harvey Wasserman | April 28, 2021 - 5:42am | permalink

This year’s Earth Day summit (April 22) and Joe Biden’s pledge to halve American carbon emissions by 2030 come with the 35th commemoration (April 26) of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Together they evoke atomic power’s epic failure in at least 80 different ways:

  • Atomic reactors are radioactive fires directly heating the Earth at 571 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • So far they’ve delivered five super-hot apocalyptic explosions (one at Chernobyl, four at Fukushima) with innumerable other close calls … past, present & future ...

» article continues...




Nuclear is 'as safe as renewables' and 'meets all the climate change' criteria

Nuclear is ‘as safe as renewables’ and ‘meets all the climate change’ criteria

 Australian Nuclear Association President Joanne Lackenby says nuclear energy "is as safe as other low-carbon technologies" and so-called renewables, and it "meets all the climate change criteria". "The stats show nuclear energy is as safe as the other low-carbon technologies; wind, solar and hydro, and it's as clean as those technologies as well. It meets all the criteria for climate change, and has the additional benefit it operates continuously," she said. "There's a brand new program that's come out of the United States... here we have the Biden Administration offering to help partner countries to develop their capabilities to develop small modular reactors and advanced reactors. "We have the Democratic, more left side, offering to other countries, to help develop their nuclear capabilities. There's a lot of potential for Australia if we want to as a nation, to join this program."

Before Green Mile, before Chernoble, before Fukushima we always heard the same thing. Salesmen selling the safety of  those Nuclear energy projects. Before the Exxon & BP disasters and before the massive oil spills of washed up tankers we also heard the same voices promising none of these events would ever happen. They were safe. Renewable energy sun wind and batteries have proved they are and any accident is nowhere as expensive or damaging to the enviroment or to the long term health of the people. With the rise of batteries countries like Germany, the UK, Scotland  and Morocco are showing dirty or dangerous energy is not required.

Bolt brings sales people into the studio to sell. People with CV's who remind me of the Round up salesman who assured a French TV audience Round Up was safe enough to drink.  When the interviewer pulled a bottle out from under his desk the salesman fled yelling he'd been tricked. Neither Bolt nor Lackenby would holiday in Chernoble or Fukishima neither would drink the water contaminated there. Bolt says he would but wouldn't even if paid. Talk is cheap however the mistakes of the past are never added into the cost of these so called "safe" energies. . Costs to the enviroment and to the long term health of people. They are costs to be shared by us elsewhere and not shown on our energy bills. The Tobacco industry is still telling us they have been maligned unfairly.

It's strange isn't it when countries like Iran aren't trusted with uranium that is unsuitable for making bombs Bolt is helping flog that material to the rest of the planet. He's like the Round Up salesman spruiking from the safety of  his garden  studio on the Mornington peninsula.

 Censorship is ‘going crazy’ and is ‘almost exclusively’ pushed by the left: Bolt

Censorship is ‘going crazy’ and is ‘almost exclusively’ pushed by the left: Bolt

 The censoring of people is “going crazy” and the push is almost exclusively from the left, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt. 

You have to laugh don't you when Andrew Bolt wildly generalizes like this. Particularly when yestrday  he insisted a youth worker and teachers teaching need to be cancelled banned from schools revealing the facts of our nation's inglorious 230 year past.. Today however it's the left who need to be stopped for their efforts to censure 'free speech'. Yes,yesterday it was Bolt ctying 'cancelled." and today that push is exclusively "left-wing". It's as if Bolt didn't even exist yesterday and don't we wish he and News Corp and Sky didn't.

 He even had a segment with a  guest from America demanding Lebron James be silenced. You can't get more exclusive than that,when nobody else in Australian media paid much attention to Lebron. Bolt want's academics removed from our universities. Women sacked for victimizing men and Australian youth to be seen but not heard. He's evidenly a hypocrite no doubt however his productive output and it's value to Australia is an overwhelming divisive cost that's easily done but hard to repair. It must also be a a short term gain for him but a long term cost for his immediate and extended families. Yet nothing phases him because he this 21rst century's isolated man

 A 'complete lie' Australia is systematically and irredeemably racist: D'Abrera

A ‘complete lie’ Australia is systematically and irredeemably racist: D’Abrera

 The IPA's Dr Bella D'Abrera says an anti-racism ad conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission was based on a "complete lie" that Australia was "irredeemably racist". "There is so much wrong with this. First of all it's based on a complete lie and that lie is that Australia is systematically and irredeemably racist and this lie is a lie that has been developed in our universities - it began in the 1990's," she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "It's basically based on Marxist idea that the world is all about power, it's about the capitalists suppressing the workers - they've just changed the story, they've reimagined it - it's now all about race and it's a Marxist idea now of whites and blacks. "This is the absolute fiction and lie the Australian Human Rights Commission was trying to get Australian taxpayers to pay for, $140000, to propagate this myth that we live in a systematically racist country."

Does anyone note there is not  a single fact of evidence offered here. Not a shred to prove their point that systemic racism is a "lie". Whereas, on the other hand, the statistical data and history of social metrics like income, wealth, jobs, health education welfare policing all show the opposite as being the fact.  All international studies done have also proved the opposite of what Bolt and the IPA. The anectdotal evidence of visitors is overwhelming on how badly we treat indigenous Australians. 

 Historical studies of Chinese Australia have shown much the same racist trends and in more recent times Muslims, and Africans have suffered, lived and experienced the clear cultural message and racially bigoted behavioral system inherited and established by whites in this country. Whites still privileged and in charge of most of our social institutions. Andrew Bolt and the Sky News crew are living examples of it. The most pronounced and in particular Murdoch Media structure beating the divisive racial drum "your no good" and "unwanted". That has created enabled and normalised the obvious negative but natural pushback by those being vilified just as Alan Jones once fueled riots in Cronulla in 2005. Andrew Bolt  the IPA and the LNP have reaped what they have sown and now use to  yell "we told you so". It's calculated systemic and it's racist and they politicize the otherwise normal pushback response they enabled as one we should all be afraid of. Bolt even calls it a 'reverse racism' a 'new racism' rather than righteous angry and we should blame the LNP for it at the ballot box.

 Penny Wong says ‘don’t mention the war’ while China ‘bangs the war drum’: Bolt

Penny Wong says ‘don’t mention the war’ while China ‘bangs the war drum’: Bolt

 Sky News host Andrew Bolt says it’s “alarming” for Labor Senator Penny Wong to be saying ‘don’t mention the war’ given the threats posed by China. “China’s dictator Xi Jinping insists he wants to take Taiwan, an island democracy with 24 million people, an island he claims is China’s,” Mr Bolt said. “And his defence industry warns that Taiwan independence means war. “But Penny Wong says we should not mention this war.” Mr Bolt said Chinese President Xi Jinping has told his army “three times in the past year to prepare for war”. “But Penny Wong says we should not mention this war,” he said. “What exactly is Labor’s strategy? Is it to leave the public totally ignorant of the threat until it’s too late?” 

The threats posed by China? Were they the ones designed to insult China over six years ago that  Australia's Murdoch media were inventing when Tony Abbott was supposed to be the pivot of the pacific and didn't regard China as a threat. He closed down Radio Australia and welcomed the Chinese in to Fiji and Vanuatu. He was far more focused on being the pivot of Europe and shirt fronting Putin. Building our war memorials and bringing back knighthoods and he still is. While LNP were celebrating their relationship with China Murdoch media were prodding and punching it. After all China had kicked him out. So is it a coincidence that Murdoch's preferred PM Dutton's rise to Minister of Defence and tonto Pezzullo his sidekick are talking war? However,now that Penny Wong has spoken up they seem to be on the backfoot having to defend not what China has said and done but what they have. 

Conservatives when their stocks are down have always turned to the threat of war. China has never hid the fact since the 40's that they believed Taiwan was theirs. So why is it being raised now? Remember the Domino theory it took us to Korea Vietnam and Afghanistan all wars lost and predictions made by the LNP then proved pure political fantasies aided and abetted by a Murdoch then as well. The Murdoch's employed white men of Bolt's calibre back then too. Does anybody remember their names? What is Labor's strategy? Informing the public they are being gaslighted not threatening it or defending China.

 'Throttle is wide open' for businesses and households to 'borrow and spend': Greenwood

‘Throttle is wide open’ for businesses and households to ‘borrow and spend’: Greenwood

 Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood says the "throttle is wide open" for businesses and households to "borrow and spend" as the Reserve Bank continues "printing" more money and stimulating the economy. The remarks come as Australia's inflation figures released showing 0.6 percent for the third quarter. "The Reserve Bank will continue with its policy of printing a lot more money and putting a lot more money into the economy, stimulating the economy if you like," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. "But at the same time also what it means is interest rates are likely to be lower for longer. "If there'd been an outbreak of inflation in this number it's highly likely that, number one, our dollar would have risen, long term interest rates would have risen on money markets - and that would've been a genuine sign that something could've changed. "This number really does reinforce the fact that those interest rates are lower for longer and really as we've said before the throttle is wide open on the Australian economy for both businesses and households to borrow and spend."

The Australian economy boomed in the 60's and 70's when the call was to "save and spend" today it's "borrow and spend" but that requires " jobs" and they were a plenty back then. There was a sense of  real confidence and interest rates were 17%. Walk down any High St today and what do you see but vacant shops "for lease". That spells jobs gone. Kids kids have no jobs and casualised ones are on the rise. Gig work that barely pays for bills and has kept wages low. So in reality 'borrow and spend' is a eupanism for borrow and pay your bills. What Industry has the throttle wide open? The debt creation business is one. Should we be surprised watching short term pay day lenders advertising on TV along side reverse mortgage brokers as pensioners haven't had an increase in 20 years. No, they aren't advertising borrow and spend to buy goods they're advertising borrow and pay your debts mother fuckers. The call isn't about jobs  People are now begging on the streets of Kew, Balwyn and Hawthorne not just in the city they are being throttled.


China 'relish' in Australia 'rotting' because of woke culture

China ‘relish’ in Australia ‘rotting’ because of woke culture

 Sky News host Rowan Dean says we can laugh at "lefty lunacy" but the reality is the woke culture is causing "serious damage" and undermining the nation's foundations while countries like China "relish" in it. "We can laugh at all this lefty lunacy and so on, but the reality is like the dripping tap it is doing serious damage it is gradually just undermining our foundations, rotting our foundations from the core," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt "And our foes or those who would choose to see us harmed or choose to try and get one over us - will relish in this and the left, the traditional communists love the fact."

'Woke culture' was coined by the BLM to spread the message and need for "change ". It's been stolen by conservatives and tarnished as a form of abuse.  The changes needed China has always known about and relished. That was the inequality seen in the West. What they are laughing about today is the widening of that inequality and the rise of resistance by the increasing extreme of right-wing conservatives who are showing the truth of what was always there. They are laughing at the rise of white nationalism Bolt's accusations of "reverse racism" and  watching Murdochians, the IPA and the LNP becoming the "new woke" not because of any new truth or the want to become socially progressive but to change and become regressive. Toe return to a past were everything was far more hidden because the economic squeeze wasn't as full on. Meanwhile while we were going down we were watching the Chinese rising  becoming rich educated enjoying saving and spending because of the the culture that Bolt so much admires is sinking in it's own shit. You see China isn't in a rush it's used to long term planning. Bolt's West however is as we saw Trump's 4 year effort that will now take 20 to band aid.


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